THIS IS IT ! The last chapter ! I hope you'll like it. I want to say thank you to all the people who put this story on alert or favorite. Also thank you for the reviews ! :D

Stefan and Katherine spent the whole night in Stefan's bedroom. Neither of them wanted to leave it for a single second. When they fell asleep, at almost six in the morning, the room was a disaster. It was like a storm had been going through it. Luckily, Damon had slept at the Gilbert's house. Katherine opened her eyes first and yawned. Then she glanced at Stefan and smiled. She finally had him back. All thanks to little Elena who had screwed up things with him.

"Do not stare."

"I can do whatever I want to you, little Stefan."

Stefan's eyes shot open and he turned to face Katherine.

"Yeah, well, don't be so sure about that !"

He took her wrists and pinned her to the bed, under him.

"Don't forget that I'm on human blood again."

Katherine grinned and flipped them over easily so that she was now lying on him.

"Don't forget that I'll always be older than you, which means stronger."

"Oh. Right."

"How about we have breakfast ?"

"Hmm, given the fact that it's already one p.m, I think it'd be more judicious to have lunch."

"My boy, so smart. Go get me some blood, I want to have a shower."

"Can't I shower with you ?" he asked hopefully.

"Nope, otherwise we'll never leave this room and we have a lot of things to do, honey."

"Ugh, I hate packing."

"But we need to. Tonight we'll be far away from Mystic Falls."

She leaned in and kissed him passionately, then pulled away and got up.

"I won't be long."


Damon came home with Elena an hour later. Stefan was gathering his stuffs and Katherine helped him with his suitcases.

"Do we disturb you ?"

"Oh, no, of course not ! We've finished anyway."

"So you're leaving, really ?"

After all that Stefan had shared with Elena, he could tell that she was upset. He took her by the arm and said :

"Come on, let's take a walk together. Katherine, do you mind being alone with Damon for a while ?"

"Oh, no, of course not."

Damon frowned.

"What if I don't want to be alone with her ?"

"Oh, Damon, be nice to me ! You never know, I could be your future sister-in-law."

"I'd rather die."

Stefan and Elena laughed.

"Okay guys, try not to kill each other while we're gone !"

After Elena left with Stefan, Damon sighed and poured himself a glass of bourbon. Katherine followed him, a smirk on her face.

"Can I have one ?"

"Help yourself."

If Damon had to stay in the same house as Katherine, he would do anything to be in another room. He sped upstairs to his room and locked the door behind him.

"Hey, if you want me to go away, at least close your window."

Damon sighed and emptied his glass.

"Does it make you happy to torture me ?"

"Aw, Damon, I just want to talk to you."

"There's nothing to talk about."

Katherine stepped into the room and closed the window behind her. Damon was now sitting of the edge of his bed and she sat beside him.

"You're mad at me."

"How could I not be ?"

"I'm not mad at you for being mad at me. You have every right to despise me. I've done terrible things to you, but I'm done lying. I love Stefan, I always did. But I cared about you too, Damon. You weren't just a toy for me, although I made you think that. I was never in love with you, but seeing how much you loved me made me feel good, and special. You were twenty-three, you already knew what love was, whereas Stefan didn't. He had never loved another woman before me, but you did. You knew how to love me. And sometimes I wonder why I fell in love with Stefan, and not with you. Now I know. It's because you were destined to another girl. Which happens to be my doppelganger, but that's beside the point."

Damon narrowed his eyes and looked at Katherine. She could see the hurt in his amazingly blue eyes. He was trying to figure out if she was lying, she could tell.

"I'm not lying."


"Maybe I should have told you this a little earlier."

"Why didn't you ?"

She shrugged.

"I'm just evil sometimes."

Stefan and Elena walked for about ten minutes before the vampire grabbed his ex-girlfriend's arm and stopped her.

"They won't be able to hear us, we can stop walking."


"I didn't mean to hurt you, Elena. But you have to understand that if I leave, it's because I don't want things to be awkward. You're dating my brother. We've dated. Katherine was dating both Damon and I. You're her doppelganger. It would be too hard to stay."

"I know…"

"Then why are you acting like you don't want us to leave ?"

"I don't want you to leave because you matter to me. Because I need you in my life."

"But I'll never be out of your life. I'll call you everyday. You'll come to see me."

"So, New-York ?"

"For a year, at least. Then we'll see. I want to travel all around the world."

Elena's eyes narrowed because of the sun.

"Okay then. You'll call me everyday."

"I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He hugged her tightly and took a deep breath. Her hair smelled like cookies and he smiled.

"Hey Stefan ?"

"Hmm ?"

"I'm glad we're still friends."

"Yeah, me too."

Stefan and Katherine kept waving at Elena and Damon until they were only shadows in the rear-view mirror. Finally they were alone. As soon as they passed the exit sign of the town, Stefan slowed down the car and stopped it a few meters further. Katherine raised an eyebrow and looked at him expectantly.

"Why the sudden stop ?"

He turned to face her with a serious look on his handsome features.

"I need to know one thing. I need to know that I'm not doing a mistake."

Katherine made an offended face and Stefan immediately felt like an idiot.

"I mean, even if I love you, there's still this feeling inside of me, this betrayal I can't seem to erase. I'm just worried. I don't want you to ever leave me, Katherine."

"I am not planning to, Stefan. I've made mistakes, yes. But I love you, and I'm sure about that . It will last forever. It's you and me, Stefan. Just the two of us. Like we should have been all these years. Listen to me very carefully. I. Love. You."

Stefan nodded. That's exactly what he needed to hear.

"Thank you for saying this."

"You're welcome. Now, shouldn't we already be far away ?"

He grinned and started the car. The radio displayed the song Happiness is overrated by The Airborne Toxic Event, and Stefan smiled as he heard the first notes. This song was perfectly fitting Katherine, the true love of his life.

You guys can honestly tell me what you thought about the chapter and the whole story ! I'd like to know :)