American Cinderella
I know! I know! Where have I been. The only thing I can say is that life got in the way and I actually had to take a break from writing. But I have found my passion again and I hope this makes up for my absence. This chapter skips a few years and added a couple of new additions to the families.
"Shh..." Christian whispered to his sisters and mother. "He's coming."
Two and a half years had gone by and the triplets were now three years old. Christian was definitely the miniature version of his father while Marisol and Selena were smaller versions of their mother. The family had added a new addition two years ago with the birth of Isabelle Sarina and she also took after her mother. All four were very active and kept their parents and grandparents very busy.
Today was Louis' seventy fifth birthday. Troy and Gabriella had planned on driving up that weekend but decided that Gabriella would take the kids up a day earlier to surprise their great-grandfather on his birthday. Louis was reading a document and hadn't caught the little boy peak around the corner.
"Go." Gabriella whispered softly.
"Surprise!" Christian, Marisol and Selena cried as they ran out into the hall causing Louis to stop in surprise. "Happy Birthday, Poppy!"
"Well, this is certainly a welcomed surprise." Louis agreed smiling happily. "I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow."
"Well, we drove up to surprise you." Gabriella answered as she appeared with Isabelle in her arms. "Troy is going to drive up tomorrow."
"Hello, Sweetheart." Louis greeted kissing Isabelle on the cheek. "Have you guys gone to Mee-Maw?"
"No, not yet." Gabriella answered. "We just got here."
"Well, let's go surprise her."
The triplets then took off running. Isabelle struggled in her mother's arms as a signal for her to put her down. Gabriella laughed as she sat her youngest down. Despite being a year younger than they other three, she was the unofficial fourth quadruplet. The four threw opened their great-grandparents' private quarters and were greeted excitedly by Annabelle. Despite being the King and Queen, Louis and Annabelle were very doting grandparents to the children. Louis would often take a break and do puzzles or color with the kids whenever they visited and Annabelle enjoyed making cookies with the girls and even kicked a soccer ball around with Christian.
"Mama!" Christian asked the next day.
"Yes, Babe?" Gabriella answered as they all sat in her bed after waking up together.
"Can we go swimming?"
"I don't see why not, we will after breakfast."
"Yay!" the kids cheered as they jumped on the bed excitedly.
"Ok, ok, calm down." Gabriella said laughing.
The kids ran down into the kitchen to get their breakfast. Gabriella put her robe on and went to help Isabelle climb down the stairs. A couple of months ago, Isabelle was in too much of a hurry and fell down the stairs. Ever since then, she was always to frightened to down the stairs on her own. Like she was expecting, Isabelle was seated on the very top step for her mother.
"Ready, Honey?" Gabriella asked scooping her up.
"Hungy!" Isabelle exclaimed smiling.
"I bet you are." Gabriella agreed kissing her gently.
About an hour later, Gabriella and the kids were getting ready to get into the indoor swimming pool. The triplets were already great swimmers and did not need any help swimming as long as an adult was in there with them. Isabelle had her little arm floaties but mainly wanted to be held.
"Marisol, do not run." Gabriella ordered her oldest daughter.
"Sorry, Mama." Marisol answered sheepishly.
Gabriella picked up Isabelle and slowly entered the pool from the steps. Christian, Marisol and Selena jumped right in and began splashing one another and sometimes their mother. Christian then got out of the water and did a cannon ball into the water causing everyone to laugh. Just then another person jumped into the water surprising the five of them. Gabriella was slightly nervous, now and then someone taking a tour of the palace managed to get into the family's personal area. But a smile appeared on her face when the person came to the surface.
"Daddy!" all four kids exclaimed.
"You're early." Gabriella replied as Troy swam over to them.
"I left this morning, I didn't want to be away from you guys anymore." Troy said as he held Selena and Marisol in his arms and Christian was on his back. "Did you guys have a good sleep last night?"
"Yes, we sleep with Mama." Selena answered. "Inna big bed."
"All five of us." Gabriella answered making Troy smile.
The next two hours were spent in the pool. The triplets loved it when their father would throw them and they would land in the water. Gabriella gently pulled Isabelle by her hands around the pool as the little girl kicked her feet. The family enjoyed just being themselves and enjoying their quiet time together because Troy and Gabriella had a huge surprise planned for their children.
"Alright guys, time to get out and get ready for lunch." Troy said as began to swim towards the steps.
"But we're not ready to get out." Christian pouted.
"No arguments, let's go."
Everyone got out of the pool. Gabriella unfolded the towels and wrapped the kids up in them before getting her own towel. Troy picked up Isabelle and placed her on top of his shoulders and led everyone back up to their suite to get dressed. Once everyone had changed, they went down to one of the smaller dining rooms to have lunch with everyone. Lunch was very casual and the kids made everyone laugh as they asked silly questions and told funny stories about what they did with their friends on the base.
"Excuse me, Your Highness." an aide said to Louis as he walked in. "But I have a message."
"Thank you, Alfred." Louis said as he accepted the envelope. "It looks like this letter is for Christian, Marisol, Selena and Isabelle."
"Can we open it?" Selena asked as she and her siblings got up and ran to their great-grandfather.
"Here, you open it and I'll read it."
"Don't rip it now." Troy said as the three oldest began to rip open the envelope.
"Read it, Poppy!" Marisol exclaimed as she gave Louis the letter.
"Dear, Christian, Marisol, Selena and Isabelle, you have been invited to visit me at my home. Your family had helped me hide clues around your home to help you figure out who and where you are coming to visit. Here is your very first clue: What she makes is always good and it's always food. It's always yummy in any child's tummy."
"Who makes you yummy food while we're here at the palace, not at home?" Gabriella asked as her children looked at her.
"Mrs. Henderson!" Marisol exclaimed loudly.
"So, it looks like Mrs. Henderson will have your second clue."
The triplets and Isabelle took off running. Gabriella followed and Troy followed her with his video camera so he could get their reaction when they found out where they were going. Mrs. Henderson smiled when she heard the door to the kitchen open and the pitter patter of the children's feet as they rushed into the room.
"Mrs. Henderson!" Christian exclaimed. "Clue two please!"
"Clue two?" Mrs. Henderson asked playfully. "What are you talking about?"
"Their first clue led them to whoever makes them yummy food for them when they're at the palace." Gabriella answered.
"Oh you mean the next clue to wherever you're going to visit."
"Yes!" the children exclaimed.
"Well, you here you go." Mrs. Henderson stated as she gave Marisol the second clue.
"Read, Mama, please." Marisol requested.
"Clue two: I am where you brush your teeth, comb your hair before you go to bed. You look in me and see someone who is your twin." Gabriella read.
"Where do you guys go to brush your teeth?" Troy asked.
"Bathroom!" Selena cried excitedly before they took off once again.
Christian, Marisol and Selena ran to the stairs and then up them. Isabelle stopped and waited for Gabriella to reach her. Gabriella smiled and then swooped her up and carried her. Isabelle saw Troy as he walked behind them and smiled as she waved to the camera.
"Say 'Hi Daddy'." Gabriella told her gently.
"Hi, Daddy." Isabelle said giggling.
"Mama, we found it!" Christian announced as Gabriella walked into the bathroom. "It's up on the mirror."
"Ok, let Bella open it." Gabriella replied as Marisol handed her the envelope. "Go ahead and open it."
"Yeah, Bella." Marisol urged excitedly as she watched her sister open the envelope excitedly.
"Now, let Mommy read it." Troy told her as Isabelle handed Gabriella the clue.
"Clue three, I am in the place where a secret stash of chocolates are hidden, so only Poppy knows who to give them."
"Where does Poppy keep the chocolates he likes to give you?" Troy asked. "Which room are you always in when you get them?"
"The room where he signs papers." Christian answered looking at his parents.
"Right, so his office." Gabriella answered.
Louis was in office, pretending that he was doing some work. Like everyone else, he too was in on the surprise. He truly was excited at what Troy and Gabriella had planned for the kids. He looked up when he saw them run into the room excitedly.
"Poppy!" the three oldest exclaimed.
"What can I do for you all?"
"You guys want chocolates?"
"Yes, please."
"Alright." Louis agreed as he opened his drawer of chocolates and the envelope came into view. "Well, I don't know what this is. Do you?"
"Yes! Clue three!"
"Well, let's see what it say." Louis said as he opened the envelope. "Clue three, you're almost there. Now go to the room where you four like to play Prince and Princess, your next clue in there."
Christian led the way to the throne room. Once they were all out of the room, Louis got up and made his way to the children's final destination. When it was empty, it became the children's little playground. Christian and one of his sisters would play Louis and Annabelle and the other two girls would play their mother and Aunt Eugenia. As they raced into the room, they saw their envelope resting on Louis' throne. Selena opened it and handed their clue to Gabriella.
"One more clue. It's time to pack your bags. Your answer is in the room where they are resting. Take a look inside."
"Where did we put your suitcases?" Troy asked.
"Our room!" Marisol exclaimed.
"Here they come." Eugenia said as she peeked into the hallway.
The children ran into their room and saw their suitcases standing in a row. A balloon with a string had the last clue on it. The twins were too busy wanting to know where they were going that they didn't see Eugenia, Annabelle, Louis, Jack and Charlotte in the room. Christian got the envelope and gave the clue to Gabriella.
"Hooray, you found the last clue. I drew my picture on here to give you one last clue to where you are coming to visit me." Gabriella read as she turned the paper around to show them a classic Mickey Mouse drawn onto the paper. "Who's that picture of?"
"Mimo!" Isabelle exclaimed excitedly as she recognized her favorite character.
"Are we going to go visit Mickey?" Selena asked excitedly.
"Where does Mickey live?" Troy asked them.
"Disney World." the triplets exclaimed.
"And we're going to go visit him." Gabriella said.
"We're going to Disney World?" Christian asked excitedly.
"We are, everyone is going." Gabriella answered.
The kids began to scream with excitement and jumped up and down. They all hugged their parents excitedly. Troy continued to video tape the children's reaction as they hugged everyone excitedly. The adults were also very excited about the upcoming trip, it was going to be their first trip out of the country with Isabelle.
"When we leave?" Marisol asked.
"Tonight." Troy answered. "Everything is packed, we're going to leave tonight and we'll be there in the morning. And Nana and Paw-Paw and Uncle Justin, Aunt Rachel and Christopher are meeting us there as well."
After dinner, everyone began to get ready to the airport. The triplets kept telling anyone they ran into that they were going to Disney World. The family was going to the resort to be there when the Ronaldian pavilion that Troy helped negotiate was to open. The country's own Disney theme park was set to open in the winter. Louis, Annabelle, Troy, Gabriella and the children were flying on one plane while Jack, Charlotte, Eugenia and Robert were flying on a second one. Gabriella dressed the children into their pajamas before they departed for the airport. Isabelle fell asleep while they were in the car. Gabriella held her in one arm and held Selena's hand as they made their way up the stairs to board the plane. Troy held Christian and Marisol's hands as they walked behind them. Gabriella quickly and gently placed Isabelle in a seat and placed a blanket over her.
"How long will it take?" Christian asked Troy as they sat down.
"The flight?" Troy replied.
"All night, you guys will be asleep for most of it."
"Like Bella?"
"Yes, just like Bella." Troy agreed kissing his son's head. "Are you excited about seeing Nana and Paw-Paw?"
"And Mickey."
"And Mickey."
"You gonna ride the rides?" Marisol asked Louis and Annabelle.
"As many as you want." Annabelle answered.
"Yay!" the little girl cheered making them laugh.
"Mama?" Selena asked sleepily. "We see Mickey?"
"Yes, we'll see Mickey." Gabriella agreed as she held her daughter tight as they plane took off.
"We flying?"
"Yes, we are. See all the lights down there?"
"That's the palace."
"Where's our house?"
"We won't be able to see our house, it's in the opposite direction." Gabriella answered. "Now, it's time for you to go to sleep."
"Want to see Mickey's home."
"We're hours and hours away from Mickey's home. You'll wake up before we get there and if you aren't, I will wake you up."
"Pinkie swear?"
"I pinkie swear."
Gabriella held Selena as she fell asleep. She then looked over and saw that Marisol was now asleep on Louis' lap and Isabelle was still sleeping in the seat across from her. Christian was sound asleep in Troy's lap. Troy met his wife's eyes and they smiled at one another sending their love. That was the last thing Gabriella remembered before she too succumbed to sleep.
The family slept through most of the flight. Gabriella woke up to find that her arms were without the little girl that she fell asleep holding. Isabelle wasn't in the seat she had been in when they boarded. Gabriella sat up, turned around and saw that all the children were with Troy as he read them a story.
"Mommy's up." Christian said smiling happily.
The children got up and went over to her. Gabriella smiled as she was given good morning kisses from them. Troy got up and walked over to join them. He picked up Christian and Selena and placed them in his lap so he could sit down in the seat next to his wife. Gabriella balanced Marisol and Isabelle while she leaned over and gave Troy a kiss.
"Morning." Troy whispered.
"How far are we now?" Marisol asked.
"I think we are about one hour away."
"Is that long?"
"No, not at all."
An hour later, the children were looking out the windows as they plane descended into Orlando. They cheered and clapped loudly as they landed onto the runway. When they taxied to a private hangar, Gabriella gathered the children and helped them climb down the steps of the plane. Christian, Marisol and Selena were given their little backpacks while Gabriella carried hers and Isabelle's bags.
"Nana! Paw-Paw!" the triplets suddenly exclaimed when they saw Alexander and Elaine waiting for them.
Isabelle struggled to get out of Troy's arms as she saw her older siblings running to their second set of grandparents. Troy chuckled as he gently sat her down before watching his and Gabriella's youngest run to meet her grandparents. Gabriella smiled as she was pulled to her husband's side and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Well, our vacation is about to start." Troy whispered.
"I can't wait." Gabriella agreed kissing him on the lips gently.
"Gabi!" Elaine exclaimed as she hugged her daughter tightly. "You look incredible."
"Thanks, Mom." Gabriella said smiling.
"I can't believe how big these kids have gotten since we last saw them." Alexander said as he held Christian and Isabelle up in his arms.
"Well, their good genes are from the Montez side of them." Troy said making his father in law smile proudly.
Everyone exchanged greetings and began to head towards the area where Disney's Magical Express was located so they could catch a bus to their resort. With it being late October, the Walt Disney World Resort was not expected to be very crowded. The Ronaldian government and security thought it would be the perfect time for the royal family to visit and vacation. The large group was led to the meeting place by walking through the restricted area of the airport. Members of their security were dressed in casual clothing to blend in with other people to help blend in and not to cause so much attention to the family.
"Hello, do you have your ticket to board the Magical Express?"
"I have them right here." Gabriella said getting the booklet of tickets out of her purse.
"Ok, how many of you are there?"
"Fourteen, three have already headed to the resort." Gabriella answered.
"Ok, you all are staying at the Grand Floridian, please go to line number one."
"Thank you." Troy replied as he walked led Christian while still holding Isabelle.
"We there yet?" Selena asked.
"No, not yet." Troy answered. "We just have to get on the bus and then we'll be there."
"Alright, right this way please."
The family was led to their bus. Troy handed Gabriella Isabelle as he took their little carry ons and helped the driver stow them underneath the bus. Gabriella carried Isabelle and helped Selena climb onto the bus. As each child stepped onto the bus, their excitement increased. The bus was mostly empty when they got on and the triplets quickly chose which rows they wanted. Gabriella sat down with Isabella in the row across from Marisol, Alexander and Elaine and in front of Selena, Louis and Annabelle. Christian sat a few rows back with Jack and Charlotte. Troy climbed onto the bus and took his seat next to Gabriella and Isabelle.
"Papa." Isabelle said happily as she held her arms up to him.
"Come here, Cutie." Troy said picking her up and putting her in her lap.
"Mimo!" Isabelle exclaimed looking up at one of the bus' tv that had the Disney's Magical Express logo on it.
"Yes, it's Mickey. We're going to see him soon." Gabriella said smiling.
The bus waited for a few more minutes and a couple more families got on before they departed. The children looked out the window, watching the Florida view go by them before the resort video started. The whole bus seemed to be silent as they watched about what they were to experience at Walt Disney World. Before they knew it, they were approaching the entrance to the resort. The kids were very excited at finally being at Disney World.
"Where's the castle?" Marisol asked her maternal grandparents as she looked out the window.
"We haven't gotten to it yet." Alexander answered. "We'll be able to see it from the hotel."
A few minutes later, the bus began to enter the Magic Kingdom resort area. The first stop was the Contemporary Resort, followed by the Polynesian Resort. Finally, their bus pulled up to the luxurious Disney's Grand Floridian Beach Resort and Spa. The president of Walt Disney Resorts, members of the Disney Company's board and the park's ambassador were there to greet them. The family got off the bus and were instantly welcomed.
"We have all of your suites ready for you, all you have to do is go to the front desk and get the keys."
"Thank you." Louis replied shaking the resort's president's hand. "We're looking forward to our family vacation."
"Anytime you are ready to go to any theme park, let us know and we will have you escorted to our underground utilitors."
"No, no." Louis said gently. "We're going to be above ground, just like any regular family."
"Are you sure Your Highness, we're more than capable to allow you under there."
"I am certain, we will be above ground watching parades, eating in restaurants, standing in lines and meeting characters. Just like everyone else."
"Of course, Your Highness."
"Mommy!" Selena announced to Gabriella once they entered the lobby holding onto her hand tightly.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Gabriella asked.
"It's bigger than Poppy's castle."
"Well, more people are staying here than the palace." Gabriella answered.
"Look, Uncle Justin!" Christian exclaimed as they saw Justin, Rachel and their son Christopher make their way towards them.
Justin and Rachel had gotten married three years ago and on the same day that Troy and Gabriella welcomed Isabelle, they welcomed their son, Christopher Montez. Despite living so far away, Troy and Gabriella were very close to their young nephew and the rest of the Montez family. Hugs and kisses were exchanged as they greeted one another.
"Aunt Gabby!" Christopher exclaimed happily as he gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
"Hello, Handsome." Gabriella greeted brightly at her nephew. "You've gotten so big!"
"Hey, Buddy." Troy greeted as he knelt down next to him to give him a hug.
While his Aunt and Uncle and his oldest cousin were the future kings and queen of Ronaldi and his other three cousins were princesses, Christopher only knew them as his family. Uncle Troy would play with him out on the playground and Aunt Gabriella colored with him. His cousins always played with him whenever they were together.
"You ready to go up and see our suites?" Elaine asked.
"Let's head up and check them out." Troy said as he picked up Marisol and put her on his shoulders. "And then, we'll start our vacation!"