Damn. Ok. I really am addicted to writing oneshot fanfics. DAMN YOU PEOPLE! xD.

I think I have established, I am for every possible pairing in Ouran. Except Kyouya Mori. That's just a no-no.

So this is a TamaKao

Onto the Chapter.

In the little tree house that Kaoru and Hikaru once shared together, now occupied was Kaoru Hitachiin. Still getting used to the fact that Hikaru and Haruhi were dating, Kaoru sat alone.

He sat there staring at the vigorously crayoned walls.

He smiled at the memories of when Kaoru and Hikaru were five.

"I'll never leave you Kaoru." had said the older boy.

"So much for that." Kaoru thought.

A knock on the little strip of wood they called a door.

"Hello?" a familiar voice echoed.

A voice of a violet eyed blonde.

"Come in milord."

As the blonde precariously entered the sturdy little bungalow, he looked over at the wallowing Kaoru. Arms clutched around his knees, in a corner. Reminding Tamaki of his own Emo corner.

"Is everything ok Kaoru?"

"When is life ever ok?"

Tamaki smiled.

He joined the distraught boy by sitting down next to him. He wrapped his arm around Kaoru and pulled him close. The estranged redhead looked up, his face a slight redder.

"W-What was that for boss?"

As the Redhead kept his cautious golden eyes on the blonde, Tamaki inched close to his face.

Noses almost touching. "S-so close" Kaoru thought.

Kaoru was definitely flushed now. His hair almost as red as his face. Tamaki closed the gap, by kissing Kaoru. Lips touching, slowly tongues explored each other's mouths. The warmth. The calming feel. Everything seemed perfect.

When Tamaki finally broke away, looking at the redheads face still in position. He smiled.

Not only was it Kaoru's first kiss, but Tamaki's too. Both flushed. Tamaki hugged Kaoru close. He leaned down, nibbled his ear, and after Kaoru's soft groan, he said, "I will never leave you Kaoru."

And Kaoru knew that would be true.



I Love My Readers.

Here's a cookie. :D