A/N: there's a looong, repetitive author's note at the end so I'm not going to waste your time with one here. Oh, wait, I already did.



Beck's POV

'FUCK YOU BECKETT OLIVER!' Jade screamed as she pushed again. I squeezed her hand and stroked her face, trying to soothe her.

'Miss West, count to ten and push again.' The nurse instructed. After ten seconds, Jade squeezed my hand to the point where I'm pretty sure something's broken. But after more pushing, we heard the sound of a crying baby.

'It's over now, Jade.' I whispered to her. 'I love you and I'm so proud of you.' She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

'Daddy, you want to cut the cord?' the nurse asked me. I nodded.

Jade's POV

He was amazing. Beck cut the umbilical cord and once he was cleaned up, Beck took him from the nurse and handed him to me. He stopped crying as soon as he was in my arms. I smiled down at my baby.

'What's his name, love?' the nurse asked.

'Valentine. Valentine Ryder Oliver.' I said with a smile. Beck smiled down at me as I held Valentine.

Beck's POV

Jade named Valentine after Cat and Ryder? Ha-ha. Valentine is the most amazing baby I've ever seen. He's just so amazing I don't even know how to describe him. Oh. Jade's calling me.

'Beck? You OK?' Jade asked.

'Yeah. I'm great. It's kinda a shock, you giving birth, but he's just so amazing. I don't know, I'm just so...' I trailed off.

'Amazed?' Jade asked. I nodded and leaned down to kiss her forehead. 'He has your eyes.' Jade smiled and began to talk to Valentine. I smiled and sat down, just watching Jade and Valentine until the door burst open, startling everyone.

'OHMYGOSH! HE'S SO CUTE!' Cat screeched as soon as she saw Valentine. Trina was right behind her with Ryder's hand in hers and began to gush about him. He looked at them curiously. I laughed. Then Trina was holding him. She cooed to him and smiled. 'WHAT'S HIS NAME?'

'Valentine Ryder Oliver.' I replied.

'Hi Valentine! I'm your Auntie Trina!' Trina exclaimed. 'He's amazing! ...you named him after my boyfriend? Cool.' We all laughed.

'I know!' Jade replied. She smiled brightly up at the four of us. Then Sean and Jess walked in.

'GUYS! We're going to crowd her!' Cat exclaimed.

'Don't worry Cat. I'm fine.' Jade said. Cat, Jess and Trina began to talk to Valentine about how they were going to be such amazing aunties and how they would take him for ice cream and Sean sat beside Jade.

'How you feeling?' he asked.

'Good. He's amazing. He's the perfect mix of me and Beck.' Jade replied, smiling at me. I walked around to the other side of her and hugged her tightly. She smiled up at me before saying 'I want coffee.'

'I'll get you some.' Sean laughed and stood up. I shot him a grateful smile. He smiled back and headed out to get Jade's coffee. Trina and Cat ran after him and Jess remained, holding Valentine and whispering to him.

'Can I have him back, Jessi?' Jade asked, using the nickname that she and Sean used when they wanted to annoy Jess. But Jess just smiled and handed Valentine to Jade.

'He's so cute, Jadey.' Jess smiled and stroked Valentine's cheek. He grabbed at her hand and began to suck on one of her fingers.

'Your hands are clean, right?' Jade asked.

'Yes. I washed them before coming in so that I wouldn't give him anything when I held him. Though I didn't know if I would. But it's always best to be prepared.' Jess smiled. Jade smiled back and kissed Valentine's head.

'He's amazing.' Jess said.

'We know. Of course he is. He is mine and Beck's child after all.' Jade said with a smirk. Jess chuckled and kissed Valentine's forehead.

'I've got to go. School night.' Jess smiled. 'Love you guys. Ring me when you get home.'

'OK.' Jade smiled at her friend as she left. Valentine began to cry as soon as her fingers left his mouth, but Jade kissed him and held him close to her and he stopped. 'Well, he likes Jess quite a lot.'

'Yep.' I smiled. 'But he likes us the best.'

'So true.' Jade smiled up at me. I leaned down and kissed her softly for a second and with that, everything was perfect. We had the most amazing friends and I had a wonderful girlfriend and baby boy. My life is perfect. And I can't wait to take them home and raise Valentine. It will be amazing.

A/N: :( And it's over. :( I loved this. And if anyone wants a sequel, which will be about Valentine mostly with Bade of course though, and Jade/Trina friendship, I will write one. If enough people want one. Review one last time? LOVE YOU GUYS! I'm so thankful to everyone who's stuck by me until the end. All of my reviewers are amazing. You guys have made me so happy. Every single review made me so happy. Every time I get the email notification and there's a review saying that you liked the chapter or that the story is good, and every favourite and follow has made me so happy. Thank you so much you guys! I hope the epilogue is satisfactory and that everyone likes it. And thank you everyone who reviewed last chapter. You all mean the world to me. And even if you don't review, if you're reading and you like the story, I'm so glad and thank you so much for taking the time to read this. It really does mean the world to me. Especially when people like the stories. I love you guys. Thank you so much! :heart: I honestly can't believe it's over. I really can't. I'm crying now. I had so much fun with this. And if anyone wants a sequel, I'd be thrilled. But the updates, as usual, will probably be spaced because of school and activities. I'll try to set deadlines, and if I say I'll update by a certain day, I will definitely aim to get it up by then, but if I don't, it's generally due to homework and activities and school or family stuff. But I'm really glad people enjoyed this story and thank you again to anyone who's read/reviewed and liked it, and anyone who's taken the time to read this very long repetitive author's note. I've said thank you five times now. Heehee. But still, thank you guys. You've been amazing to read until the end!

Responses to the peeps who reviewed last chapter:

Coffee Writer Girl: awwwwwwwww thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! I can't believe it's already over. I'm going to miss writing it and thinking about what I'll write next. I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you so much.

xXMidnightNekoXx: thank you so much! Me too! I already miss writing it and it's been about five minutes. Thank you.

TrinitylovesRoshonfreak: yeah me too. So glad Tori finally got what she deserved. Thank you so much for reading!

LizGilliesFanForever: I'm so glad you liked this story. Thank you so much! I hope you liked the epilogue! :)

Well, this is the end. Thank you so much to everyone, and thank you to Dan Schneider for creating Victorious and the Victorious Cast for being so amazing, especially Avan and Liz because they're Beck and Jade. Even though none of them are probably reading this. But still. They deserve a thanks. But thank you mostly to my wonderful readers for reading and enjoying. :heart: