Again, thank you very much for everything everyone! Here's another part!


Blaine hadn't seen Kurt after their little moment, but today, Kurt was about to walk into the locker room in a few minutes. The bell had rung for class changes.

As the boys shoved one another, Blaine stood by the door until the bell rang and everyone was inside so he could lock the locker room door. He smirked when he noticed one straggler.

Kurt meekly looked up at Blaine. "Hehe, forgot where the locker room was." Kurt quickly passed Blaine, but stopped and turned around. "I never got a locker." Blaine nodded and walked over to the office.

He looked through a bucket of locks and handed one to Kurt. "Go find a locker you want, and come tell me the number of it so I can write it down incase you forget." Kurt nodded and turned around to go look for an empty locker.

As he passed by most of the students, he sighed while looking around for an empty locker.

After making a complete circle on both sides of the locker room, Kurt settled for the locker at the parallel end of where the first one was. A wall made it so Kurt couldn't see the other lockers, but the window in the main office stretched to both sides of the wall so the teachers could see the entire room.

Kurt noticed Blaine was seated and looking down at something. Probably the news paper or something. With a sigh, Kurt read the numbers on the piece of tape on the lock and opened the locker. He left the lock hooked on the end and walked back to the office.

"Mr. Anderson?" Blaine looked up to see Kurt. "Yes?"

"I picked my locker. It's number Z13. Over there." Kurt pointed out of the window. Blaine nodded and wrote down the number in his notebook. "Thanks Kurt. Go change before we leave." Kurt nodded and walked back to his locker.

Blaine looked at his watch. Five more minutes until he unlocked the doors to the gym. He looked up and scanned the locker room to make sure no one was arguing or doing something they weren't suppose to.

He scanned the area one more time, but his eyes stopped at the end of the lockers. Kurt gently pulled his shirt over his head to reveal a toned flat stomach and equally toned chest. His skin was like a porcelain doll's. Blaine couldn't help but let his eyes gently go down to Kurt's hipbones that vanished at his pant's waist line.

Kurt slowly turned around so his back was to Blaine which caused a crashing sound to happen in the office.

Some of the kids turned around to see what had happened when Blaine slowly stood up and smiled at all of them while Kurt smiled to himself.

The boy next to him suddenly looked at him. "Dude! That's a pretty nice tattoo! I wouldn't have the balls to get one. Did it hurt? It looks a little feminine, but you rock it!" Kurt let out a light laugh, not sure if he was complimented or insulted. "Thanks? And no, it actually felt a little good when they did it." The boy shrugged and went back to changing.

Kurt walked over to the mirror next to his locker and turned around to see his tattoo. It was barely 5 months old. He smiled when he followed it down as it disappeared below his wais band. That part had kind of hurt. The bold red color stood out against his pale skin.

Quickly, he went back over to his bag and pulled out a nice form fitting shirt that he didn't really need. It hugged his upper body, but allowed him to breath and be flexible. He pulled out some sweats since last time he had been in the gym, it was cold.

Seconds later, he heard one of the male gym teachers open the door and boys run out.

Kurt watched as Blaine made his way out as well. He couldn't help the grin that spread over his face.

As he began to walk, Kurt sighed. Being the new kid meant that he had to walk alone for a bit until he got friends.

"Hey, why are you walking by yourself?" Kurt looked back to see a slightly tall blonde girl behind him. "I'm new, so I don't really know anyone."

"Oh, well, I can be your friend. I have many friends. My cat can be your friend too, but be careful. He's kind of sneaky." Kurt stared at the girl for a second, but smiled at her. "Ok. I'm Kurt by the way."

"My name's Britney S. Pierce. It's nice to meet you, Kurt By The Way." She smiled proudly at Kurt. "Oh, that's not my last name. It's Kurt Hummel."

"Oh, ok then." As the two teens walked, Kurt learned that Britney was a cheerleader. She was a little ditzy, but she was kind and innocent. It made Kurt smile at how clueless she kind of was. She was also in his gym class which was a plus.

"Can I hold you're hand Kurt?" The boy raised an eyebrow at her. "Your hands look soft, like a baby's hands and I wondering if we could hold hands."

Kurt shrugged and nodded. Britney smiled and took his hand in hers.

After a few minutes of walking, one of the teachers blew the whistle to start class. Both teens went to Blaine while still clasping hands.

Blaine watched as Britney and Kurt sat together and she reached over to take Kurt's other hand in hers played with them. He sighed and called everyone's attention.

"Ok, so today we are doing archery. Those of you that had me last year, you know what to do. Those that didn't, I'll be teaching you. To the back gym!" Everyone excitedly got up. Blaine 'coincidentally' just happened to walk beside Kurt and Britney as they still held hands.

"I see you made a friend Kurt." Kurt smiled over at Blaine. "Yup. Britney was nice enough to be my first friend in gym. She said I have soft hands." Blaine let out a small laugh.

"Really. Well, hope you have your gloves if you want to keep those soft hands." Kurt rolled his eyes. He couldn't help but smirk as he remembered Blaine's reaction to seeing his tattoo.

After everyone was in the back gym once again, Blaine called their attention. "Ok guys, because it's part of gym, we need to stretch. Now, follow my lead."

Blaine stretched his arms out, up and back. The students did the same. He couldn't help but look as Kurt's shirt rode up. He shook his head and continued to stretch.

"Ok, now, everyone on the floor and put the bottom of your feet together and stretch forward. After that, make a bridge, and lastly, touch your toes." Everyone did what they were told.

Blaine watched as Britney stood up after touching her toes and watched Kurt touch the floor with his palms while keeping his knees straight. "Kurt, there's something on your back." Kurt stood up and smiled at Britney. "It's just a tattoo. It's like a permanent painting."

Britney looked up, as f in thought. "Can I see it?" Kurt stretched his arms up. "Sure"

Blaine watched as Britney lightly lifted Kurt's shirt and bend over to look up to where it went. "Kurt, your pants are covering it. Can I move them to see?" Blaine's jaw dropped. If she thought Kurt was going to let her-

Kurt happily nodded at her.

Britney pulled Kurt's sweats a little to look down his pants. "That's really neat Kurt."

"Mr. A, when can we test these babies out?" Blaine snapped out of it and looked at the boy holding archery equipment. "Ok everyone! If you know what to do, over there, if you don't, come to me." The class divided into 2 groups.

Britney walked up to Blaine. "Mr. A, I can't do archery. My mom wont let me near pointy things." Blaine nodded and let Britney sit out.

After a few minutes of explaining and demonstrating, Blaine let the kids have a shot at it. He watched as some did fairly well while others got one shot out of 5.

His eyes, once again, staid on Kurt. He struggled to get the arrow into the bow's groove. It was his job as a teacher to help his students when they didn't understand right? Right.

"Need help Kurt?" Kurt nodded. Blaine stood behind Kurt and took hold of both of Kurt's hands into his own and guided them.

"Ok, now, just pull back, and when you have aim, let go." Blaine felt Kurt shiver. His hands rested overtop the younger male's still. When he felt Kurt lean back into his chest and take a deep breath. He felt Kurt's hand loosen as the arrow flew and hit the target dead on.

Some of the students clapped and whistled when the saw the arrow hit. Kurt nervously smiled and moved from Blaine. He nodded and thanked some of the other students.

Britney ran up to Kurt and embraced him tightly. "That was really cool." Kurt hugged back and smiled.

He felt as if he had known the taller girl for so long when they had only just met.

Britney let go after a few seconds and went back to jumping rope. Kurt sighed and looked at the arrow that was still on the small red circle.

Kurt couldn't help as another shiver ran up his spine. He could still feel Blaine's chest against his back. He felt his muscles as he had leaned back into them and rested against them.

He felt as his heart had sped up, but took in deep breaths to steady himself.

"That was quite a good shot Kurt." Blaine stood beside Kurt. He patted the younger boy on the shoulder and walked off to check on the other students.

As class carried, on, Kurt had gotten the hang of archery. He unconsciously stuck his tongue out between his lips as he prepared the bow and arrow. His tongue went to the side of his mouth as he took aim and licked his lips after shooting.

Blaine had watched everything from where he stood. He followed the pink muscle as it moved from one side to the other. Blaine swallowed dryly as he watched, until he felt someone pull his shirt.

"Mr. A, we've been at his for a while. Isn't it time to, you know, go back to the lockers and change?" Blaine looked at his watch. "Oh man. Sorry, I kind of lost track of time. I'm amazed at how good you guys are! Ok everyone! Back to the lockers! But put away the archery things first!"

All the student nodded and began to put everything away. As Blaine walked back to the double doors, he noticed Kurt looking at his hand. He walked over to the teen and stood beside him.

"What's wrong?" Kurt looked over his shoulder at Blaine and back down at his hand. "These gloves didn't really help, look." Blaine looked at Kurt's hand and winced.

There was a pretty large cut on his palm. The blood had clot, but still slowly pooled on his palm.

"Ok, uh, can someone put Kurt's things away?" Blaine saw a few nods and took Kurt out of the back gym and into a sports clinic room.

It was usually used when there were minor injuries during inside sports or when the football players were brought in the get checked out.

Kurt sat in the small bed and watched as Blaine searched through the cup boars and pulled out a few things.

"Ok, I have peroxide to clean the wound, and an antibacterial….lotion…thing, to put on it to make sure the injury doesn't bleed. Ready?" Kurt sighed and nodded.

Blaine pulled a chair and sat down in front of Kurt and gently cleaned off the dried blood and fresh one. After seeing if it would need stitches, Blaine inspected it. Thankfully, it didn't. "Ok, here we go.

Blaine put a bit of peroxide on a clean sheet and gently cleaned the wound. Kurt tensed as the liquid made contact with opened flesh. He bit his bottom lip when it was moved across the skin.

"…Ah…." Blaine stopped when he heard the small sound. He swallowed as he felt his heart rate quicken once again. His eyes looked at Kurt and noticed that the teen was trying to keep his breathing calm. Blaine saw he was tensed.

With a shaky sigh, Blaine continued to clean the wound.

"…oh…" Blaine quickly looked up to see a light pink tint on Kurt's cheeks as he screwed his eyes shut. The look on Kurt's face was one of slight pain but, also something else.

"You…doing ok Kurt?" Kurt gave a quick nod as he put his head down so Blaine wouldn't see his face.

His heart was racing as if he had run a mile. He had forgotten about his little, fetish. He had learned about it when he had gotten his tattoo. Originally, it was just a black outline, but he wanted to feel the needle against his skin again.

With the peroxide against his flesh, it made Kurt's skin crawl and tingle in a pleasant way. He held his breath as Blaine continued to treat the injury until he wrapped his hand in a gauze.

"Ok, that should do it. I'll give you a pass so you can go to class seeing as you still need to change. Not to mention the class changing bell rang about five minutes ago. There's no gym class this period, so the locker room's all yours Kurt."

Kurt smiled and nodded. His breathing still a little shaky. He stood up and went to the locker room and to his locker. Kurt looked at it, then at his hand for a second. Great.

"Mr. Anderson?" Blaine turned around to see a still gym clothes clad Kurt at the door. "What is it?"

"Uh, I can't really open my locker with my hand like this." Blaine looked at Kurt for a second and gave a weak smile. "True. Hold on, I'll get it open."

As they made their way to Kurt's locker, Blaine couldn't help but let out a light laugh. "Some great first day of gym huh?" Kurt rolled his eyes, but smiled non the less.

"Alright, here we go." Blaine took out the master key to the locks and opened Kurt's locker. "There you go. If you need anything else I'll be over there."

"Uh…well…" Blaine looked as Kurt colored. He arched an eyebrow, uncertain of why Kurt was blushing.

"You need something else Kurt?"

"Mr. Anderson...I…don't think I can…umm…you know…put my…c-clothes on…with my hand like this…I kind of need…umm…yeah…" Blaine made a realization face.

"Oh…uh…I guess…I can…ok…sure." Blaine swallowed as he slowly pulled out Kurt's clothe from the locker and took hold of his shirt.

"I, need to get out of this one first though….so…" Blaine slowly nodded, feeling like an idiot.

"Ok, just, put your hands over your head." Kurt slowly did so. Blaine's hands took hold of the bottom of the shirt. His fingers lightly grazing Kurt's heated skin. He tugged up until it passed over Kurt's head and the teen stood bare-chested in front of him. Blaine took in a shaky breathe as he put his thumb under the waist band of Kurt's sweats. He slowly pulled down, but thankfully noticed he also took hold of the teen's silky boxers. He pulled them back up before parts were exposed.

Kurt bit his lip. Blaine's hands were cold, so them against his skin made his hear go at light speed.

Blaine tried again and pulled Kurt's sweats down, making sure not to take the boxers along this time.

"Mr. Anderson?" Blaine looked up to see a blushing Kurt. "Y-yes?"

"My shoes…." Kurt had his pants pooled around his ankles. Blaine laughed weakly. "Just, uh sit. For now." Kurt did so.

Blaine took off the teen's shoes, along with his sweats and looked at an almost naked teen in front of him.

'You are a teacher. You're not doing anything wrong. you're just helping an injured student. Just, relax Blaine…come on…'

Blaine shook his head grabbed Kurt's pants. He rolled them down so he could get them through Kurt's feet and up to his knees.

"These are a little tight Kurt." Blaine watched as he moved the pants up that they practically clung to the teen's calves.

"They're skinny jeans." Oh.

"Ok, just, stand up Kurt." After Kurt stood, Blaine grabbed the pant's waist band and pulled them. Kurt instinctively shimmied, as a way to help get them up to his hips.

Blaine moved his hand to the back of Kurt's pants to try and pull them over his butt. After about two minutes of struggling, Kurt finally had his pants on. Blaine held his breath as he did the button and zipper.

Blaine then reached for Kurt's shirt. It was a button up shirt. He sighed and motioned for Kurt to turn around so he could get both his arms through it. Kurt did so. Exposing his tattoo at full few to Blaine.

Blaine stared for a bit until he heard Kurt laugh. "Is it really that fascinating Mr. Anderson?" Kurt looked over his shoulder.

Blaine cleared his throat. "I've seen tattoos on students before, but, I mean. I've never seen one like this. On the internet yes, and on women, not that there's anything wrong with yours Kurt! I was just, surprised. You didn't really look like the sort." Another laugh escaped Kurt's lips.

Blaine sighed and put the teen's shirt on and buttoned it. He concentrated on only the buttons as he did them up. Then he put Kurt's jacket on, and finally, his boots. After he had managed to dress the teen, he wrote the excuse note and why Kurt was almost 25 minutes late to his next class.

When Kurt took the note, he thanked Blaine. "Thank you for the help." Blaine nodded and sat down as Kurt walked away, but stopped outside the office door.

"Maybe one day I'll let you see my entire corset tattoo and you can see how far down it goes, Blaine, haha." And with that, the teen left a shocked gym teacher with a heart going a million miles a minute and jaw slacked.

And done! Yay! It's a bit longer than the other chapters! Haha, I like writing this!

