Look who's back after all this time? Poor Belle has been standing there for two years. Poor lamb. Well hopefully she can go back to bed by the end of the chapter eh?

I do feel I struggled a little to write Belle in character. She's mostly scared and angry in this chapter, and really in the film she only seems to get a little peeved at best. Even when Gaston goes after Beast, she showed more concerned than anger, which I think is fitting for her character. The Enchantress on the otherhand is just being an interfering mother-in-law :P Let me know what you think!

"My goodness, I had hoped for a beautiful soul, but a beautiful exterior too?"

Belle spun around; startled when her hand knocked the pedestal in her haste. She lurched back to try and steady the stand whilst simultaneously looking at the intruder.

"I certainly had no influence over the matter; Adam must have been born under a lucky star…" The Enchantress continued. Her glorious visage was dimmed, her features faintly highlighted by the mirror's glow.

"Who are you? Come into the light!" Belle whispered urgently. She glanced cautiously past the stranger to see if Adam had awoken, but he seemed sound asleep.

The Enchantress breezed past Belle, completely ignoring her demands and picked up the mirror.

"It's still here!" The Enchantress exulted, "but it's broken…" She pouted at the splintered surface.

"Put that back at once! What are you doing in our bedchamber?" Belle demanded, again bemused by the woman's audacity.

"I had hoped that Adam would have taken better care of my things." The Enchantress scolded lightly.

"He didn't break it. It happened after he gave it to me." Belle retorted. It was moment later that she realised exactly what the stranger was implying.

"Your mirror?" Belle hissed.

The Enchantress deigned her with an imperious look. "I would hardly give him someone else's mirror!" She replied just as indignantly. With a wave of her perfectly sculpted hand, the mirror's surface reformed and become whole once again.

Belle hadn't seen such obvious magic since the night of Adam's transformation. For a split second she watched astonished, then immediately faced The Enchantress with a seething glare.

"You! How dare you enter this castle, after what you did to them? You are not welcome here witch. I have half a mind to wake Adam and call the royal guard!" Belle stormed.

"Oh I wouldn't do that. Adam does not have fond memories of me." The Enchantress responded.

"That might have something to do with the night you turned him into Beast!" Belle snorted inelegantly. She had not realised until this moment quite how angry the sorceress' actions make her feel.

"I turned him into a beast. He may have looked like a beast, but he was the one who chose to act like one." The Enchantress pointed out haughtily, still admiring her mirror.

"You cursed an eleven year old boy! It was cruel and unnecessary!" Belle burst out, again glancing to see if Adam had woken up. But the sheets had not even twitched in her absence.

"Fear not, out voices are shielded, he will not awaken before I am gone." The Enchantress observed.

"Why are you here?" Belle asked, and more importantly 'when will you be gone' she thought to herself.

"To congratulate you of course," The Enchantress replied, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. She placed the mirror back in its place on the pedestal and made a slow and deliberate circle around Belle.

Belle in turn followed the sorceress' movement with a sharp glare. Finally Belle stepped away, taking her own measure of the woman before her.

"You have no power here! We defeated your curse. Love and kindness defeated your curse. And if you harm a single hair on Adam's head, I and the rest of this castle won't rest until we have found you and brought you to justice." Belle pronounced.

The Enchantress chuckled, "My dear that was the point. Why would I wish harm on my dear boy, when he has learnt precisely what he was lacking as a child?"

"That still doesn't excuse what you did! It makes no sense…" Belle faltered.

"Doesn't it?" The Enchantress mused, "His heart had grown cold. Drastic measures had to be taken, and the responsibility was mine. Do you think me so callous as to let some other sorceress punish him?"

Belle could think of no response. This was not at all like the books she had read. The evil witch was never supposed to return, feeling pleased that her evil magic had been thwarted.

"Now my dear, enough talk of Adam! I came here to speak of you." The Enchantress announced.

Belle retreated a step; disappointed to realise that The Enchantress stood between herself and Adam.

"Me?" Belle fought to keep her voice even.

"More importantly to offer my blessings," The Enchantress reiterated.

"We want nothing from you," Belle rebuked. It was ridiculous to think the sorceress had only just become aware of their marriage. The news had become commonplace months ago. The Enchantress must have been up to something.

"You may think differently in the coming months," The Enchantress taunted, "Even to a Prince and Princess, bringing new life into the world can be tricky business."

Belle gasped, reflexively shielding her midriff. Her face flooded with confusion and terror.

"How did you know?" Belle croaked.

"A mother knows these things," The Enchantress blithely replied. Belle was still too stunned to listen to the woman's response.

"I haven't even found chance to tell Adam. It's too soon to tell." Belle muttered, her thoughts mostly turned upon herself.

"I assure you, everything is well. You shall no doubt have a beautiful, healthy baby before the year is out." The Enchantress beamed in exultation. Not that there was any chance this child could be anything but beautiful, but parents seemed to like hearing such reassurances.

Belle turned to the sorceress with suspicious eyes. "What have you done? What are you planning to do to our baby?" Belle demanded, her voice almost rising to an uncharacteristic shriek.

"Planning? To protect the child at all costs, that is my plan. The future of this kingdom depends on it. Everything that I have done for Adam has been for his own good and for the good of his people. And I shall do the same for this child. Although heaven forbid I have to go through the debacle that I did with Adam!" The Enchantress exclaimed.

"Don't pretend that you feel any remorse for what you did to this castle." Belle growled.

"Why would I feel remorse? I did my duty, as now Adam must. My dear, you really need to get you nose out of those books and see the big picture." The Enchantress admonished gently. "We all must make sacrifices for the ones we love. Even I must bend to the will of forces greater than myself. It is only my hope that I might do better by this child."

The Enchantress smiled gently, her angelic face betraying none of the sinister intent that Belle was sure filled such a beatific exterior. The Enchantress came forward with all her ethereal grace. Her fingers tenderly brushed Belle's flushed cheek, and Belle struggled not to flinch at the contact.

"My blessings on you child, and for the child you and Adam shall bring into the world," the sorceress repeated, "I only pray that the child is a boy."

Belle scowled at her. "Adam and I will love this child no matter what it is. We've spoken of such things. Adam will name our firstborn his heir no matter their gender." Belle snapped back defiantly.

"My sincere apologises my child, you misunderstand me. The descendants of my family are tied to very old magic. If the firstborn is a male they are often tied to places of power and privilege, should circumstances allow. However if the firstborn child is a female, she is bound to the Covenant. She will be a sorceress and the Coven will claim her." The Enchantress explained plainly.

Belle frowned, having no inkling of what The Enchantress was telling her.

"You see dear Belle, Adam is my son."

In a silent flash, the Enchantress was gone. Belle was left blinking in the dimness, with a serene and unearthly smile burned into her memory. Without a word, she sank to her knees in defeat, only the soft glow of the magic mirror to accompany her.

Yay! Grandma came to visit!

Yes, we've learnt a little more about The Enchantress' past. More will be revealed as the story progresses, although I doubt we will learn much about her own parents or her childhood at this stage.

Hope you enjoyed the update, and hopefully it won't be quite so long before you get to see another chapter...

I make no promises.
