A/N: Okay… I give you SOME smut, not a lot, and not deep smut, but hopefully enough to make it worth the read. I don't like too much detail when writing scenes like this, but I made an exception still staying true to myself. =D

Olivia watched the face expression on Kathy's face as she recognized what was at stake. There once was a time when Olivia respected Kathy, and she understood that she was concerned about some kind of affair between Olivia and Elliot. She understood that his hours away from hour were long, and would certainly give her reason to think his time was spent on his partnership with Olivia, rather than on the job. Olivia might have felt the same way in her situation. Olivia had even respected her for staying as long as she did, before their first divorce. Elliot hadn't been easy to live with.

But respect for Kathy went out the window when she became so callous and bitter, and used those emotions to manipulate a situation to her liking, such as preventing Olivia from seeing Elliot in ICU.

"You're choosing her over me?" Kathy scoffed.

"As long as you treat her that way…" he said wincing from the pain.

Kathy shook her head in utter disbelief. "I'm out of here. I don't have to put up with this," she announced stalking out of the room, leaving Elliot and Olivia alone.

"Hey," he greeted. "Come closer…"

Olivia stepped close to the bed and took his hand. "Hey," she smiled weakly.

"You look worried," he observed.

"I am," she admitted. "You've been here for a few days."

Elliot raised an eyebrow. "You've been in the waiting room all that time, haven't you?" he questioned.

"No," she said. "Sometimes I went to the cafeteria…"

Elliot managed to smile, but he winced in pain when the sound of what she assumed was a laugh hurt his chest. She squeezed his hand gently. "Talked laugh," she scolded.

"I like your slippers," he grinned.

Olivia laughed looking down at her feet, and then back up at him. "When I got the call that you were here, I rushed out the door. I didn't even realize that I had no shoes until afterwards. I was running on adrenaline."

"Wow," he sighed. "You must love me."

Olivia's body flushed with a warmth that was overwhelming. "I do," she admitted. "I do love you, El. I always have."


"How, what?" she frowned.

"How do you love me?" he asked seriously, a look of desire in his eyes.

Olivia leaned over him, and whispered in his ear, with a teasing smile. "I want to do things to you that would rock your world."

Elliot made a gagging sound, and she instantly pulled back looking startled. He was struggling for air, and he screwed up his face in obvious pain. Finally, he caught his breath as she looked down at him silently cursing herself for being so forward when he was in such an awkward situation. "Wow…" he whispered looking up at her adoringly. "That might just have to wait until I'm better."

"I can wait," she insisted.

"Good," he nodded.

… … … … …

Elliot signed the release form, and Olivia held his arm to steady him. He was still a little shaky, and wouldn't be able to look after himself without at least someone watching over him. Olivia had agreed that he would go home with her.

Sometime later, Olivia directed the taxi to pull up on the curb, outside her apartment building. She paid the cab fair and climbed out, helping Elliot, and the two of them went up to her apartment. Olivia settled him in her bed, thinking he'd be more comfortable there and she offered to take the couch.

"Can't we share it?" he suggested.

Olivia laughed. "In your condition?"

"It doesn't worry me," he smiled.

"It worries me," she said. "Firstly, I don't want to kick you in your sleep and hurt you, and secondly, I'm not that easy," she teased.

"Could've fooled me," he joked.

Olivia laughed. Over the last few years she had been in only one relationship, two if you included Porter, which didn't seem to go very far. Elliot had always had an issue with Porter, and at times Olivia could have sworn he had a hint of jealousy on his face, but she could never be sure. Elliot was naturally hot-headed.

"Stay in the bed," Elliot urged.

She shook her head regretfully. "I can't. I really don't want to hurt you. I move around a lot."

"Good," he winked. "I like my women feisty."

Again, Olivia laughed. "Is that all you think about?"

"When I'm you," he admitted. "Sometimes I have to remember what case I'm working on."

Olivia couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"You know, you haven't kissed me in a really long time," Elliot announced surprising her with his comment. "I'm beginning to think I imagined it."

"You did," she teased. "I'd never kiss you."

"Sure, you wouldn't," he replied. "I'm a very handsome man."

"Yeah, in your head…"

Elliot winced as he climbed off the bed.

"What are you doing?' she frowned. He needed to rest.

"Don't tease me," he begged. "I want to kiss you…" his eyes were full of desire, as his hands reached out to her, drawing her in. Elliot was being extremely forward, Olivia wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He had never made her uncomfortable. It was Elliot. She knew him inside out.

Olivia relaxed in his arms.

"I love you, Benson," he smiled.

She evidently blushed. "Really?"

"What's not to love? You're smart, sexy as hell, sassy and tough as nuts."

"Better believe it," she whispered her mouth inches from his. She could feel his warm breath on her face, and the smell of his cologne overpowered her senses, causing her to sink against his embrace, unable to draw away. The power he had over her was too much for her to resist. This man, the one who had been her partner for too many years to count, who had been her best friend for just as long, was suddenly about to become her lover.

Once they crossed this bridge, there was no going back. Was she really willing to take the chance?

His lips finally settled on hers, sending a wave of pleasure through her body. She moaned as his tongue teased her lips. "Oh God," she whispered pulling at his shirt, careful not to hurt him, as she pulled herself closely against him.

"You better believe it," he replied gently laying her across the bed. No matter how much pain he was in, Elliot was willing to take the risk… right now, all he could see was a night of passion and heat ahead of him, with the woman he loved immeasurably and unconditionally.

I thank you for sticking this out… ALL of you… =D

I wouldn't mind a review to let me know what you thought of my LIGHT smut, not that it's really that, but anyways… I leave it in your hands. xo