
Even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. But Fear sometimes clouds our vision. Sometimes our strength gives out, and yet, when all seems lost, a light shines through the darkness, and reminds us that even the smallest amount of courage can turn the tides of war…

Deep in the world's core, the Great Purple dragon known as Malefor was imprisoned in the core by the spirits of the very ancestors who trained him in ages past. Nearby, the two young dragons known as Spyro and Cynder came to a landing.

"Spyro, I'm sorry." The young dragoness said. "I'm so sorry!"

Cynder was referring to the fact that it had been she who had lured Spyro into freeing the Dark Master.

"Don't be." Spyro reassured. "It's over now."

The Purple crystal beneath them emitted massive amounts of energy, which proceeded to tear the cavern walls asunder. The walls gave away to reveal the eternal blackness of space.

"So this is it?" Cynder asked, looking up at the Golden sun and shining stars in the abyss. Spyro looked away from her, shutting his eyes and frowning. He knew that their demise was inevitable, but he couldn't bear to speak of it.

Suddenly, a voice spoke to the young Purple dragon. It was the voice of Ignitus, his mentor.

"Spyro, when a dragon dies, he does not truly leave this world." The Fire dragon said. "His spirit lives on, binding itself with nature, offering hope for the future…"

Spyro opened his eyes, coming to realization.

"I know what I need to do." He stated. He turned to look at the dragoness. "Just get out of here Cynder."

"Spyro, no." She replied. "You don't have to do anything. Let's just go."

"Where Cynder?" Spyro exclaimed. "There'll be nothing left! The world is breaking apart!"

He looked at the ground, disappointed.

"But I think I can stop it." He added. "I think I'm meant to."

"Then I'm with you." Cynder replied, getting closer.

Spyro looked at her just before closing his eyes once more. He then levitated about a foot off the Crystal floor, the mighty energy known as Convexity gathering into his body. Cynder stepped closer to him and shut her eyes.

"I love you."

Spyro unleashed a great torrent of energy, which exploded outwards in all directions and grasped the planet that was falling to pieces around them.

Slowly but surely, the remains of the planet were recombined. Not all of the pieces of the planet remained: They were destroyed by the Ring of Annihilation after its completion. However, the planet's own energy flowed across it, forming new landmasses, and new oceans. Some of the pieces of the planet were placed in areas they previously never were.

In a way, Malefor's scheme was a success. The old world was replaced by a new one. A New Age of the Dragon race had begun.

Ignitus, now The New Chronicler, closed the book he was reading from and sat it down on the table with a thud.

"The journey is coming to an end." He said. "But not without another adventure."

The Teal-hided dragon walked over to another table, upon which a different book sat untouched.

"And now, to recall the tale of another hero. A hero who changed the lives of Spyro and Cynder forever, even after their lives ended."

Late at night, in Manhattan, New York.

Police sirens wailed in the distance as the young teenager walked through the streets of Manhattan. The streets were abundant with Taxis and talking bystanders, all of whom were going about their usual routines. The noise of the hustle and bustle made it hard for the teen to think straight. Though that was typical for anyone who lived in NYC.

His name was William. He was roughly sixteen years old, with an average build. He had messy black hair, and emerald eyes. His clothes were messy and ragged, with more than a few holes.

People spit at me, degrade me, and call me "street rat", he thought to himself angrily as he walked onwards. But I just look at them, and don't say a word.

William came to a stop at a small alleyway, which was parallel to central park. Ever since his parents died, no one ever wanted him. So, he had to make this alley his home.

If I'm lucky, maybe something might come my way, and lead me to a better life. A life where people actually give a damn about me.

William's alley was decorated with various nick-knacks he had collected during his life. Practically all of them were damaged in some way, shape or form. However, he still tried to care for them as best as he could.

His most prized possession of all was his drawing pad. William walked up to the pad, picked it up, sat down and started drawing.

Ever since he was a small boy, William was gifted with amazing drawing capabilities. Throughout his life, he drew various pictures of numerous things: Famous celebrities, Historic figures, National Landmarks, Superheroes, and the like. But his favorite drawings were ones of characters of his own invention.

Over the years, William had been having incredible dreams of a magnificent Purple dragon. These dreams were so incredible, William felt the desire to bring the dragon, as well as a whole host of other characters, to life in the form of drawings on paper. William also rearranged the many images in his dreams to form a story. Hundreds of pieces of crumpled-up paper were scattered allover the alleyway.

"Sometimes, it seems you guys are the only people that make me smile each day."

William's current drawing was of an enormous Purple dragon, locked in battle against two smaller dragons: another Purple dragon, whom William named Spyro, and a young black dragoness, named Cynder. The three dragons were fighting deep in the planet's crystal core.

William stood there, amazed at his own handiwork yet again, and put it with the rest of his story. Deep in a nearby green trashcan stood a neat pile of well-kept papers.

William put the page with the others, marveling at their brilliance. In one picture, Spyro was playing with his best friend, a small yellow dragonfly named Sparx. In another picture, Spyro was talking with Cynder, who was running away from the Temple that they called home with a sad expression on her face. But William's favorite picture of all was the previous one he drew, before the one of the battle. In the masterpiece, Spyro stood in a gigantic Avatar-like form, using his power to save the world from utter destruction. Cynder stood nearby, whispering to the Purple dragon.

"I love you."

William smiled at his work.

"If only, one day, I could find true love myself." He said. His smile turned into a frown.

"If only I was a dragon too, and able to hang out with you guys."

William laid down on the cold hard cement. He was slowly drifting off into sleep.

"If only…"

With those last words, William finally slipped into unconsciousness, where he could have yet another wonderful dream of Spyro, Cynder, and the others.

Little did he realize, those dreams would soon become his reality.