It was a message it had to be. What else could it be? He was a detective it was too hard for him to believe that it was just some random act of violence. But then again-maybe that's all it was a simple random act of violence maybe he was seeing more into this than their actually was. He didn't know. All he knew was that his son had been beaten to within an inch of his life and was now lying in a hospital bed at gotham memorial. Dick, what happened? He asked himself as stood over Dick's bedside.

Dick was currently in a coma, with severe head trauma, broken bones including 4 ribs and bruises all over his body. The police had no leads currently but they promised Bruce that this was their top priority and they would let Bruce know "as soon as there were any leads." Bruce knew exactly what that meant. It meant that if he left up to the police there may never be a resolution to Dick's case. As far as Bruce was concerned the police were pretty inept except for Gordon. The unfortunate thing was that the scene had been so heavily disturbed by police that it was unlikely there would be any clues left for Batman to find. Which would make it all the harder for Batman to find out who had done this to his son. Not impossible but harder.

Dick stirred and Bruce jumped a mile. Was he waking up? But, no he was just moving around in his sleep as doctors told him coma patients sometimes do. All Bruce knew was this. Dick Grayson had been attacked and severely beaten in his home several hours ago and then left for dead. But how many had attacked him, who attacked him, and why a mystery remained. Bruce just hoped that Dick woke up by the time he found out who the culprit was. Hell, he just hoped Dick woke up.