AN: Is it cheating if I write the same "prompt" but for a different fandom? Eh, I don't really care either way. :) This is Jackie/Hyde drabbles based on letters (and therefore words) one for each letter of the alphabet (so 26 in all). This particular one came to me while listening to The Strokes new album (Angles it's pretty awesome, but has almost nothing in common with this drabble…) The drabble is 100 words exactly( something that I am disproportionately proud of).
A: Agility
She has the poise of a dancer. He doesn't know why, and he doesn't particularly care, but she possesses a grace that defies comprehension. It probably has something to do with her stature and low center of gravity, but, whatever allows her to move with that level of reserve, in heels so high, he has no idea.
There is something to be said about the sinewy flow of her legs as she runs to him. Something to be gleaned from the effortless grace with which she can walk in the highest of heels. Something to be admired about her agility.
AN: So, if you've ever noticed, Mila Kunis (Jackie) is always in heels because she is short—like really short—like me short. If you like it, then please add it to your alerts/fav/leave a review (you can do all three if you really want;)). I check my email religiously so I will know and appreciate it very much. :) My ANs are longer than the story…sorry.