Pretty Boy chapter 14- join us

After Reid, Kitty and Morgan attend Ethan's funeral, they wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of Vegas. Once Reid paid a quick visit to his mother and told her everything, she wished them good luck and told Reid to visit her when he can.

"Alright, first rule when we get on the plane, i get the window seat." Morgan says, arm slung around Reid's shoulders.

Reid and Kitty chuckled and walked to their plane. Once they got into their seats, Reid had an epiphany. "You have to go back to work when we go back don't you?"

Morgan sighs and tightens his arm around Reid's shoulder. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun tonight. I'm thinking of a movie night with the whole team. They can come over to our house, and whoever draws the shortest straw picks the movie."

Reid just stares at Morgan, which makes Morgan get confused. "What is it pretty boy?"

"You called it our house." He says, a happy little smile forming on his face.

Morgan smiles and kisses the top of his head. "You know it baby."

Kitty squeals happily at the sight, while the stewardess stares at them with a disgusted face. "You two are so cute together."

Changing the subject before his face turns bright red, Reid adds: "So, what kind of movies do you own? No more horror movies please." Reid begs playfully.

Morgan chuckles at the cute sight and kisses Reid's head again. "You'll just have to wait until tonight baby boy."

Later that night Morgan, Reid and Kitty were setting the living room up for their movie night. Just as they were putting the snacks and drinks on the table, they heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" Kitty yelled, sliding towards the door.

"Hey. I brought some booze if anyone wants to get a little tipsy." Rossi says, holding up a bag from the liquor store.

"Oh No. Not after the last time. I don't wanna get a call from my neighbor, of her complaining about Garcia walking around naked in the hallway again." Morgan says.

"Oh, let that live forever." Garcia says, hitting his arm.

Morgan laughs before leading them into the living room, where Reid and Kitty were sitting on the couch. "Garcia, This is Reid, and guys, this is Reid's best friend Kitty."

"It's nice to meet you." Hotch says, shaking kitty's hand; the rest of them following.

Garcia just walks up to Reid. "It's nice to finally meet you face to face cutie pie." she says, giving him a big hug.

"N-Nice to finally meet you too." Reid says, a little awkwardly.

"Alright people, Let's get this party started. Yall know the drill. Draw your straws." Morgan says, holding out a handful of straws.

They all pulled a straw out of the bundle, and waited to see who got the short one. To everyone's chagrin, Garcia won, and of course she chose The Princess Bride.

They all sat in their spots as they watched the movie. Morgan and Reid cuddling on the couch. Hotch, Rossi, and Prentiss sat on the floor. and JJ, Garcia and Kitty sat closer to the TV.

After the movie ended, they all sat around and chatted. "So Reid, I have an important question for you." Hotch starts. "We could really use someone with a brain like yours, would you like to try out for the BAU?"

Reid was speechless. "Y-You really want me on your team?" he was touched to say the least.

"Yeah, that is, if you want to babe?" Morgan says, pulling him tighter to him.

"Now i won't lie, the training will be hard. Would you be up for it?" Hotch asks.

"Y-Yes. I will put my all in it sir." Reid says, completely happy.

"Good, and if you ever need help, we're always ready to help you out." Hotch says.

"T-Thank you so much sir." Reid says, nearly jumping out of his seat.

"Oh please, call me Hotch." Hotch says, a genuine smile on his face.

Later, after everyone left, Morgan was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed. walking into the living room, he found Reid sleeping on the sofa, a BAU training manual in his hand. Kitty was fast asleep on the armchair next to him.

Morgan just shook his head at the adorable sight, and walked over to Reid. "come on baby boy, time for bed." He says, carrying him to the bedroom.

Reid mumbled something unintelligible as Morgan laid him down, and dressed him in a long white tee shirt and some baggy gray sweatpants. Morgan changed into a muscle shirt, and his boxers, and crawled under the covers. Morgan kissed Reid on the forehead before turning off the light.

As the room was bathed in the light of the moon, Reid opened his Hazel gaze to him. "Morgan."

"Yeah, what is it baby?" Morgan asks, brushing the hair out of his face.

"I love you." Reid says, before laying his head down, and closing his eyes again.

Morgan chuckled. "Love you too baby." he kisses his forehead again, before he drifted off, wrapped in his lithe lover's arms.


That's the end of this story, but worry not, sequel will be written in a jiffy. along with a bunch of songfics i have in mind. if anyone has a songfic request, tell me the name of the song, the singer, and what you want the story to be about. thanks for reading guys. i love you all.