I don't own bleach or any of its characters

I do own Rezano my OC. If you want information on him go to my profile or read my other story 'A New Arrival'

Rezano: 'Woke up somewhere and looks around' Ah hell, now where the hell am I?

Me: You're in my house.

Rezano: 'looks at me' J...

Me:Shhhhhh don't say my real name call me by my user name Hellreaper.

Rezano: But that's what I am. People could get confused.

Me: Then call me HR.

Rezano: Ok HR why am I here?

HR: I got bored and came across some question and dare fics. They were so funny I decided to do one myself.

Rezano: Alright what do you want me to do?

HR: 'Hands Rezano a list.' Go get these people for starters while I tell the readers the rules.

Rezano: Ok. 'Disappears'

HR: Now these are the people who you can ask
Me and Rezano
No bounts I don't like them

Now for the rules
1. Anything is allowed but nothing yaoi for Me, Rezano, and Ichigo
2. How long the dares last can be changed depending on what they are.

Rezano: I'm back 'Rezano comes back with Ichigo, Zangetsu, Rukia, and Sode no Shirayuki.'

Ichigo: What is going on here?

Rukia: Yeah, why did you bring us here? 'Looks at me' And who are you?

Me: HI I'm HR I need you guys to answer some question and do some dares that the readers ask.

Zangetsu: And what if we refuse.

HR: Then I'll have to punish you.

Rezano: You guys might want to listen to him, he was the one who created me so you know want to expect.

Shirayuki: Are we gonna be the only ones doing this?

HR: No, when someone asks for a certain person I'll bring them here to participate so it can be anyone. Like for instance Ururu 'snaps fingers'

Ururu: Huh? Where am I?

HR: My house. Here have some cake. 'gives her some cake'

Ururu: Thank you. 'eats cake'

Ichigo:Why did you give her cake?

HR:Because she one of my favorites.

Rukia: Why?

HR:Because she's cool and super strong. Also she able to kick Ichigo's and that arrancar Yylfordt Granz's ass which I thought was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Any more questions?

Ichigo:Yes, Rezano said I would be doing something a little different.

HR: You Ichigo are gonna help me and Rezano run things.

Ichigo: Sweet!

HR: Wait, that doesn't mean you're getting out of dares.

Ichigo: Damn.

HR: But since you're my favorite character I'm gonna give you alternatives for certain dares. If you don't want to do them then you'll have to do one of my dares that will most likely get you killed. Don't worry I'll bring you back. it would be annoying if you stayed dead.

Ichigo: 'Sighs' Thanks, but can you give me one of them so I know what to expect.

HR: Okay but if you refuse any of the ones I pick I'll throw you in a pit of yaoi fan girls shirtless for an hour you got that.

Ichigo: 'Shudders' Yeah.

HR: Ichigo I dare you to make out with Sode no Shirayuki for five minutes in front of Rukia and Zangetsu.

Ichigo: What? You can't be serious?

HR: Oh but I am. You wanted to do it. Just be glad it's the first on my list it just worse down the line.

Ichigo: Fine 'goes over to Shirayuki who was standing next Rukia and Zangetsu' um Shirayuki.

'HR covers Ururu' eyes'

Shirayuki: Yes Ichig...'Ichigo grabs her and pulls her into a kiss. After a few seconds she returns it. 5 minutes later they break apart.'

Shirayuki: Wow. 'Had a dreamy look on her face'.

Ichigo: Yeah 'face the same as hers'.

Rukia and Zangetsu: Ichigooooo! 'Rukia and Zangetsu both had their swords out in shikai ready to cut Ichigo into pieces.'

Ichigo: Shiiiiittttt! 'Running away with the two chasing him'.

HR: Wow, did not know Ichigo could go that fast without using shunpo. 'Looks at Shirayuki then smirked' Shirayuki if you enjoyed the kiss then I dare you to freeze those two and continue with Ichigo for the rest of this chapter.

She smiled then froze the two where they stood. Ichigo thanks her but gets tackled by her.

Rezano: Why did you let him get off so easily?

HR: Because I've read what people got him to do on the other ones and he deserves a break once in a while.

Rezano: But you're just gonna make it worse for him later.

HR: Maybe. Alright that's all. Ururu would please ask the readers to send in their reviews.

Ururu with puppy dog eyes: Please send in reviews and Questions so that HR can continue to work on this please.