One. Two. One. Two,
Soft rumble in the streets.
One. Two. One. Two.
The sound of dreamers' feet.
Her smile is like the sunset,
Her steps tread in the sky,
The world as seen in daydreams,
Is seen in behind closed eyes.
She takes the hands of strangers,
And takes hearts of friends.
Then circling in the sunset,
Brings together distant ends.
One. Two. One. Two.
The claps of stranger's hands,
One. Two. One. Two.
And so begins the dance.
A dance of which I dare not partake,
Oh fear my steps would fail,
But soon enough I'll meet my fate,
Resistance to no avail.
One, two, one, two,
A sudden change of plans,
One, two, one, two,
It cheers my heart to dance!
To see the smile upon her lips,
I shudder with the thrill.
This day so long as it has been,
I wish was longer still!
One Two One Two
I steal a glance her way,
One Two One Two,
So close, so far away.
My hands reach out to find her,
My eyes in fervent search,
I smile though she is pulled away,
For soon the dance will turn.
And she shines like the sunset,
Showing me light,
Dancing like a dream,
A new dream of mine.
One! Two! One! Two!
The violinist sings!
One! Two! One! Two!
If time did not have wings!
The light awash around me,
I've nothing left to learn!
The only thing I have not done,
Is come to dance with her.
One! Two! One! Two!
My heart is not my own.
One! Two! One! Two!
It's stolen, hers alone!
Then One, I look towards her,
Two, the music dies…
As trembling arms embrace her,
I'm caught breathless in her eyes.