Second Chance for Puckleberry!
Chapter 12
Puck's P.O.V
"Rach are you ok?" I questioned.
She just nodded yes.
"Rachel didn't you hear we placed in ten?" Kurt asked whispering kneeing down to her.
"I….I… can't handled her!" She sobbed out.
"Shh it will be ok." I reassured her.
"Rachel I just want to talk to you." Shelby said.
"Fine!" Rachel stated wiping the tears.
"Rach if you need us we will be right here!" Mercedes said hugging her.
Rachel walked with Shelby to talk.
Shelby's P.O.V
I led Rachel into an extra room.
"What is it you want to discuss?" Rachel wondered with sadness in her voice.
I cleared my throat "Rachel I am so sorry that I adopted Beth I didn't realize Quinn was so awful to you and I made a mistake not getting to know you."
"I know you did make a mistake but didn't you care that vocal adrenaline last year throw eggs on my head!" Rachel shouted.
"I was not aware of that and I'm sorry that I hurt you so much I thought I was helping us." I whispered.
"Well Shelby I don't know what to say anymore." Rachel said looking down.
"I want try to be friends. I will be here for you if need me or if you want to talk you can call me any time. If you want to come visit New York you have a place to stay. I would love if Beth got to know her big sister and also I would love to be able to visit you in Lima." I stated.
Rachel gulped "Shelby I would love to do that but would it be ok if Noah and Quinn meet Beth?"
"But Rachel you just told me Quinn made your life terrible." I said confused.
"She did but She does has a right to meet her own daughter." Rachel explained.
I then realized Rachel was not like me she was unselfish.
"Then I would love for Noah and Quinn to meet Beth." I said.
"Oh thank you Shelby!" Rachel squealed hugging me.
I heard the door open then close.
"Hey Babe are you ok?" Noah Puckerman asked.
"Yes Noah I am fine!" Rachel replied smiling at Noah with a huge smile.
"Hello Noah." I nodded in his direction.
"Noah I have amazing news for you!" Rachel blurted out with the biggest smile.
"Wait Rach! Didn't you hear we placed Tenth!" Noah said with a caring smile.
"Yes I did Sweetie and I'm so proud of everyone!" She stated hugging him tightly.
"So, What was the news!" Noah asked with the biggest smirk I have ever seen.
"Shelby says she will let Quinn and us meet Beth!" Rachel stated almost jumping up and down.
Puck's P.O.V
I was so happy about winning Nationals and getting to see my baby girl.
"Thank you so much Shelby!" I shouted hugging her.
"Um Noah I think we should go back to the others!" Rachel stated.
"OK babe it was nice to see you again Shelby." I called to her.
"Bye Shelby please call me before we leave New York!" Rachel stated hugging Shelby.
"Bye Sweetie!" Shelby said letting go of the hug.
We walked back to the group.
"Rachel are you ok?" Mr. Shue asked.
"I'm fine." Rachel said with a smile.
"Quinn I just wanted to tell you, you should go hug Rachel cause she convinced Shelby to let us meet Beth!" I explained to her.
Quinn walked over to Rachel and thanked her.
At the hotel room
The guys and I were hanging out in the boy's room while the girls were doing something in the room next to ours.
"So dude your excited to see Beth?" Sam questioned.
"Yeah I am." I smiled.
"Do you realize your dating your daughter's sister?" Mike asked.
"I never even realized that…..shit is that weird?" I wondered out loud.
"Well do you guys realize that we kissed like all the same girls so that means we all like kissed each other!" Finn stated.
"Ew so if Britt did kissed almost everyone in school so I kissed all of you even Kurt!" Artie almost yelled in disgust.
"Dude that's the grossest shit ever!" I yelled.
Rachel's P.O.V
"Do you hear the boys?" Lauren asked.
"Yea they are saying how they kinda all kiss each other by us!" Quinn stated listening to the door.
"So cause Rachel kissed Blaine and Blaine kissed Kurt a lot so that means Puck has kissed Kurt!" Tina laughed.
"That means Mike kissed Artie!" Mercedes giggled.
"So Rachel and Quinn are you excited to meet Beth?" Brittany asked.
"I am delighted to meet Beth she is my little sister." I smiled.
"Not really Rachel she is your adopted Sister my child or puck's child will be her blood sibling!" Quinn spit out meanly.
I saw Kurt and all the other girls glare at the evil ex-cheerio.
I took a breath "Well Quinn your children will be Beth's siblings but I think Beth will come to me for advice because I was also adopted so I know how she might feel."
The next morning
We all woke up at 8 o'clock. Then my phone went off to the sound of funny girl.
"Hello!" I answered the phone.
"Hi Rachel it's Shelby." Shelby said.
"Oh Shelby how are you?" I asked.
"I am great, I was wondering if you, Noah and Quinn would like to meet Quinn today." Shelby asked.
"Let me ask them hold on!" I stated.
" would it be alright If Noah, Quinn and I visited Beth and Shelby today?" I wondered out loud.
"Yes that would be fine!" Mr. Shuester called.
"Yes Shelby we will be able to come." I exclaimed.
"Ok honey I will text you my address in five." Shelby explained.
"Ok thank you Shelby bye." I said hanging up the phone.
"Noah and Quinn get ready to see Beth!" I shouted to them.
I dressed in my bright pink polo, dark blue jeans and pink flip flops that Kurt bought for me.
Then Quinn and Noah appeared all ready to go.
"Shelby just send me the address so let's go!" I said.
"Bye Guys!" The glee club shouted.
Kurt's P.O.V
Just then Rachel, Quinn and Puck walked out the door to go see Beth and Shelby.
"I can't wait till Rachel and Puck have their kids!" I stated in an excited voice.
"Well that will be like in 5 years, you know the berry plan!" Santana joked.
"No but really I can't wait till we all get to meet Caroline Willow Puckerman!" Mercedes exclaimed.
"I get the Caroline part kids but why Willow?" Mr. Shue asked.
"Duh Mr. Shue Willow will be after you cause you practically got puckleberry back together without glee club we would never have them!" Tina giggled.
"Do you guys realize without Rachel we would never ever have glee!" Brittany explained.
"What do you mean Brittany!" Sam asked confused.
"Well um the way Mr. Shuester got the glee club is cause Rachel got Mr. Ryerson fired." Artie stated.
"That was Rachel I thought that was a rumor! Oh god!" Lauren exclaimed chuckling.
"God I'm going to miss that ball of crazy!" Santana said.
"Same!" Everyone agreed even Mr. Shue.
Puck's P.O.V
It took us ten minutes to get to Shelby's but we finally did.
"Hello Kids please come in!" Shelby stated opening the door.
We all walked in and we saw Pictures of Beth and Shelby, just some of Beth, few with Beth that had people that most of been Shelby friends and family then there was pictures of Rachel that her farthers must of sent to her over the years.
"Hi Shelby your apartment is so nice!" Quinn stated.
"Thank you Quinn let me go get Beth so you can meet her!" Shelby stated walking to another room.
"Rachel what's in the bag?" I asked her.
"It's a blanket I made for Beth and I sewed her name into it and I also made a scrap book filled of us so she will know who we all are. All of the glee club has a page and so does your mother and Sister Quinn, I didn't know how you felt about your father and Noah I also put your mom and Becca in here too." Rachel explained.
"That's really sweet." Quinn smiled at Rachel.
Just then Shelby came out with the cutest little girl that had dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes like mine, my nose, Quinn's lips and beige skin tone. Her hair had grown a little past her ears. She was wearing a little pink dress that had little yellow stars on it.
"May I hold her?" I asked holding my arms out.
"Of course you can Noah here!" Shelby said smiling handing Beth to me.
"Shelby I want to show you the Scarp we made for Beth." Rachel called to Shelby.
"Ok." Shelby said sitting down next to Rachel while Quinn and I played with Beth.
"Rachel this is lovely!" Shelby exclaimed throwing her arms around Rachel.
"Shelby where is the bathroom?" Quinn asked.
"Here let me show you honey." Shelby said getting up to show Quinn where it is.
"Can you believe all of this happened in just a year we placed in Nationals and I'm closer to my mother and we got to meet Beth!" Rachel stated slipping on the floor with me and Beth.
Rachel started to play with Beth while I stared at her at how great she looked with a kid.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Rachel asked putting a hair behind her ear.
"I love you Rachel!" I stated leaning over and kissing her lightly on her amazing lips.
"Aw Noah I love you too!" She smiled.
"I really can't wait when this is our future, you on Broadway in New York and I am your manager and we have an amazing apartment like this and we have kids." I smiled at how her face lit up when I told her.
"Aw Noah! Yes and we have at least one daughter named Caroline!" Rachel exclaimed.
"But Rachel I just want to tell you, you are my future no matter where you are I know that I belong there too." I breathed.
"I'm just really glad Puckleberry got a second chance!" Rachel chuckled.
A/n: So that's the end to Second chance for Puckleberry! You guys are great but don't worry I am working on a silly story that contains Puckleberry. And I am making little pages of what Rachel's scrap book would look like it will be on my profile soon!