Yeah, well, I've been a pretty huge Klaine fan for a while, just kind of scared to post anything. Um, I hope y'all like this!

It's AU….and stuff…I don't own anything but the plot!

Blaine stretched as he waited for his class to rush out of the locker rooms. One of the gym coaches opened the door to the girl's room and slowly, they walked out. Like usual, they got into their little groups or pairs and began to walk their laps around the gym floor.

As for the boys, their locker room door burst open and most of them ran out, trying to out run one another while purposely running into the girls. Blaine couldn't help the smirk on his face. Boys never change, no matter what generation they were in.

After a few minutes, Blaine blew his whistle. The kids went to their respective teachers and waited for their gym class to begin. Blaine's class sat on the floor in front of him and waited for his command.

"Hope you all had a good winter break. I bet most of you haven't worked out since last gym class haha! Not to mention that we had an extended health class for, well, sex ed. So, I hope everyone's ready for a good work out to burn off that Christmas and new years fat and valentine's day chocolate."

Most of the students groaned. "Come on guys, sophomore year! This is the last gym class you'll have! Then, you can get as fat you want and wont have to hear me encourage you to run until you feel like you're going to pass out!"

Some of the kids smirked and laughed at Blaine's speech. He was the youngest gym teacher after all and got along pretty well with all the students, considering he looked young and was very handsome for a teacher.

"Mr. A, are you really 25? I mean, my bro's 26 and he acts like stick in the mud. He keeps saying he's to old for games and what not." One of the boys stretched his legs as he looked at Blaine.

"Well, some people act differently. I mean, when I was your age, I was a fine young man. I was very proper and a complete gentleman. I went to a private school, so I acted like an adult. I think my clock is going backwards or something. But! Now isn't the time to discuss my youth. Everyone up! To the back gym! We're doing Olympic activities. I set the courses up already, so just follow the instructions. I'll be keeping an eye on you guys!"

Everyone got up and made their way to the back gym. Blaine looked at his watch and made sure there was enough time for everyone to try every obstacle. Before he made his way after his students, his shirt was tugged. He looked behind him to see a young boy standing there.

"I was told to come here and look for Mr. Anderson. My name's Kurt Hummel, and I'm a transfer student. I'm in your class this period." Blaine looked at the male in front of him. "Alright then, Kurt. It's nice to meet you. I'm Blaine, Mr. A, Mr. Anderson, whatever works. You're in luck! My class is pretty easy and the kids are nice. As long as you actually do something, then you get a good grade. Just follow me."

Blane walked ahead, certain Kurt was following. He opened the doors to the back gym to see his students running about and trying out the obstacles.

"Well, Kurt, let me introduce you." Blaine took out his whistle and blew it. At once, everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing. "Everyone! We have a new edition to our little group! Meet Kurt Hummel. He just transferred here from…uh…"


"Ohio! Right. Ok, well, make him feel welcomed guys! You'll find it that these kids here from New York are quite nice and not as mean as most people say!"

Some of the kids walked up to Kurt and introduced themselves and shook his hand. The girls hugged him and commented on his 'fabulous' outfit. The guys shook his hand and gave him a 'bro' hug and also complemented his 'threads'.

"Well, seeing as you don't have any gym clothes with you, sit out today. You can either buy a gym outfit, or bring a shirt and shorts or sweats from home. Just as long as they're gym material. If you look over your agenda, you can see what you can and can not wear and what not. Now, come sit over here so I can get you signed in my class and fill out some info."

Kurt nodded and followed Blaine to the corner of the room where a chair was. "I'm guessing you don't want your clothes dirty, so take the chair." Kurt opened his mouth to protest, but Blaine pushed his shoulders down to sit while he sat on the floor and crossed his legs.

"Ok, let me see here." Blaine opened his folder and flipped a few pages to a clean page. "Kurt Hummel, sophomore. Just fill these questions out and your parent's information and let them sign this and bring it back to me when done."

"Mr. Anderson?" Kurt bit his bottom lip.

"Yes?" Blaine closed the folder back up and looked at the young male.

"I kind of live alone. I mean, I have a family, well, a dad and step mom and step brother, but I'm kind of here in New York on my own."

Blaine's jaw dropped. "What? But you're just a kid! I mean, 16 is too young to be alone! What are you doing all the way here in New York on your own? Did you run away? Are you wanted? Have you commited some sort of crime?" Blaine watched as Kurt rolled his eyes and smiled at him.

"It's ok Mr. Anderson. My family knows I'm here. I haven't done anything illegal. I just told my dad that Ohio was very wrong for me. I live in an apartment paid by my aunt. She's going to be in L.A for the year, so she let me live in her place. She's paid everything and I have money to keep me alive for a pretty long time. All my school work and documents have arrived here. Not to mention that my parents have sirect contact to the school for anything."

Blaine sighed. "Ok. Scared me there for a second Kurt." Kurt giggled and brought a hand up to cover his mouth. Blaine smiled and looked the Kurt's delicate looking hands. For a boy, Kurt was pretty delicate looking. From his pale, almost porcelain skin, to his small features.

As class continued Blaine asked Kurt some questions about what Ohio was like and what his school had. "Alright well, it was good talking to you Kurt! Maybe you should see the clubs here, they're all pretty good!" Blaine stood up and stretched. He blew his whistle once again to signal the end of class.

Everyone rushed to the locker rooms to change back. Kurt watched as they all scurried off. He lightly jumped when Blaine spoke up. "Hope you're ready for gym class next class. We'll be learning archery. It's pretty fun. But I think you should get gloves." Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"Your hands. They look pretty sensitive. Most of the girls wear them. Some boys too. Some think they're too tough and manly for gloves, but I know by the end of class they're complaining about their hands hurting." Kurt blushed and nodded.

Blaine smiled down at the boy. For some reason, he knew the young male would grow to be taller than him when he got older. Oh well.

"Ok, the bell's about to ring. You got everything Kurt?" He nodded.

"And Kurt? I kind of have one question."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I wasn't named after Kurt Cobain. My mother named me after Kurt from the sound of music." Kurt smiled when Blaine scratched his head and smiled guiltily.

The bell suddenly rang and Kurt laughed. "I'll see you next class Mr. Anderson."

So, yeah…that was chapter one….hope it was ok and people liked it….well…

