Chapter Three-

AN- Very sorry about the wait. This is the last chapter of this story, please enjoy.

"You're thinking about leaving the X-Files?" She managed to articulate after choking down some pain pills.

"Yeah, I'm thinkin' about it. I did what I came to do, we found Mulder. Now you two can have the X-Files back, and I can get out of your hair." His tone hung in the air.

She gathered her thoughts, leaned back, and tried to assume as much authority as she could for one lying wounded on the forest floor. "If it's because you don't feel like you bring enough to the X-Files you're wrong. You're a good Agent and you've proven yourself to be invaluable and irreplaceable as a partner. You balance us out. We need you, John." She tried to keep the tone of her voice steady and free of desperation.

"It's good to hear you say that Dana, but I don't know who this 'we' is. I think we both know Mulder wouldn't mind seein' the last of me, but I'll stay if it means something to you."

She said the words that had been humming inside her for months, concepts so illicit she had rarely dared to think them, let alone verbalize them.

"Actually John, I was thinking of leaving too." She sighed and took a fortifying sip of spring water.

"Yeah, I figured you were thinkin' something like that." He said simply.

"What makes you say that?" Surprise awed her and she didn't bother straining the emotion from her voice.

"I don't know. Just somethin' about you lately. Like your heart's not in it anymore. To tell the truth, Dana that's why I'm thinking of leaving too. But what I would like to know is just what exactly has been on your mind lately?" He prodded, but his tenor was gentle and understanding.

She watched the campfire as flames danced and curled in the night. She turned her head to face him and met his gaze. His steady, vivid blue eyes contrasted the orange glow of the fire but matched its blaze. When Mulder looked at her, she always received the unsettling impression that he was looking through her, like he could never see her. As if every moment that they had spent in eye contact, he could never see her for what she really was. And the more she tried to strip herself down, the more opaque she became in his view. When Doggett looked at her, she felt like he could see through to her very soul. In the beginning, the more she tried to hide the more transparent she became. She learned.

"It's complicated." She said

"We got all night."

"Well, I suppose, seeing as how we don't have any marshmallows to roast."

He chuckled softly.

"It's just, umm, after everything I went through with William, life seems to have taken on a different meaning. Things that seemed important before suddenly don't. And things I ignored before suddenly seem to have value."

"You're doin' a good job of sayin' something with out sayin' anything at all." His gravely voice came. "Never the less, I know what you mean." He paused for a moment. It's hard losing a son. An' it's even harder when the other person doesn't seem to care about it as much as you do."

She wanted to say that Mulder had cared, but the memory of his detached reaction to her pregnancy and his disappearance after William's birth was too fresh.

"Mulder cares," she lied to herself while she felt a wetness burn in her eye. "He just has more important things…more global concerns." She couldn't quite finish her thought.

"The way I see it, Dana, there's nothing more important than family. Nothing." He noticed her attempt to hide a tear from him and he brought his arm up protectively over her shoulder and she leaned on him like she had done so often over the past two years.

When he had supported her through Mulder's abduction, she was reluctant to accept his consistently proffered help. When she was lying on the hospital floor in pain, he scooped her up and held her, but she hid her face. She never hid anymore, aside from its futility; she had grown used to his companionship and care. She depended upon it.

"I think I might go back to teaching at Quantico." She said quietly. He unconsciously rubbed her shoulder.

"You sure that's what you want?"

"Yes. I think I'm feeling what you are. Like my work at the X-Files is finished."

"Yeah? What do you think Mulder would do with out us, all alone with his penciled ceiling?"

"I think he'd be fine. Sometimes I think Mulder works best alone. And we could still help him when he gets in over his head." She paused for a long moment. "We are pretty different, you know."

"I know. You definitely don't work best alone. But all kidding aside, I know." He gave her a significant look.

"I think it affected me a lot more. You know. Having William. Giving up William. I always wanted to be a Mom, and then to have it and lose it…"

"Hey," he emitted, voiced deep and low. "You are still a Mom." He pulled her in closer. "I know you miss him. I miss him too."

It started to rise in her again, but before a tear could drop from her eye she heard for the second time the bay of the wolf. She would have jumped, but in Doggett's arms fear failed to fully encompass her. She shook slightly.

"It's ok." He gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Wolves generally aren't dangerous to humans. He's probably just looking for his mate."

"I hope he finds her."

Their prolonged contact was unprecedented, but pleasant. So pleasant that she felt her body relax, and leaning against his body she felt parts of her relax that hadn't in many years. She closed her eyes.

"You feelin' sleepy?"

"A little." She yawned.

"Why don't you lie down. Don't worry, I'll stay awake."

"You don't have to do that John, there's nothing out there." She said without knowing why she said it, but she knew she was right. She lay down in front of the warm fire.

"I know. But just in case."

He sat behind her and ran his hand up and down her arm. It was unusual for him to express this level of affection for her outright, but something about the circumstances seemed to allow for it, to encourage it. She made a small noise of contentment as his hand traveled faithfully over her arm.

The hours past and true to his word he stayed awake, although he did lie down beside her. He did so with caution, leaving space between them until he heard her dreaming noise of want and felt her scoot backwards to find his body. He wrapped his arms around her, tucked his head over hers and her hands found his and in her sleep she laced their fingers.

Seconds became days of triumph as he felt the heat of the woman he silently loved exchange and mingle with his own. He felt her spine lay flush against his chest and with the exception that they were lying on the forest floor and not in his bed, he held her like he had dreamed of doing.

It seemed to him it would be a fine thing if dawn never came. But it did would, along with the footfalls of a half a dozen men.

The birth of dawn gently prevailed over the peacefully dying fire. Shades of black turned to blue, than to soft yellow and glowing orange. Long spears of light gradually overcame the canopy overhead, its coverage becoming less and less prevalent.

The holy silence of nature in transition was broken by the shuffling feet of men.

He had heard them coming. Already awake and sitting up, Doggett quietly spoke her name and lightly shook her elbow. She stirred but he did not remove his arm around her as the crowd of men approached.

"Well isn't this a pretty goddamn picture." Mulder scoffed and unconsciously kicked a lump of leaves.

"Mulder?" Scully roused and woke more fully at the sound of his voice. "What are you doing here?" She asked, puzzled

"What am I doing here? What do you mean what I am doing here, I'm looking for you. What's he doing here?" He gestured towards Doggett. He stood up.

"I found her." He said darkly, his face set and his shoulders stiff.

"I did too." Mulder muttered under his breath.

"Not in time."

The Sheriff interjected before Scully could. "I sure am glad to see that you Agents are all right." He said more loudly than necessary. "You see we got a report last night," he spoke in a more normal tone, "that there was some unlawful hunting going on. You see, normally hunting is allowed this time of year. During the day. It seems some yahoo thought it would be a good idea to go hunting at night."

"Is that so, Sheriff?" Doggett directed meaningfully at Scully without taking his eyes off Mulder.

"Are you alright Scully?" Mulder asked, finally tearing his eyes off Doggett once he noticed that she could not stand.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She grimaced as she rolled to her knees and tried to stand on her good ankle. Both men extended arms in offer. She took Doggett's.

Mulder retracted. "What happened, Scully?" He asked after a moment.

"I lost track of time, I got lost." She said to Mulder. "I'm sorry for the confusion," she said to the group at large, "I'm sorry that I worried you." she said to Doggett.

"But I'm fine." She continued. "I just fell down a ledge I couldn't see."

"Did you see anything unusual out here, Agent Scully?"

She paused for a moment, thinking. She chanced a look at Doggett and focused on the unwaveringly clear blue of his eyes.

"Scully?" Mulder asked, attempting to interrupt and reframe the Sherriff's question

"There's nothing out there Mulder, but if you want to keep looking, be my guest."

John turned to Dana and anticipating his move, she put her arm around his shoulders and he lifted her with care and ease and he began to walk away.

AN- Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!