This Small World Suck

Disclaimer: I never own Vocaloids. Its Crypton that made them and all I own is this story about them that you'll read.

Another story ~~ Len finds a cellphone on a bench that will lead him to a new stage of life. Small, small world. Coincidences sure happen when it's too late~ and it's a disadvantage…. By the way it's in Len's POV!


Chapter 1

Len's POV

I checked my watch again. Mikuo, where are you? It's you who said it's gonna be four o'clock in the afternoon, right? But you kept on being late.

I looked around, searching for somewhere to rest on. Luckily, I found a bench. I sat on it. But I noticed something on the bench, something orange and shiny. Wait~ it's a cellphone! I wonder why nobody claims it…

I just sat there, waiting, both for Mikuo and for the owner of the cellphone. It seems as if nobody wants to sit with me on the bench, for I'm all alone there. Is it because of the phone? I kept on glancing at it. Orange case? An orange keychain? The owner sure loved orange, huh? Obviously, the owner is a girl.

"Hey, Len," at last, Mikuo finally arrived. "Is that your phone over there?"

"If it is, I must have taken it," I replied flatly. "By the way, why are you late?"

"Ask Miku," he replied. "By the way, where is Kaito?"

"He's on the venue already," I stood up as I spoke. "Let's go there now."

We are about to leave when the cell phone rang. It is pitiful to see it ringing without being answered. What if it is the owner that is calling?

"Hey, Mikuo, look," I showed him the phone. "It's ringing."

"So what?" he looked at me. I ignored him and just answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Umm… hello?" a girl on the other line answered. Her voice is an angel's.

"Well, is this the owner of the phone?" I asked.

"Y-yes, this is the owner of the phone. Is this the one that saw my phone on the bench?" she replied.

"Who do you think?" I jested.

"Whatever," I heard the girl mutter. "Well, can we meet on the same bench tomorrow? I want my phone back."

"Okay," I replied flatly.

"Well, thank you very much," she said. "Bye."

"Umm, wait!"

Beep… beep…. Beep…. She had hung the phone up. She wants us to meet tomorrow but she never mentioned the time. I opened the incoming calls list and called her number.

"What?" she shouted. Very impolite.

"You did not mention the time," I told her calmly.

"Well, umm, about two pm?" she said.

"Not available," I said. "School time. How about four?"

"Fine," she said. "Okay, thanks, bye!" she hung the phone up. Obviously she was hurrying to end our conversation.

"Okay, Mikuo, come on," I said and we left, her cell phone is in my bag.

That night I decided to open the phone's files. It had the same charger as my phone so I can charge it again if ever its battery runs low. First I checked her pictures.

I saw a lot of different faces on her files, mostly her and her friends. I'm not sure about which one is her, but all the pictures I saw, which mainly are girls, are cute. One picture is a girl with a blonde one-sided ponytail posing beside another blonde girl with short hair that reaches her shoulder. That blond girl with short hair seemed to have the same features as me. But I don't care. It's only a coincidence. Another picture is the same blonde girl with short hair and she is wearing cosplay attire. Cute. Another is a girl with long, pink hair smiling formally with that girl with one-sided ponytail and that girl with the short blonde hair. Another is the girl in a one-sided ponytail in a cute pose and her picture have frames and below was written, "Neru". So that is her name. What if she is the owner of the phone? Another is the girl with short blonde hair with the same frames with Neru and below was a "Rin". Another is the pink-haired girl again. Then another is, wait, the short-haired blonde beside a girl with twin aqua ponytails that are very long? That is Miku! Are she friends with the owner? Small world. Another is that Rin, a Neru, a pink-haired girl, landscapes, beautiful views, more, more, more. I wonder which of them the owner is.

After that I checked the contacts. Wait, Miku, BFFNeru , Mommy, Kaito, and Mikuo. Some of those numbers look like I know the owner. I took those numbers then I saved mine on her contacts. LeN3. Then I saw the "My Number" thing and opened it. So her name is "Megurine Rin", which means that she is that cute girl with short golden hair. She is, fourteen, same age as me! December 27? My birthday?

Then… forgive me, time for the INBOX!

From: BFFNeru

Hey Rinny-kins can we meet around two at the park? I've got nothing to do let's go shopping!

From: Miku

Hi~~ I have no one to talk to can we just talk instead?

From: BFFNeru

Yup, I'm sooo bored~! Everyone is bored on a day like this.

From: BFFNeru

You mean she sent you another "talk-to-me" message? Well, if I'm in your case I'll go.

From: Miku

Ri~~in? Are you there? He~~llo~~

From: BFFNeru

What do you have against her? Kaito? Mikuo?

From: Miku

Oh, is that so? I'm so sorry for bothering ya, Rin~~

From: BFFNeru

Ouch. Bad Rin! Wow, it's almost two pm now are you going?

From: Kaito

I'm sorry Rin gotta go with len and mikuo

From: BFFNeru

Ya, I know you're going. Okay, I'll leave now! See ya later!

From: Kaito

Well you already knew mikuo, right? Len is just another friend, like mikuo

From: Mommy

Hey Rin-chan where are you again? You did not ask for my permission.

From: Mommy

Okay, understood. Just be home before four. You're with Neru, right?

So, those are in her inbox. She must've deleted the others. Now, what else should I do with this phone? Wait, it rang again.

"He~llo?" I answered it.

"Hello?" another girl with a different voice from the owner answered me. "Who is this? Rinny~kins is that you? What's wrong with the voice?"

"This is not Rin. She left her phone on a bench."

"And you took it?"

"She called up. She said I'll give it back to her tomorrow. "

"You'll meet up?"

"What do you think?"

"You are a stranger!"

"Not anymore."

"Shut up." She hung the phone up. She seemed annoyed. Wait, the phone have new text messages.

From: Mommy (which actually is Rin, meaning she used her Mom's phone)

This is the owner of the phone. Answer my calls.

From: Mommy

Why can't I contact you? Are you calling anybody?

From: Mommy

Well, just read this message instead. I talked to the post office a while ago. Just give it to the counter and say it's for Megurine Rin. Mommy won't let me meet up with you. Okay?

p.s. do not forget to keep it in a box. Please make it presentable!

Funny thing. She said she talked to the post office. And the counter will not take the package!

I decided to charge the phone and put it in a "presentable" box, like that owner said. I saved her number on my phone. Then I placed a note on it saying:

Okay Megurine Rin, here's your phone. Happy? Well, just be careful with your stuff next time. Okay? You should be thankful I have no plans to take your phone or anything. Be careful next time, okay? MAKE SURE. If I ever see another thing you lost, I'm never gonna give it back, get it? Just kidding! Okay, until next time (if there is!)I wish I can see you… : ) Kagamine Len

"Until next time…" I told myself and sighed. Rin is a cute angel. All she need is a harp and curls on her hair, and I swear, she will be an angel! Oh, and maybe if she's kind, but I'm not sure about her personality.

Time to say goodbye…

From: Mommy

By the way, thanks for keeping my phone for some time. Be sure to give it back! Good night ^_^

I'll just wait for tomorrow to come.

From: LeN3

Good night, Rin _ I wish I can see you….

From: Mommy (which actually is Rin)

If we can meet. Good night again~~~

Yeah! First chapter of new story, all done and all! Stay tuned for the next chapter, 'kay?

However I can't update that fast because there is a big exam at school and I'm only procrastinating right now. No worries, I'll try my best to update fast, it will only be about 4 days!

By the way, I'm sure you have heard of those earthquakes and nuclear leaks and explosions in Japan. Let us pray for the citizens of Japan.

Please review my work! I wanna know how I'm doin'!
