A/N: Hey guys; first story in the Young Justice fandom! Yeah! xD

So this is most likely gonna suck. Lol sry. xD But this show is my new favorite obsession! So I couldn't help myself. And Robin's my favorite character other than Daddy Bats and KF, so. :]

I got Dick's b-day date from wikipedia, so I apologize if it's wrong. Happy birthday, Dick Grayson! First day of spring. :] Mines the 23rd. :P

I hope you guys like it! I apologize for the shortness of the first chapter, and the OOCness of probably...all the characters lol. I'm pretty bad at that. Give me some nice pointers and I'll do my best to improve! Practice makes perfect, right?

And if I end up adding slash, it'll be between KF and Robin-but I'm still not sure. :O I've never really written slash before, and I'm terrible at any romantic moment or innuendo sooo lol. xD

Anyways, hope you guys get a little kick out of this story, at least. This will most likely be a 3-shot. Most likely-but who knows I'm always changing my mind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice or it's characters in any way, shape, or form. This is just for my own pleasure. :] Lol.

P.S; with the 'recognized' numbers-I did my best to guess-timate! (sp?)

Recognized; Robin-B01, Aqualad-B02, Kid Flash-B03, Artemis-B07, Miss Martian-B05, Superboy-B04.

"God...I'm sore in places I didn't even know exsisted..." complained a bright-haired archer.

Young Justice had just returned to Mount Justice from another, "covert", mission. It hadn't been the easiest assignment, but they've delt with worse. Stupid high-end, drug dealers were always a pain to bust. Especially the smart ones.

Kid Flash was about to retort, but was suddenly interrupted by a familiar deep voice.

"Young Justice, report." the team looked up to the giant holographic screen currently placed in the center of the room. Batman's dark, stoic face was the source. Aqualad stepped forward.

"Criminals were taken down; not great amount of difficulty." he spoke; fighting the urge to rub his shoulder. "They are now in the hands of local authorities. We can safely report that the mission is complete." Batman's nod was barely noticable.

"Thank you, Aqualad. Good work, Young Justice." just when the team thought the screen would disappear, Batman spoke one last time, "And Robin," said protege's head snapped up with a slightly confused expression. "You can have training off, for today." the screen finally vanished; leaving the team looking at Robin.

"What?" Kid sputtered out; obviously jealous. "How come Bats is giving you a day off of training?"

Robin awkwardly shrugged in response.

"I dunno..." he mumbled. The Boy Wonder tried to walk away but someone had grabbed a part of his cape. Being forced to look over his shoulder he saw it was Artemis.

"That's such bull." she released her hold on the black and yellow material; crossing her arms instead. Robin's eyebrows furrowed.

"No it's not." Which wasn't entirely...completely a lie? Okay, technically, yes, he did have a pretty good idea why Batman would give him some slack today...

"C'mon, Rob," Wally zipped out in front of him and put a hand on the dark haired boy's shoulder. "Is it that big of a deal that you won't tell us?" KF was hoping that it wasn't something bad-but Robin was just acting so strange-for Robin, anyways. Who was blunt with just about anything. So what else was he supposed to think?

Robin sighed at Wally's pleading expression and shook his head.

"KF, it's noth-"

"Love addict! Love addict!"

Everyone paused and looked around. Superboy was using his pointer finger to unplug his ear.

"What was that?" he asked, looking at the Boy Wonder. The screaming music sounded again,

"Love addict! Love addict!" This time it was followed by a funky noise.

"Sorry," Robin laughed. "My phone." He pulled a small device from his utility belt and looked at the touch screen. Without thinking, he let the corner of his mouth twist into a light smirk-then suddenly twisted it back into a straight line. Wally noticed this and grinned; an idea popping in his head. Out of no where, he shot past Robin at super speed-taking his phone from his hands. "Hey! Wally-what the Hell!"

Said speedster stopped when he was a good 50 feet away and decided it was a good time to look at what had gotten his best friend to smile. Bring the cell phone closer to his face, he could clearly read the text message already on the screen:

From: Babs :P

Hey there, stranger! Sorry I couldn't be in town today. Dad's old people retreat and all.

But I'll still wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it's a good one. :]

Say hi to Bruce, for me!

See ya next week! -makes a heart with her hands-

Kid let his occupied hand drop and brought the other one up to smack his forehead. Damnit. It was Rob's birthday! How could have he possibly forgotten? After all, Robi-

"OW!" a yelp escaped the ginger's mouth before reaching for his now numb arm.

Wait...the cell phone was gone. Uh oh.

Wally looked up to see Robin standing in font of him with one of the most ticked off expressions he had ever seen.

"Um..." Wally began. He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry..?" Rob glared harder and restrained himself from hurting the older teen any more.

"Don't. Steal. My phone." he growled before trying to walk away; only to be stopped again. This time, though, Wally grabbed his wrist.

"Wait! Why didn't you tell any of us it was your birthday?" there was a slight pouty tone under the questioning one.

"It's you're birthday?" M'gann asked with an excited expression. Everyone had begun walking over to the two.

Artemis crossed her arms while walking up beside her and Superboy.

"How 'come you didn't tell us?"

KF sent a pointed glance at the archer.

"I just asked that. Are you deaf?"

Artemis rolled her hand into a fist and lifted it parallel to her face.

"You want to be?" she snapped.

Ignoring the usual bickering, Robin was slightly surprised at his teammate's reactions. Especially Wally's. It was just his birthday. So what?

The now 14-year old boy stood in between everyone and waved his hand around.

"Alright, alright just relax, guys." Artemis and Wally backed off each other. Dick decided to address the obvious. "Yes. It's my birthday. And sorry for not telling you. But I honestly didn't see it as a big deal." he shrugged his caped shoulders.

"But..." Superboy raised an eyebrow. He looked a little confused. "Aren't birthday's supposed to be special? And...fun?" he looked to M'gann and she gave him a happy nod.

Robin thought this over for a second.

"Well, to a majority of people, yeah. Birthday's are fun and special." he paused before going on. "Just not for me. At least, not anymore."

Artemis' face softened slightly.

"Well, why not anymore?"

"Dunno. Lost it's magic, I guess." a yawn cut his energy short. "Sorry, guys. I'm gonna crash. See ya in the morning." and with that he exited the room with his hands rapidly poking at his cell phone's touch screen. Trying to reply to Babs message before he past out, KF figured.

Miss M was the first to break the silence.

"Well that was a little strange." she frowned. "Why isn't he more excited about his birthday?"

"As we all have notice, Robin likes to keep things to himself." Kaldur still had his eyes focused on the place where Robin had left before glancing at M'gann. "Maybe it's best if-"

"Oh! Oh! Idea!" In a blink of an eye Wally appeared before Kaldur. Artemis scoffed.

"This should be good.." she grumbled. KF decided to ignore her and continued.

"We should throw him...a surprise party!" he exclaimed. The blank expressions he got in return gave him the message that he should say something else. "I mean...Rob's our bud, right? So why not!"

Artemis sighed.

"For once, I acutally agree. He deserves something from us for his birthday." Wally sent her an appreciative glance, then looked back at the remaining team. Miss M was next to agree. Superboy gave a shrug-which was what Wally figured as a 'sure' in clone-speak. Aqualad was the last to break.

Not that he didn't want to throw Robin a surprise party. He had, what seemed like, a never ending respect for the young hero; but he just wasn't sure the boy would be ok with the whole thing.

"I-I am not sure..." KF smirked and rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, Kaldur, pleaseeee? Robbie expects us to do nothing. So what better way to suprise him, than with a surpise-party?"


Kaldur analyzed every bit of Wally's face. His costume's head piece had been taken off. His bright, pleading eyes and large freckled smile made him resemble a five year old. How could anyone say no to that?

He better not be regretting this later...

"Alright." the dark skinned teen finally gave in. "I suppose I don't see too much harm in having a small get together...let's do it." Kaldur was slightly taken aback when Wally full-out hug-tacked him...but let it happen other wise. Why was the Flash family so touchy-feely?

I'll try and update asap! Sry it was so suckishly short. Dx

Review please and either Robin and Batman have a father/son moment, Alfred makes u cookies, Superboy goes shirtless, Supey&Miss M moment!, KF&Robin invade each others personal face space, and/or Red Tornado does the Robot.

