Ok, guys, I don't even know where I got the inspiration for this from. All I know is I'm a little unsure whether to keep writing it or not, so if you guys review and say I should, I will, ok? Enjoy the first chapter! (:

I. Mockingbird

Maybe you and me got lost somewhere
We can't move or we can't stay here
Well, maybe we've just had enough, well, maybe we ain't meant for this love

Blaine had been listening to the song since he left Los Angeles. He liked Rob Thomas' music, but this particular one made him think of the reason he was driving all the way to New York. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, eyes a perfect blue - even though sometimes they looked green -, pale porcelain skin, soft lips, delicious body. Blaine smiled fondly. It was funny how he remembered everything about Kurt even after their painful break up and the promise to forget each other. Five years, one month and eleven days ago, they broke each other's heart. They because Blaine didn't want to blame Kurt. They because Blaine still loved Kurt too much to think of him as the bomb that exploded their relationship. But deep down inside, he knew Kurt was guilty.

He sighed as he felt his phone vibrating with a new message.

I can't believe you're doing this, but good luck. -W

He laughed. Wes thought he was going to give up. Naive. He should have known that Blaine Anderson always went for it. Besides, he didn't have anything to lose, and it would be nice to see the opening night of a brand new Broadway musical. He could pretend that was his main reason.

Kurt finished the last rehearsal and closed himself in his dressing room. He was having that feeling that could only be called stage fright. But it was not fright of premiering tonight. It was as if Kurt knew something was coming. He took a deep breath, thinking about ice creams and cupcakes, and smiled when he saw his reflection in the mirror. He was going to kill it tonight.

Kurt bit his lower lip to stop the tears from falling as he heard the audience clapping. He felt in heaven, and he understood where his home was. He walked to his dressing room, but had to stop because people were blocking the handle. He smiled and gently thanked for all the kind words, signed some posters and when he finally reached the knob, he heard a familiar voice calling his name. A voice that used to guide him through the night, cry his name during orgasms and whisper filthy words when the night came. Kurt took a deep breath and pretended he was ok, even though his legs were shaky and his heart was pounding.

"Blaine Anderson", he said warmly, pulling the other man to a hug. "Come inside", he said, grabbing the flowers somebody had gotten him. He got inside and waited for Blaine, a shy smile painting his face. He sat down and Blaine did the same, sitting on the small couch by his side.

"You were unbelievable", he said, smiling, taking in the way Kurt looked, glitter all over his skin, a shy smile on his face, looking surprised and young.

"Thank you", Kurt replied, wetting his lips. "How are you? We don't see each other in forever!", he tried to keep the conversation calm and light, so nobody could possibly get hurt.

"You look gorgeous", Blaine said. Kurt blushed and gulped, smiling.

"You do too. Very... dapper", he giggled. "Are you living in New York?"

Blaine shook his head, lost in Kurt's eyes. "No... LA. I came for the weekend", he said, which wasn't a lie. "You were so incredible tonight, I think we should celebrate. Have a drink with me?"

Oh crap. Kurt didn't want to tell Blaine he was sorry, mostly because he was too proud to do it, but he was. The guilt came every time he thought about Blaine. He didn't want to get hurt five years later, and he didn't want to hurt Blaine.

"I don't think it's a good idea", Kurt said, making an apologetical face.

Blaine smiled and touched Kurt's hand softly. "Coffee, then?"