I'm sorry this took me ages. Thank you so much to Sundowner, HeavyHeartToCarryx, and MidnightMoon92 for your lovely reviews. This chapter is very short and not as much Mini/Alo but more them coming out as couple to their friends. More Mini/Alo will come in the next chapter which will be this week. I promise. I hope you like it.
I don't own Skins.
Mini attacked his mouth with everything she had. Grabbing onto him frantically with clumsy and aggressive unplanned movements. She poured all of her anxiety into him.
He didn't exactly know why she was as in a hurry as she was, but he wasn't going to refuse her.
He didn't want to hurt to take advantage of her but he knew that if she didn't want this she would stop. She wouldn't let someone abuse her. Not his Mini.
She gave herself to him. Pushing and pushing but never taking control because she wanted Alo to take her completely. To take everything from her. Because he took away all her insecurities and destroyed them. Smashed them to pieces, and in their place left confidence.
She laid back and allowed him to take her entire body because with every one of his movements her anxieties left her mind so she could focus on the pleasures she had been too clouded to notice.
When she woke up she was alone in bed. She collected her thoughts slowly of the events leading her to be in their bed in Alo's van in the middle of the afternoon.
Coming out as a couple, somewhat unconventionally.
Starting to hyperventilate in class.
His hand on her knee.
His fucking magical calming fingers.
Running out of class to the van.
Him finding her.
Assaulting him.
Sex. Wonderful sex.
She smiled at the memory and the sore feeling in her hips.
She rolled over to find Franky sitting and reading a black leather bound book with no title on the cover.
"Morning gorgeous," Franky smirked.
"Franky what are you doing here?" Mini sat up, pulling the sheet up to wrap around her body.
"Alo didn't want you to wake up alone. He's worried you'd flip out and run away," Franky smiled closing her book and placing it in her lap.
What the fuck? Just because we came out as a couple doesn't mean he can tell everyone everything about me!
"Exactly how much did he fucking tell you?" Mini asked with strong offense in her tone at Franky's comment, regardless of the fact that she was simply relaying exactly what Alo said.
"Nothing, that's it," Franky titled her head to the side and looked at Mini, who had pulled up her knees and rested her arms and chin on them.
Mini was disappointed to not wake up with Alo but she knew he couldn't afford to miss any other classes. She loved waking up to feel him lazily drawing patterns on her skin, or to find him asleep, holding onto her tightly. When he was sleep Mini would play with his hair and nip at his ears until he finally woke up. He sent Franky. Because he cares.
Because he's perfect.
"So are you going to tell me how exactly you got together with 'farm boy'?" Franky used air quotes mocking Mini's nickname for Alo.
Mini smiled and let out a small laugh. She was happy Franky was the first person she was really telling. She was starting to feel as though Franky was her best friend. A genuine friend who genuinely cared for her, even more than Grace.
As soon as class let out Rich grabbed Alo and practically shoved him into an empty classroom.
"Rich, what the fuck?" Alo yelled as he stumbled into the classroom.
"Oi! When the hell were you going to tell me you were dating the evil princess?" Rich yelled at Alo after he closed the door.
"Oh so it's okay for you date one of the Holy Trinity but it's not alright if I do?" Alo asked defensively.
"You got something to fucking say about Grace because I will snap your neck," Rich moved forward towards Alo straightening his shoulders.
"No. I don't! You got something to fucking say about Mini?" Alo also took a step forward matching's Rich's aggressive stance, using his superior height to his advantage.
"Fuck it, fine, I see your point," Rich stepped back retreating. Alo also relaxed his stance. "What happened? How did, this, happen?"
"I don't know mate. Nobody was paying attention to her. Yeah they talked to her but nobody was really paying her attention so I did. And she liked me. She came onto me, and I went for it. I wasn't going to turn her down. But you know what happened? I liked her. I really fucking liked And I fell for her. I fell hard." Alo confessed his story without apology; he wasn't ashamed of how he felt.
"And this is serious? This is real?" Rich asked using his hand to emphasize his words. "I fucking love her mate," Alo said honestly, looking Rich straight in the eye.
"Well, he kind of started noticing me, and talking to me. I started talking to him. It was like he actually cared about what I was saying. Then at Nick's party after Alo's he broke down and started crying. I didn't have the confidence to ask him what was wrong. I talked to him during Grace's play but he didn't really, ya know, ever let me talk about that night. So after Grace's reception, Alo and I…, we, went off together to find his van. When we were walking he told me what had happened that night he was crying. I don't know, he was just so honest and so lovely I wanted to kiss him, and it was four in the morning so I did," Mini looked down as she told Franky how they got together.
"But that was over a month ago," Franky's face contorted in confusion.
"Yeah, well, you know, I wasn't ready to tell anyone," Mini's face saddened with shame.
"Yeah but you've been telling me everything, about your mum, and her new boyfriend and all the Liv shit, why didn't you tell me?" Franky looked hurt.
Mini felt awful for not telling Franky. She had really wanted to. The two had become so close. They'd been staying up every night talking and constantly texting on Mini's lost weekends with Alo.
"Franky, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, I really wanted to," Mini looked up with tears brimming in her eyes.
"It's okay Mins," Franky got up and sat on the bed across from Mini. She smiled and stroked Mini's arm.
Mini returned the smile and wiped her tears.
"Do you love him?" Franky asked looking Mini in the eye.
"Yeah, yeah I think, I think I do," Mini nodded.