Hi People! Im back for the count, and I am typing as much as ever! So, to start this story off, I want to give you a little background incase you haven't read the book Thirteen Reasons Why. So, this guy named Clay finds a box of tapes on his porch. He puts the 1st one in, and discovers that they are from a girl who killed herself two weeks earlier. Her name was Hannah Baker. On the Tapes, you find out the 13 reasons she killed herself. So I am not gonna give anything away,

except that I don't own the book Thirteen Reasons Why,

or any of the characters.


Thirteen reasons why she died. That's what her tapes said. I was one of them.

That's right. Was one of them.

Until I killed myself.

My name is Clay. I was a part of Hannah Baker's list. The reason she killed herself. The reason she committed suicide. She is the reason I committed suicide. Not because of the fact that I felt guilty. Which, I did. But, it was because I loved her. When someone you love dies, what are you suppose to do?

There's a list. Its called the 5 stages of grief.

1. Denial.

2. Anger.

3. Bargaining.

4, Depression.

5. Acceptance.

I went through three of the stages before my death. They weren't in order, but I wasn't sure how to explain why I decided to do suicide..

Until I decided to take Hannah's lead. I convinced Tony to lend me the same equipment, saying mom wanted to document a segment of her life. He fell for it too.

I sent the tapes to all the other 12 people, but I added one more. My family. They deserved to understand why I did this.

I sat in my garage, on my workbench with the recorder in my hand, and a tape in the recording station.

Hannah Baker. A girl I loved who committed suicide almost a month ago. A girl I'll never forget. I don't want to sound like a hopeless romantic, but that's what I am. I'm in love with a dead girl, who I decided not to live without. So, to all of you that killed her, I'm sending these tapes. These 13 reasons why I killed myself.

I was left a shoebox on my porch one day. When I opened it, I was surprised to discover that there were 7 tapes, as I am sure the 8 people before me were. Mom, these were the tapes that I asked you to bring to Rosie's Dinner that one day. When I listened to them, it was Hannah Baker who talked, who admitted what had happened to her. So, when you receive these tapes, skip over me. I'll be dead anyway. But, these are going to go in the order of her reasons. So, Mr. Porter, send this to my family. Since, I'm guessing that is going to be hard on you. Its what you deserve.

My family of the other hand, doesn't deserve this. The only reason I'm committing it is because I can't live without my Hannah.

So, to begin my first tape, do I have to remind you who was on the 1st tape?

Incase you forgot, Justin Foley. Hannah's first kiss. Jessica's first rape. For those of you that forgot that horrible story, let me remind you what had happened. Justin, you kissed Hannah at that red rocket. But, what else had happened there? Nothing. But, you were a part of the reason she drove herself to suicide. I could have been there for her. You could have been there for her. If we both saw it, it could of ended with us. But, we didn't.

You started the rumors. That she wanted to touch you. We all fell for it. I fell for it. I feel guilty for falling for it. But, its not her fault. She died for nothing. All starting with you.

I die for a different reason. I am going to die to be with her. I'm going to die, to be with the girl you basically killed. The snowball effect. If you didn't start the rumors, Hannah probably wouldn't of ended up on Alex's list.

Yes, Alex is next. Not yet though, I'm not done with you yet, Justin. Your rumor started a landslide, and when that happened, Hannah's life was turned upside down. So was mine. I am left without Hannah. How does it feel Justin? To know that you killed Hannah?

Turn the Tape over for more.