John was walking out of Baker Street. They needed more milk. Again. What did Sherlock even do with it? He had his coffee black and only drank tea if John made it. John sighed. Since when was he Sherlock's slave? His friend hadn't moved for 2 days. He was bored apparently. When, except when he had a case, wasn't he? Maybe he would get some apples. Sherlock hadn't been eating anything recently and some fruit would be good for him. Suddenly John heard a strange voice.

"Watch your step now. Wouldn't want you to squish me."

When he looked around, no-one seemed to be talking to him. John glanced down. In the middle of the street was a pineapple.

"What? Whoa!"

"Don't be afraid. I'm just a delicious pineapple. What's your name?"

"John." he replied flabbergasted.

"Well nice to meet you, John. I fell from the sky. Isn't that interesting?"

"You fell from the sky?" asked John, resisting the urge to facepalm. Even after living with Sherlock, he still found things like talking pineapples odd. Thank God. If he didn't, John would seriously have to consider sending himself to an asylum.

"Lots of fruit falls from the sky." As if on cue, an orange joined the pineapple on the pavement.

"Hey guys." The orange squeaked.

"Hey Orange. This is John, he's real nice."

"Hey John. I'm a delicious orange."

"Nice to meet you both." Even though he was confused, it didn't stop the doctor being polite. A cucumber fell through the air and landed on the street with a splat. John's eyes went wide as the squishing sound alerted other people in the street. They just tutted and kept walking. Of course, they wouldn't notice a man talking to a pineapple or an orange.

"Uh oh. I split in two." The cucumber sighed.

"That's just bad luck, Cucumber."

John switched to doctor mode. "Are...are you ok?"

"Probably not. I think I'm gonna die now. Bye guys." The cucumber still sounded cheery.

"Bye Cucumber!" said the orange, equally as happy.

"Aw." The pineapple moaned. "You didn't get to meet John, he's real nice."

"Hey John. Sorry I can't stay longer but I gotta go to Heaven now. See y'all."

There was a pause. John's gaze flickered from the assortment of fruit in front of him.

"He's not going to Heaven." The pineapple stated.

"Cucumbers have wicked souls." The orange agreed.

"I should probably be going now." John tried to edge away from the talking food.

"Why don't you take Cucumber with you, make yourself a nice salad?"

"Err no thanks." John raised his hands in defence.

"Suit yourself. I bet he's delicious."

"I don't know." replied Orange. "He kind of let himself go. He could be nasty."

Another fruit appeared next to the other three.

"Hi guys." It yelped. There was another pause.

"Why do you come here, Papaya? No-one likes you."

"Aw." The papaya seemed sad.

Suddenly John heard a cough. He looked up to see Sherlock leaning out of the window with a voice changer in his hand and a grin on his face.

"Bye guys." he said through the machine and put his head back inside the flat.

John looked around in bewilderment.

"I just hope you clean this up." He sighed and walked down the street. He didn't get any apples. He never wanted to see another piece of fruit again.