I'm a pirate, you are a princess


"Good morning miss Kairi." I sigh. "Morning Yuna" "Did you sleep well?" she asked as she opened the curtains. The sun shined in my room. It felt nice on my face. I get up and sat on my bed. "I slept well thanks."

"Good, your parents are waiting for you for breakfast. I heard they had something important to tell you" she said and left. What could that important thing be?

I got dressed and went down. "Good morning honey" my mom said as I sat down. "Morning" I said and smiled. Namine my sister came and sat next to me. I looked at her and she looked as curious as.

"Mom and I have something very important to tell you" dad said. "As you know your 18 birthday well be soon and you two will have very important duties that you have to do now that you will became an adult." dad said and smiled a little.

My dad was a king and my mom was a queen of our kingdom. All the people in our kingdom loved my parents. They were very kind and rightful. And I have to admit that they are pretty awesome.

But here comes the bad part. Namine and I are sisters. That's not bad. I love my sister but the bad part is that I am the older one. We are twins but I was born 5 minutes before Namine. Only 5 minutes.

But that stupid 5 minutes made me the older one. This means, that I have to rule the kingdom, after my parents. But I don't want to do that.

I want to travel around the world. I want to see something that I haven't seen before. I want to sail over the worlds. But I can't do that because I should be the queen someday and all my life I have been trained how to be a queen.

Now Namine in the other hand wants to be a queen someday. And she would be great in that job. If you can even call it a job. She is very kind and calm. And she knows what's wrong and wright.

She would be perfect for it. But I have to do it because I'm older. Wish I could be the younger one.

"Now Kairi" my dad said and looked at me. I nodded.

"I know you haven't been with boys in any other way than a friend and-" "Honey why don't I continue from here" my mother said interrupting my dad who seemed to get a little embarrassed about the subject.

"What you dad was trying to say that we have you a fiancé. " "He is from another kingdom, he is a prince and his name is Sora Rider" dad said.

"Never heard of him." I said. "He is coming here today and we thought that maybe you two could try to get a know each other's" my dad said hopefully.

I was quiet for a moment. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I believed in true love or not because I have never been in love.

But I didn't want to have a fiancé already. I haven't done anything with my life and now I have a fiancé, which I don't even know and my parents expect me to get marry him?

And what if he is awful? What if I don't like him at all? Or what if he hates me? I sigh. I didn't want to do this but I have to.

"Of course I would love to meet him" I said and forced a smiled on my face. "Wonderful. He will be here in 18.00 and then you two can get to know each other's" my dad said with a big smiled on his face.

"Great so I will get ready then" I said and left the table. I felt tears coming on my eyes. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to have a fiancé yet. I want to travel around the world. I don't want be stuck on this kingdom for my whole life.

I run to my room and locked the door. Then I burst out crying. This is like a worst nightmare ever. I hear knocking on my door. "Kairi it's me Namine. Open up please."

I opened the door. She looked at me with her big blue eyes and then she hugged me. "I don't want to do this" I said crying on her shoulder. "I know, I know" she said trying to calm me down. "What if he doesn't like me?" I asked.

"Of course he will like you. Now who wouldn't? It will be alright I promise" she said and hugged me tighter. "But what if I don't like him?"

She laughed a little. "That's something that I can't help, but now let's get you ready for the prince okay?" she said and hold my face. I nodded to her and smiled a little. She would be wonderful queen.

It was 18.00 and we were waiting him on the hall. "He will be here in any minutes" dad said and smiled to me. I nodded and smiled back to him. Then I looked the door. I heard footsteps outside. It would be him.

Then the door opened and there he was my fiancé. He had a brown spiky hear, blue eyes and warm smile on his face. He didn't look disgusting as I was worried of he looked actually pretty nice. But there was something that wasn't right.

"Good day my name is Sora Strike" he introduced himself and bowed. I looked at Namine. She was elated. Sora went to Namine. "You must be the lovely Kairi" he said and kissed Namine's hand. She got blushed.

"I'm Namine Kairi's little sister" she said quietly. "Nice to meet you two" Sora said and came to me. "So you are Kairi" he smiled and kissed my hand. I nodded. I didn't know what say.

"Now you must be hungry. Why don't we all go to dinner" my dad said. My parents and Namine asked something from Sora but I didn't listen. I still couldn't believe that was my fiancé another side of table.

"Kairi" I heard my mother saying. "Hmm what?" I said and looked at her. "Sora asked you something." I looked at Sora. "Sorry I didn't heard what you said" I smiled to him.

"I was just wondering are you excited to be a queen?" he said and smiled a little. "Yes very" I said. But that was a lie. I wasn't excited at all.

After the dinner Sora and I went walking to the back yard. We didn't say anything to each other's we just walked.

"I have to confess I was little scared to meet you" he said finally. "What do you mean?" "Well I was kind of scared that you would be little more full of yourself but you aren't at all" he said smiled to me.

"Thanks. I have to say I was scared too. I was afraid that you were a just some stupid prince that my parents want me to marry. But you aren't stupid" I smiled to him.

"But you're parents still wants us to get marry I'm I right?" he asked. I nodded. "Your parents want us to marry too?"

He nodded. "Do you want to get marry with me?" I asked. He looked at me for a while. Then he smiled. "I don't know you yet but you seem a lovely person so I think marrying you wouldn't be so bad than marrying someone else." I smiled and nodded.

He was right about that. I could have someone far worse than he. Then I remembered Namine's face when Sora first came in. "I'm very sorry but I have some business to do I hope you don't mind" I said. "No I don't mind at all, actually I'm a little tired from the trip so I will go to bed. I will see tomorrow right?" he said looking at me.

I nodded. "Good night Sora" I smiled. "Good night Kairi" he said. Then I left to Namine's room. I knocked on her door. "Namine are you in there. Open up please it's me Kairi." I waited for a while but then she opened up the door.

Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. "Namine I'm so sorry" I said and hugged her. "No don't be sorry it's nothing." "It's not nothing. You like him don't you? I saw your face when you first saw him" I said and pet her hair.

She nodded. "I can't help it Kairi. When I first saw him it was like I was in heaven. I haven't felt anything like that before" she sniffled.

"It's okay. Don't cry." "We were quit for a while. "Are you better now?" I asked her. She nodded. "I think this is just some silly crush that I have, he is your fiancé not mine" she said and smiled a little.

I felt sorry for her. She actually liked Sora. I didn't I haven't felt nothing. He felt more like a friend to me than fiancé. "I'm gonna go to sleep now" Namine said. I nodded. "Good night" I said and squeezed her hand. "Good night Kairi" she said and closed the door.

I sigh. Things were getting very complicated. I walked in to my room and went for a bath. Wish Namine could only be the older one then everything would be just fine. She could marry Sora and I could travel the world.

I took my bathrobe and put it on. Then I walked in to my balcony. I looked at the sea, the sun was setting. It looked so beautiful. I really wish I could sail over the world.

A/N: This is my new story which I will be working on. I really hope you like it and please review!