Hands And Feet

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.

Warning(s): Brackets. Yes. Brackets. And present tense. Self-edited.


There was a time when Frodo's hands were soft and pale (always a bit softer than most hobbits', and Sam knows that because they often brushed hands - always accidentally, just lingering, but yes, he remembers how soft Frodo's hands were). And yes, they were pale - not a translucent white, but not as tanned as his, either (I don't spend as much time in the sun as you do, Sam - Frodo always joked, his smile lighting up his eyes, his beautiful, beautiful eyes).

These days, with them always being on the run and hiding in dark, dark places (no sunlight streaming in, no birds chirruping - just the darkness, like a phantom, chasing after them), Sam notices that Frodo's hands have become calloused; the palms, when he reaches out to squeeze Frodo's hand in assurance (I am here, Master Frodo, I am here), he feels how dry his palms are, how hard the skin is.

Though there's not much light, Sam catches a glimpse of Frodo every now and then, and can see how he's gained a nearly sickly pallor (or deadly, Sam thinks, like one of those corpses he's heard about in ghost stories). And his hands have become pale too, so pale that he can see the blood and veins clearly now - it sickens him. Because it's nauseating to see how …

Frodo is becoming more and more something that's broken (he fears for him, so much).

And it's not only his hands. Sam realises how much dirtier Frodo's feet have become, when his feet used to be so clean (Why is it strange - I just like to bathe them by the stream, Sam - honestly). And Sam doesn't know because he never touched Frodo's feet, but he always imagined they were soft too, softer than his - his always having been rough because he worked so much, and Frodo - though he did love the sun and flowers and fun, yes, fun - also fond of reading and dreaming of adventures (Sam dreamed too, but never as ardently).

His feet have grown rougher now because they've walked for miles, each step taking them further away from home and closer to - Sam doesn't know, but feels his heart growing heavy, but he forces himself to be strong (for Master Frodo, yes - for him because Gandalf said he should protect him, not that he needed to be asked).

Oh no, Sam never needed to be asked. And he doesn't regret his decision. Because, if it's Frodo's duty to destroy the ring, then it's his to protect Frodo.

Even if it's from Frodo himself.
