Chapter Quote:
"In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded."
~Terry Pratchett



I have always been fascinated by wars. It probably stems from my sister Elizabeth, who had always been the history fanatic in our family besides our Uncle Jason. It appears they rubbed off on me.

She knew everything about every war. It was no surprise to any of us when she joined the military and an even smaller surprise when she joined the Air Force. Jets had always been her one true love, mainly because they were so fast. She'll kill me for saying this, but she also loved the pilots. Elizabeth said there was 'something about a man in uniform.'

Aviator glasses were her favorite, and she went through so many because she kept losing them. I have to admit I love aviators as well and own a pair; unlike my sister, I've managed to hold onto them for years.

While Elizabeth went to fight for our incredible country, I went into journalism, specializing in military articles and war stories. But my main focus was on a war that happened when I was ten years old: The Belkan War. Somehow, I convinced my boss to let me go to Sand Island for an article. On the plane ride there, I started typing the introduction for it, struggling and agonizing over the wording to ensure its perfection. Finally, just before we landed, I settled on it.

Fifteen years ago, there was a war. Well, war's broken out here plenty of times before. They've tried to invade the Southlands through the northern valley time and time again. Luck was never on their side though, and their victories didn't last long. They didn't realize times had changed. Facing one defeat after another, losing territory and watching their nation dwindle, they built up their industrial strength to unprecedented heights and used it to wage one final battle against the world.

That was fifteen years ago.

They fought ferociously but were utterly defeated. The Belkans then committed the unthinkable; they used nuclear weapons on their own soil. Seeing this tragedy unfold before their own eyes, the victorious countries vowed to throw down their weapons.

The world was once again at peace, and thanks to them, it seemed like it would last forever. On a distant island, far away from civilization, the protectors of the peace take to the skies.