Disclaimer: I don't own Kurt. Or Blaine. Or Glee. But you don't even know how much I wish I did!

"So what movie do you wanna see?"

"Well there's that new romantic comedy I've been dying to see. You know, the one with that guy, what's his name?" Kurt was so animated, even when talking about the little things like a movie. I was just so lucky. It's not everyday you meet someone who takes your breath away, and even less likely that they would feel the same. Kurt was everything I never knew I needed.

"Sounds good to me. Let's grab some coffee first though. What place?"

"Do you even have to ask?" I could tell he was rolling his eyes even over the phone. I smiled.

"I guess not. See you in five?" I was already grabbing my sweater and walking out the door into the icy wind as he replied, "See you in five."


As I walked up to the coffeehouse I inhaled deeply and looked around. Seemed like I had beaten Kurt here for once. The Lima Bean was unusually crowded for a Thursday, but it was pretty cold outside. A young couple sitting by the window caught my eye for the simple reason that they looked deeply in love. Not a crush, but love. Sweet.

Kurt burst through the doors, obviously searching for me.

"Hey!" I shouted, waving him over to where I was standing. He walked over in one of his ever-fabulous outfits, his cheeks flushed a startlingly rosy color and his hair styled to perfection, as usual. What I wouldn't give to see it loose and natural, to run my fingers through it- whoa there Blaine. Calm down. Act natural.

"Hey," he breathed as he stopped in front of me, "it's so c-c-cold outside!" It really wasn't that cold; at least not enough to make you shiver like that.

"You all right?" I was honestly concerned at this point. He really did look freezing. I hadn't noticed the shudders racking his relatively small frame until this point.

"Yeah, F-F-Finn took the c-car and I had t-t-to walk. I'm okay th-though. Give m-me a minute and I'll b-b-be f-fine." I put my arm around him and walked up to the line, shaking my head at how ridiculous he had been.

"You walked?" I nearly shouted. What in the world was he thinking? "Next time you need a ride just call me, Kurt. I was coming here anyways! If I had known you were going to walk I would've picked you up!"

"I d-didn't want you to go out of your w-way for me. I was f-fine, really." He honestly was a terrible liar, and I told him so. He just rolled his eyes as I gave the barista our coffee order and paid.

"Keep the change," I said absentmindedly as I walked away with Kurt still under my arm towards an empty table.

"Really Kurt, promise me next time something like this happens you'll call me?"

He looked at me with an annoyed expression on his face. Kurt really was so stubborn. "Blaine, I'm fine-"

"Just promise me, if only to give me some peace of mind."

He sighed dejectedly. "Scout's honor." He mock saluted me and I couldn't help but think how adorable he was even with a scowl on his angelic face.

"Awesome. Now that your escapades are out of the way, what else have you been up to?" I asked. Hopefully changing the subject would get his mind off of the cold. He took a small sip of his coffee before replying.

"Blaine, I just saw you yesterday. N-not much." That was true, but I was just trying to make small talk. I should've known that wouldn't work with Kurt.

"Any new McKinley gossip?"

"Blaine, you don't even know half the glee club at McKinley." He was right. Again.

"Please Kurt humor me." He sighed before beginning a ridiculous story about Finn and Quinn and Rachel and some strange love triangle thing they had going on. It was enough to keep me occupied for a while, even if I wasn't honestly listening to the story. The way he told it, his face lighting up and his hands elaborating on his points was far more interesting. I settled happily into my seat as he finished it, smiling.

"Your friends are better than a soap opera."

"Aren't they?" He smiled distantly, seeming to recall some memory I didn't know about. What I wouldn't do to get into his head for just one second...

I desperately searched my mind for something clever to say, coming up completely blank. I wanted him to get to know me, I really did, but it was hard to forget that I was his mentor first, boyfriend second. That's how it had all started at Dalton. I was behind that now, though, I really was. And I realized I wanted more than anything for him to see past mentor Blaine and meet real Blaine and silly Blaine and romantic Blaine.

"What's your favorite Disney movie?" I asked. That was a secret of mine, I loved Disney. And I mean loved. Madly. Deeply. On my sixteenth birthday I went to Cinderella on Broadway loved. And suddenly I wanted Kurt to know.

"That is a difficult question." He seemed to honestly think for a few seconds. "I've always loved Bambi, even though it makes me cry every time I watch it. Yours?" He cried when he watched Bambi?

"It's a toss up between Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella. I cry when I watch Bambi too, though," I admitted shyly.

"Blaine Anderson has a sensitive side?" Kurt asked gleefully, "Who would've guessed behind all that hair gel?" I laughed, feeling my hair self-consciously. I didn't use that much gel. Okay, I kind of did. But still.

"Don't you worry. There are plenty of sides to Blaine Anderson. And he can't wait to show them to you." That must have come out a little more awkward than I meant it to, and Kurt began to flush. I reached out and touched his cheek. This just made him blush even more furiously.

"You're adorable when you blush, you know that?" I was feeling exceptionally bold after my epiphany. He mumbled something unintelligible and I thought I had gone too far until he grabbed my hand.

"You're adorable all the time, you know that?" he countered, staring into my eyes. Intensely. Unexpectedly I started to blush too. "And you're even more adorable when you're nervous."

"Nervous? Me? Never!" I scoffed, and he laughed that tinkling laugh of his.

Really? I always tried so hard to be cool and collected, and he liked me better when I was nervous? I mulled it over in my head and decided that was okay, as long as he thought I was adorable at all. We sat like that, holding hands, until he took out his phone.

"Oh my Gaga!" his eyes widened alarmingly.

"What? Is something wrong?" He looked shocked.

"Our movie starts in five minutes. We might have to sit in the front!" The look on his face was absolutely priceless as he contemplated the horrors of getting bad seats.

I leaned in slowly and whispered into his ear, "It'll be fun. We can sit in the front, and we can enjoy it, and it will be the best movie ever." He shivered from the warmth of my breath, flushing and looking around to see if anyone had noticed our proximity. Finally he turned back to me and grinned.

"Okay," he whispered back.

And that's how, walking hand in hand, we left the coffee shop, never noticing the three pairs of eyes that followed us on our way out.

A/N: Something I've been wanting to post for a while now, just an idea that came to me. I have chapter two and most of three written out already, so maybe if I gat enough reviews (hint, hint) I'll post chapter 2 tonight, and something big and dramatic will happen in the story. Not that I don't like Klaine fluff, but I have big plans for this story. I love you all! Review!