AN: I came up with this idea on my own but I had some help from cooliochick5, and she gave me permission to use her OC Vanessa. She may or may not make an appearance. And to all my fans who are waiting for The News Report and the Past, well don't worry because I will be updating it soon it's just the evil little plot bunnies didn't want to give me another visit. So right now I'm stuck, but I have about a quarter of chapter five written so that's good, right?

Let's begin the story

Disclaimer: I will never own Young Justice, it belongs to the great gods of DC

Chapter 1

"What do you call not normal people?" A red headed teen asked his friends

"I don't know," said the red haired Martian girl

"Circus freaks, because they are no way in any shape or form normal people they are crazy," the young speedster said laughing

"That's not funny!" the youngest of the group shouted

"Hey, Rob what's your problem it was too funny," Kid Flash said walking over to Robin

"No it wasn't Wallace and," But before Robin could complete his sentence Batman appeared on the large computer screen.

"You have a mission for us?" the team's leader asked

"Yes, there is a hostage situation that needs your attention, now. I am sending the coordinates of the location to Robin," The Dark Knights voice was deep and did not show a scathe of emotion.

"Got it," Robin said looking up from the holographic screen that was being projected from his wrist.

Then just as quickly as the Dark Knight appeared he was gone and so was the Boy Wonder he was already on his way to the Bio- Ship.

By the time the rest of team had gotten to the ship Robin was extracting the exact coordinates.

"So Rob, where are we headed?" Superboy asked

"Gotham, the docks, to be more specific Dock 16 station 5," Robin answered as they loaded onto the Bio-Ship.

"Yo, Rob, why did you get all angry at my joke before?" the speedster had h=asked the Boy Wonder when they were about five minutes from their location.

"Just focus on the mission," was all Robin said as the ship landed on a nearby cliff.

As the team off-loaded the Ship, Robin peered over the ledge to see what was going on so he could get a feel of the situation.

Once the team had decided on a plan, Robin jumped across the tops of the building located on the dock.

CRASH! Was the sound that was made when Superboy crashed through the wall of the warehouse with the team close in tow. Well all except for Robin he did it the Gotham way his way. He climbed down from the rafters landing silently behind the hostages. He observed each of them; two boys, two girls all about ranging from the age of eleven to sixteen.

The rest of the team looked for the perpetrators; the speedster ran around most the warehouse not finding a single bit of evidence that there was anyone else there besides the hostages.

"Could this be a trap?" Megan asked

"It very well could be Miss Martian," answered Aqualad

As Robin began untying the hostages he noticed something, a note was tied to the rope that bound the hostages.

It read:

Dear R,

Here's a little present from me to you. Hope you enjoy it and remember It.

Don't ever say I never did anything for you.

Enjoy your presents.


The note was an anonymous no doubt about that.

But what did it mean by presents? Robin asked himself as he untied the last of the hostages.

"Are you alright?" Aqualad asked the hostages

"Yeah, I think so," answered the oldest; a boy with jet black hair and blue- green eyes

"Thanks for saving us, but it was so weird it's like they wanted you to find us," answered the second oldest; a girl with dirty brown hair and pale green eyes

"Yeah, thanks," said the younger boy turning towards Robin and Robin somehow felt like he knew them. The boy had light brown hair and green eyes.

Then the youngest of the hostages turned towards Robin.

"Where did you get that costume?" she asked with some anger in her voice, she had long black hair that was tied back into a ponytail and she had striking blue eyes to match.

"What?" The Boy Wonder asked, he was still a little bewildered from that letter and these four very familiar people.

"The costume you stole the idea from someone didn't you?" the youngest asked accusingly.

Then all face were on Robin and this little girl.

"Autumn!" the oldest boy shouted at her, "don't be so rude,"

"But Marcus look at his costume don't you see resemblance," the girl named Autumn said pointing at Robin's costume.

Those names they were familiar to Robin. But why and from where?

"Sorry about my sister," the boy named Marcus apologized as the two groups walked out of the warehouse.

"It's fine," Robin said lost in thought, then a blur whizzed by snatching the note from Robin's grasp.

"What's this?" Kid Flash asked in a mocking sort of voice waving the paper in front of him.

"KF give it back!" Robin yelled at the speedster

But before Robin could snatch it back

"Dear R, Here's a little present from me to you. Hope you enjoy it and remember it. Don't say I never did anything for you. Enjoy your presents. Signed," KF had just finished reading the note aloud.

"What was that all about," Artemis asked

" I don't know, I found it attached to the rope," Robin said in his defense.

"Well that's odd," Aqualad said turning to face his team, " Oh and by the way I'm Aqualad and this is Kid Flash, Superboy, Artemis. Miss Martian and Robin."

"Well I'm Marcus obviously, this is my sisters Hanna and Autumn and my brother Chris; I'm 16, Hanna is 15, Chris is 14 and Autumn is 12," Marcus answered

Robin was just about to ask something when the communicator went off, when he flipped it open; the Dark Knight filled the screen.

"I trust that the mission was a success," the Dark Knight voice said

"Yes," Aqualad answered

"Then return to base," The Dark Knight replied

"But what of the hostages?" Aqualad asked

"Find a safe place for them to stay," then the man was gone.

"Where do you guys live?" Robin asked

"Well we live a little ways from here but not far," Marcus answered

"We can give you a ride then," Miss Martian told them in her very sweet voice.

Robin was one of the last to board the ship. He was still trying to figure out why these teens looked so familiar.

Then it hit him, he saw them looking at an old worn out poster through the window; and their expressions had saddened.

Robin knew exactly who they were!

AN: Ooooh cliffie. Who are these mysterious kids? How does Robin know them? Who wrote that note? What is going to happen next. Well you'll just have to wait and see.

I am taking some suggestions they may or may not be used.

The next chapter should be up by tomorrow at 8:45pm at the latest. But that's only if I don't have home work.

Please Read and Review and I'll even take flames