"Harry," You acknowledge him with a slight nod of the head, all your attention still focussed on the garden below you. "A lot of these new houses are getting balconies in. Must be house fashion or something." You appreciate his effort, but you're not in the mood for small talk. "Have you ever seen her look happier?"

"No," You have to admit, even if it's slowly eating away inside you. She shouldn't be that happy. If she's that happy, there is no way you could ever justify taking her away from that happiness; you can't rationalize gambling on whether she might be happier with you.

You notice her smile, now more than ever. It's bedazzling. It's not the smile she puts on when she's trying not to cry, or the one she wears when she's fed up of someone but is too polite to say so. It's not even the same type of smile that spreads across her face when you scold her for sitting at your desk. It's not one you've ever seen before, but you decide you like the smile she's wearing now the most out of all of them.

You wonder why you've never seen it before.

"I think he really is good for her."

"You like him?"

"Harry," You don't turn your face away, you're still intent on trying to work out why you've never seen her smile like that before – and more importantly, what exactly that smile means. "At the end of the day, I know who cares about her most. I think everyone who's ever seen you two in the same room, knows who cares about her most. And I know who she'd be with if the world were fair." It baffles you. How could something as simple as a smile baffle a man who's a qualified doctor?

"Well, it's not."

"No." You finally look at him; he's hunched over the railings, looking down at the exact thing that you were so transfixed on. "No, it's not."

"I know."

"When I was in high school, there was a girl called Linda Byrne, she sat next to me in science. She was my first ever crush. After 4 years of pining after her, one summer I decided I'd just tell her. But, just my luck, the summer I picked coincided with the summer a tall, blonde French exchange student came to stay with her neighbours. I didn't stand a chance." You haven't made eye contact with him yet. You find yourself wondering if you want to. "It happens that way sometimes. It shouldn't, Harry, but it does. Sometimes...Goliath just...beats David to a pulp. It's just nobody bothers to tell that story."

You've already sat for hours, wondering what it is that he has that you don't. Sure, he moisturises his skin and you could wash clothes on his stomach, but you never took her for the kind of person who cared about that sort of thing. You figure if that was the real problem, you could always buy some L'Oreal crap and get a gym membership.

As you turn your gaze back down to the beautifully landscaped garden, and more importantly those brilliantly white teeth, you realise 2 things.

You've never seen the smile before because you've never seen him before – one cannot exist without the other.

He has one thing that you don't and never will be able to get, not matter how hard you try – that smile.