A/N: So, when I was writing this, I kept telling myself I wasn't ACTUALLY doing this! I wasn't going to do this, goll darnit! I already had a Kavid fic that I had JUST started, but the lure of THE FLIRT is too much for my poor little heart. They're too cute. Especially if you have Jon Hall as Flint instead of Luke Edgemon. No offense to the latter, but let's face it. The picture of Jon and Chris onstage, with someone captioning, 'pretty sure the astronauts can see your crush, Jon,' is just... jfdkfjsa;ksj wonderful. That right there was the original soul squee. I'm such a nerd. :3
Anyway! I ended up putting this up after asking if people would like to read it... so! Here we are! ^^ Another FLIRT goin down. This starts just after BIOTA, and goes PHEW! AU out the window. Seriously, anything that happens in April will probably NOT be in this... yeah. It'll be going, going, GONE, it'll probably be that far AU. Just a heads up! ^^ Enjoy the ride!
Dislcaimer: The usual! I own nothing of glee or ryan murphy or two particularly sexy boys. I own a mountain of chocolate and books. Is that like the female version of a guy substituting a car for his... I'll leave it at that. :D
Flint looked up from his conversation with Ben—a conversation that was probably nerdy enough to be embarrassing, but as both of them were ridiculously nerdy, everything was okay—and noticed a feminine gait entering the commons. It was early morning on Sunday, so only those boarding from families too far away to visit were here. Except... now Kurt had arrived, and didn't Kurt have family nearby? Okay, bad question. Flint already knew the answer to it. Yes, Kurt did have family nearby. A family Kurt was very close to, actually.
And why did Flint know this? Because he had a giganta-normous, flaming panda crush on Kurt. Not that flaming pandas had anything to do with Kurt. Or anything, really. But it seemed better than admitting to a pink elephant crush. That was just too weird.
Moving on.
He watched as Kurt hefted his bag over his shoulder more securely, not looking up at all. He looked miserable. As in, more miserable than he already was since transferring. Flint had noticed that Kurt didn't have a spark of a personality—he was a firework all by himself. And he wasn't just saying that because the first time Flint had seen him had been when they were singing a Katy Perry song.
Flint internally groaned. He was such a stalker/creep.
"He looks horrible," Ben commented, his voice concerned. Ben had one of those personalities where he could be serious one moment, and sassy the next. Their conversation had been about Harry Potter pickup lines, for example. Some were a bit more... racy... than others, but some had been pure genius. But now, however, his face was completely serious, worried.
"Do you think someone should ask what's going on?" Flint looked from Kurt to Ben, unsure.
Ben rolled his eyes. "Does anyone even have to ask?" His tone was a little sharp, but as understanding dawned on Flint, he knew it wasn't sharp at Kurt. It was sharp at one Blaine Anderson, who everyone was a little short-tempered with, at the moment. The Warblers had enfolded Kurt into their wings after the GAP Attack, where Blaine had flaunted his crush and Kurt had supported him. Jeff, with his shock-and-not-so-awe of blond hair, and James, with his quick, mischievous grin, had practically kidnapped him afterwards, stuffing him with fries (which he had, of course, protested to) and a shake while they discussed extremely controversial subjects. Aka which comic character was better, which GQ was the best, and which actor was the best/hottest/all-around-unftastic.
Kurt had won with Johnny Depp—Jack Sparrow. Half-mad, undeniably unhygienic, but still hot on so many levels.
James had come in a close second, though, with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, whose undeniably awesome stunt during the revolving hallway scene of Inception had earned him the very close spot.
Flint's eyes widened as he looked back at Ben. "Didn't Blaine mention something about a party that one of the New Directions members was hosting?"
The green-eyed Warbler nodded. "I guess Blaine decided to turn a blind eye to Kurt again." His tone said that he was not pleased with the lead singer for this.
"I don't get it. How can Kurt still like him? He's an asshat."
"Yes, but he's a charming, charismatic asshat. So he gets away with more than an ordinary one."
"But he shouldn't use Kurt like that. It's like he leads him on, then goes off in a different direction, but the second Kurt starts to change his feelings, he's back and dragging him under again."
"You know this, and I know this, but..." he let it drop as their topic subject walked by them. "Kurt," Ben said cheerfully, serious face gone. "Flint and I were hoping you could answer something for us." While Kurt's eyes were on Ben, Flint subtly made cut-throat-silence-you-idiot motion. "Would a Harry Potter pickup line work on someone as fashion-astute as you?"
The sad air around Kurt couldn't last around Ben's cherub-like enthusiasm. "Depends... How far into the realm of nerd do they go?"
"All the way."
Flint choked on air.
"Then absolutely."
Flint was dying now. Kurt patted him on the back in what was probably a heavy way for him, but felt like a tap dancing bird to Flint's much larger build. "Breathe, Flint. I hear it's necessary."
"Trying," Flint wheezed. He glared at Ben, who simply grinned.
"I didn't realize Harry Potter had such an effect on you," Kurt teased. Dammit, Ben was going to die for this.
"Oh, it's not that, I'm sure." Ben looked at Kurt's bag as if he had only just noticed it. "Why are you back so early?"
Flint amended himself. Ben was going to die slowly.
Kurt's gaze grew sad again. "Ah, well, party gone bad. I didn't drink, but watching others get wasted was not my cup of coffee."
Ah. So Blaine had gotten hammered, done something stupid and insensitive, and left Kurt to pick up the pieces. "Your dad okay with it?" Flint asked, knowing how close Burt was to his son. It was legend here at Dalton, ever since moving in day for the newest Warbler.
Kurt's face twisted. "Oh, he was fine with it."
"Then why the frustration?" Ben asked kindly.
"Blaine was one of nearly everyone who decided to hit the alcohol, so I figured he probably shouldn't drive home, so he crashed at my place, and—"
"Your dad saw and flipped a gasket?" Flint winced as Kurt nodded to his question. "Ouch."
"Blaine do anything funny to make it worthwhile?" Ben asked and used his mystic mental jaws-of-life powers. Before anyone knew it, they would open up and spill the beans to Ben. He was just a mother-hen-problem-solver like that.
Now an eyeroll. "Except for sucking face with Rachel Berry, no. So I had to apologize for having a gay boy in my bed, when said gay boy is apparently not so gay after all."
Kurt's listeners looked to each other, both thinking how much they'd like to have a flaming tirade at the offending lead singer.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I said any of that. It must sound like bitchy gossip—"
"Breathe, Kurt. I hear it's necessary." Flint smiled widely. "Chill. We're pissed at Anderson, not you."
"He seems to have a remarkable ability for using you, lately." Ben's voice was cold.
"Using? How?"
"Oh, just getting you to help convince the council to sing off campus, then needing your support when he wants to chicken out last moment."
"And now with the macking out with a girl at a party that you brought him to. So he got free booze, probably songs, and kissed a girl... When he's gay. Oh, and then left you to scoop him up and take him home cause he was trashed." Flint's jaw ticked.
"That says using to me," Ben concluded. Flint nodded.
Kurt looked troubled. "Perhaps, but it's not like it's personal to him."
"Oh, it's personal," Jeff clapped Kurt's shoulder, startling him.
Kurt looked at the inseparable twins over his shoulders wildly. "How much of that did you hear?"
"Oh, enough to know we're going to switch out his gel with glue." James looked downright evil.
"Guys, honestly. It's not that big of a deal." He turned back to Ben and Flint, smiling a little. "I really appreciate you two letting me get all of that off my chest. But... I don't think he actually meant to 'use' me, so..." he shrugged. "Thank you, though, honestly. I'll catch you guys later?" They nodded, and the four of them watched while Kurt sashayed out.
"He's too frickin' nice." Jeff shook his head. "And is wasting that nice on Anderson."
Ben slid a look towards Flint, who was staring idly at the spot where Kurt had last been. "Flint here could probably do something about it."
Flint jumped, and turned a dull flaming red. "Shut up, alright? It's not happening. Get over it now."
He looked down at the table, suddenly bashful, while the other three shared meaningful looks. It was planning time. And with Ben behind the wheel, it was bound to succeed quickly.