Sanya ran out into an open field and stopped, looking around for Eila-rabbit. A faint scent of flowers filled the air and distant bird could be heard, but nothing was there to give her a hint of were the rabbit went. Her cat ears poked out and her tail poked out from under her dress, her magic antennae encircled her head searching for the slightest trace. She looked left, right, and all around but again, no clue. "That's a funny looking do-dad you've got there." A feminine voice whispered close to her right ear, giving her a fright and caused her to stumble backwards. But as Sanya whirled around to search for the origin of the voice, she saw no one. "Hello?" Her voice sounded small in the wide open space.

"You've got a funny do-dad there, you do." A very similar yet definitely different voice whispered in her other ear. Again, Sanya looked around but saw nothing.

"And cat ears… What kind of girl are you? What do you think?" The first voice was at her ear again, this time she didn't move though.

"Yes, what kind of girl is she?" Her other ear rang, and as soon as it did, she spun her head around to spy Ursula Hartmann standing right next to her. She wasn't wearing her normal uniform though; she was wearing a white button-up shirt with a black ribbon around the neck. How peculiar, Sanya thought.

"Maybe a magical girl?" Sanya looked to the right and Erica was the same as Ursula. Sanya stepped forward and turned around to face them. They had never acted this closely as twins before… like Lynnette; they are probably different down the rabbit's hole too.

"Can you help me? I'm looking for the rabbit." Sanya was starting to notice just how odd this new place was that she had fallen into. Like a new world almost, but opposite sort of.

"Rabbit? Do you know?" The twins looked at each other for a bit.

"I do believe the rabbit went to the queen's castle I do!" Erica made an 'I got it' motion to Ursula.

"Indeedly so, she did." Ursula spoke in return.

"That's great! Now how do I get there?" The twins ignored her question as they flanked her sides and grabbed her arms. "What?" Erica and Ursula pulled her quickly into a tree-forest that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Sanya was running to keep up as they tugged her fast, looking forward trying not to run into anything.

"Follow the path!" The voices whispered in her ears as the grips on her arms lightened to nothing. Sanya kept running through the forest as fast as her feet could carry her paying no attention to her surrounding other than the dirt path that trailed in front of her feet. Abruptly, the trail was gone as Sanya stopped; she was no longer in a forest of trees but one of tall leafs of grass and huge flowers towering over head. "Oh no, I'm lost…" She whispered to herself as she gazed downward at the end of the trail. Tears perched themselves in her eyes ready to stain her cheeks on signal, all she was supposed to do was follow the trail to the queen's castle and she's find Eila but now it was gone... She blinked and one trickled down, taking her arm she brushed it away. Her tail and ears disappeared along with her antenna as she sat on the ground only to jump right back up at the cold panty-less feeling of the ground on her butt. "Oh Eila…"

"What an ugly flower!" Sanya looked up to see the large yellow rose in front of her come to life, at the center a familiar face poked out. "I say, get out of my flower garden!"