Goodbye Gloating



"We're at the beach~! We're at the beach~!" Rin sang with a little bouncy dance.

Miku chuckled as she parked Mikuo's white sports car outside the hotel. "You, my darling, are just a little bit too excited."

"Oh, shut up." Rin groaned and quickly jumped out of the car with to unload their luggage. "We're going swimming right after we sign in; got it?"

"Sure, whatever you say." She replied as she put on her sunglasses. After a couple moments of relaxation she got out of the car only to see Rin sitting on the suit cases.

Rin pouted. "The bags are heavy." She explained. "I need help."


A blinding flash from Miku's camera surrounded Rin the second she exited the bathroom.

"Miku, what the hell is wrong with you?" She screamed.

Miku shrugged. "I dunno."

"… Anyway, how do I look?" Rin asked with a sigh.

"Hmm, sexy?"

Rin sighed once more then walked out of the room.


The slurping of Rin's smoothie just barely covered the sound of Miku's camera-clicking.

"Miku," she began, "would you stop taking pictures of me?"

"Darling don't be so generous. Who ever said I was taking pictures of you?"

"Are you taking pictures of me?"




Rin walked out of the cool ocean water as her teeth chattered from the cold winds that blew against her skin and up to Miku's beach chair. Miku quickly took a picture of this 'once-in-a-life-time shot'.

"Come swim with me!" Rin begged.

"No thanks. I'm perfectly fine sitting here and taking pictures of you enjoying yourself. Besides, you look so cute all drenched in water like that."

Quickly Rin snatched the camera from Miku's possession and tossed it into the ocean. "I bet your camera takes cuter pics all drenched in water like that."

In outrage Miku pulled Rin's hair towards the ground until she yelped in pain for a good 10 seconds. "I can't believe you did that!" she screeched and ran towards the huge body of water.

Rin smiled in victory as she rubbed the part of her scalp that was now throbbing in pain.

To anyone who still wants to read this story - I am so sorry for the extremely late update. I had a sheet of paper that I had planned all the chapters out perfectly on and, of course, I lost it. But I've just found it recently so I'll try to update every few weeks or something.