Hey guys! It's finally done! :D I apologize for the long wait, I just couldn't figure out how to end this. So, I hope it's alright and that you all like it!
Thanks to Toadflame for being my amazing beta yet again! I always appreciate your help, Toady! :)
Enjoy! :)
Her little Robin. That was what she had always called him.
It was the first day of spring, and the sun was shining in the city of Gotham. Children's laughter could be heard as they played to their hearts content in the park. The honks of cars from the streets sounded in the distance. There was one quiet area though, which is where Richard Grayson currently was; the graveyard. The young teen sat in the shade of a tree, in front of two tombstones. His deep blue eyes were visible, and it was clear he was deep in thought as he stared out the two tombstones in front of him.
"Hey Mom and Dad, it's me." He spoke in a quiet voice, a sad smile on his face. "Guess what? It's your favorite day today Mom which, ironically, also happens to be my birthday. The very first day of spring. Remember when you told me why you called me Robin?"
"Mommy! Daddy!" A three-year-old child's voice was heard just as he came rushing into his mother's waiting arms. The blonde woman laughed as she hugged her son, her raven-haired husband smiling beside her. The small family stood together in their circus trailer, a small chocolate cake with a lit candle on the table.
"Good morning, Richard. Happy birthday my little Robin." Mary Grayson gently kissed the small boy on the forehead, smiling as she saw the grin that graced his features.
"Happy birthday, Dick. Ready for your breakfast birthday cake?" John Grayson asked his son, his brown eyes twinkling with happiness and amusement.
The blue eyed brunette boy started nodding rapidly, when he suddenly stopped, seeming to be thinking about something.
"Mommy, why do you call me your little Robin?" the boy asked, curious. With a smile, Mary kneeled down in front of her son, meeting his blue eyes with her own identical blue ones.
"Your birthday is on the first day of spring, Dick. Spring is my favorite season because it's when the flowers come out, and red-breasted robins can be seen flying in the air. When I see you flying out there on the trapeze, Richard, you make me think of a little robin."
Richard felt his eyes sting with tears as he thought of his parents, but he refused to let them fall. He laid the bouquets of red roses on top of both their graves, his hand lingering in front of their names. He traced the outline of their names with his finger, getting lost in bittersweet memories.
The four-year-old giggled and hid from his parents as they searched for him.
"Come on out, Richard. The tickle monster is going to get you..." Dick jumped in surprise as arms encircled around his waist. "Gotcha!" He started to laugh as his father tickled him mercilessly.
"D-daddy! S-stop, p-pleaseee!" Dick pleaded through his giggles. His father's deep laugh filled his ears, along with his mother's sweet laughter. His parents soon enveloped him in a group hug, his mom putting a bit of chocolate frosting on his nose in the process.
"Happy birthday. We love you, our little Robin."
Richard smiled as he remembered how happy he had felt, in his parent's arms, their laughter filling his ears. It had made him feel warm, happy, and complete.
His expression darkened as he remembered how all of that was cruelly taken away from him.
They were smiling, smiling down at him.
"We love you, little Robin. Let's go!"
Happiness soon turned to horror as a loud snap was heard.
"No! Mom! Dad!"
A loud crunch of bones breaking, crimson blood colored the floor. It was so red...
Screams were all he heard now, including his own.
He noticed how his legs, his hands, his uniform, had become red with blood. Their blood...
He saw a water drop hit his arm and wondered how it was raining inside the tent. The ache in his heart grew as he realized he was crying, and the reasons why were dead, right in front of his very eyes.
Richard clenched a fist, shutting his eyes as he looked away from the graves. He missed his parents, yearned to at least get the chance to tell them he loved them. He also felt ashamed at the fact that deep down, he was also angry at his parents for dying, and leaving him behind.
Alone. They left me all alone. The last Flying Grayson. The only remaining member of the group of the only three people in the world who could perform a quadruple somersault. They left their little Robin alone.
He was ashamed that at times he wished he had died with them. Fallen to the same, cruel death his parents had. The Flying Graysons couldn't fly anymore. They fell. Their wings were clipped. They fell and died, the amazing and daring Flying Graysons.
Think about what's happened because of it, though. Richard forced himself, thinking about Bruce, Alfred, and the team.
He was a hero, he saved lives every day. He had a great new family, and amazing friends. Life was good, he was still alive, living for his parents who left the world before him.
He heard footsteps behind him, but he didn't have to look back to know who it was.
"Bruce." He whispered as a reassuring strong hand squeezed his shoulder.
"They would be so proud of you, you know. I'm proud of you as well," Bruce stated calmly.
"Thank you, Bruce." Dick looked up at his adoptive father with a warm smile. He stood, beginning to walk away, when he stopped mid step and turned to face the billionaire.
"They're proud of you too. Your parents, I mean."
Richard continued to walk away, leaving the older man standing there with a smile. Bruce turned back around as soon as Dick faded from his line of vision, looking down at the two headstones.
"Thank you, for giving me my son."
Happy birthday to our little Robin. Live on for us, son. Remember, we are always in your heart. We are so proud of you. We love you, Richard.
The end! I hope you all liked it! :)