Chapter 1: Four Kisses

This is a short fic…about Erik and Raoul. Yes its slash, yes it has homosexual content. I decided to rate it M for language and maybe things yet to come…I really don't know. But better safe than sorry! Another thing, in most Erik/Raoul fics…Erik is always the guy in the relationship, so I decided to change it up a bit, Erik is now the girl in the relationship 'evil chuckle'. This starts during the Don Juan Triumphant scene.

Raoul's POV

I gazed down at the stage where Christine was, she had begun singing in her sweet angelic voice. A voice that was honed and created by a madman, my mind whispered. I sighed, of course…the Phantom of the Opera would always work his way back into my mind when I least expected it. I kept gazing at Christine, a small smile tugged at my lips then changed to a gasp as I heard it, edgy and whispered.


I started and stared at the slender masked man who was now walking towards Christine, "go away for the trap is set and waits for its prey."

I trembled and leaned down, no…no this can't be happening!

He continued singing, "You have come here
In pursuit of your deepest urge
In pursuit of that wish which till now
Has been silent
I trembled at Christine's automatic response, responding to him as if he were her lover.

I have brought you
That our passions may fuse and merge
In your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses
Completely succumbed to me
Now you are here with me
No second thoughts
You've decided
I stood, no…please no…why are they looking at each other that way? She doesn't know him at all…and he's a homicidal madman!
Past the point of no return
No backward glances
our games of make-believe are at an end.
The way they held each other was enough to drive me insane.
Past all thought of "if" or "when"
No use resisting
Abandon thought and let the dream descend
What raging
FIRE shall flood the soul
What rich desire unlocks it's door
What sweet seduction lies before us?

Past the point of no return
The final threshold
What warm unspoken secrets
Will we learn
Beyond the point of no return?"

I willed Christine not to sing, not to continue this sultry song. But she began singing anyway…

"You have brought me
To that moment when words run dry
To that moment when speech disappears
Into silence
Silence. "
I could have sobbed, in my mind I begged for God to put me out of my misery.
"I have come here,
Hardly knowing the reason why
In my mind I've already imagined
Our bodies entwining
Defenseless and silent,
Now I am here with you
No second thoughts
I've decided
Decided. "
she was against him now, his hand on her, "let her go!" I whispered under my breath, I couldn't watch him touch her…but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scene below me.
"Past the point of no return
No going back now
Our passion-play has now at last begun. "
my hands were clenched, this needed to stop!
Past all thought of right or wrong
One final question
How long should we two wait before we're one?
When will the blood begin to race
The sleeping bud burst into bloom
When will the flames at last CONSUME us?"

They both held eachother, standing up on the bridge above stage. Without knowing I had stood and now I stood, tears in my eyes. I wanted to scream, tear out my hair, stab myself in the ears. Any distraction from the way they were looking at each other, anything….then they began singing together.

"Past the point of no return
the final threshold
The bridge is crossed
So stand and watch it burn
We've passed the point of no return."
The Phantom then began singing alone, his eyes were sad and full of love for her and only her. For some reason this hurt me more than anything, to see the love in his eyes…funny…I couldn't quite place the color…
"Say you'll share with me
One love, one lifetime
Lead me, save me from my solitude

Say you want me
With you here
Beside you
Anywhere you go
Let me go too
Christine that's all I ask of…"

She suddenly jerked off his black mask, to reveal his deformity and…blonde hair?

Christine's eyes widened in horror, but then she looked utterly sorry.

I could see tears in his eyes, to be honest his deformity wasn't that bad…he was still handsome…

He then grabbed her, sliced the rope holding up the chandelier and they vanished through a trap door.

"No!" I yelled, I swung out of Box 5 and slid down a rope, then ran to Madame Giry.

"Where did he take her?" I cried.

She sighed then answered, "I will show you, but keep your hand at the level of your eyes!"

Meg tried to come with us, but both Madame Giry and I kept her back.

Meg tried to keep the mob back, but it was incredibly difficult.

"This is as far as I can take you…" Madame Giry said, stopping.

"Thank you Madame Giry. My true love will not escape from me that easily." (A/N: escape?...wasn't Christine kidnapped? Is probably what Mme. Giry is thinking. Heh…heh.)

She nodded and I continued on my way, jerking off some of my clothes so they wouldn't get in the way.

Suddenly I fell through a trap door and plummeted into freezing water, "what the-".

The portcullis above me began to slide down, I noticed a lever and barely moved it, the portcullis then rose and I slipped onto the bank.

Panting, I ran, I had to find them!

I arrived just as the Phantom saw me, "my dear!" he cried, "I think we have a guest!"

"Raoul!" Christine cried, "no Raoul leave! He will kill you!"

"Don't hurt her!" I begged.

"I would never hurt her," he drawled, striding to the lever that opened this portcullis. I ran in, "you must leave." I whispered.

They both stared at me.

"Raoul?" Christine whispered, "Raoul what are you talking about?"

"I said we must leave Christine…" I said loudly.

"He…he won't let us!"

The Phantom shook himself, bent, grabbed something from the water and in a second I found a noose around my neck and the Phantom tying me to the now closed portcullis.

I noticed that he was a few inches shorter than me and much more slender than I had originally thought.

"No!" Christine cried, running to the bank, but going no further.

He began singing, but I paid no mind, then I heard him.

"So do you end your days with me? Or send your lover to his grave?" with the word 'grave' he gave the noose a hard tug, cutting my air off more.

I gasped and gripped his slender arm, he spun and stared at me, he hissed and tried to jerk his arm out of my grip. But I wouldn't let him go, Christine took this momentary distraction to begin singing and walked towards us, "pitiful creature of darkness…what kind of life have you known?"

Her singing distracted both of us and he slipped out of my grip and began walking towards her, in a trance-like state.

"God gave me courage to show you…you are not alone!" she stretched on her toes and pressed her lips to his, softly and gently. She pulled back a bit then jerked back to him and kissed him with vigor, grabbing the hair at his neck and pulling him closer.

Pain seared through my heart as he pulled her to him, then he suddenly let her go.

"Leave…" he sobbed, "take her and go…forget all about the angel in Hell…" he turned and was gone.

Christine and I ran to the gondola and got in, then, "Raoul I have to go back…"

"What?" I cried.

"I must!"

"No!" I yelled, "I will go and slay the beast!"


"Christine no…if you leave this boat…"

But she ignored me, jumped out and ran to the place where the Phantom had entered.

I stood, thinking over the two kisses, then Christine was back. She pressed her lips to mine, "let us leave now Raoul…" she whispered.

But I jumped out of the gondola, "Raoul!" she cried, "what are you doing?"

I shoved the gondola and turned, not caring if she got away alright, I felt more betrayed than ever.

"Wait!" I yelled, as I saw the Phantom about to leave.

He turned and glared at me, "come to gloat Vicomte?" he hissed.

"No…I have to tell you something," I walked until I was only a foot away.

He stepped back and his back collided with the mirror, he couldn't go anywhere.

"G-get out!" he whispered, trembling, his eyes darting around, like a cornered animal looking for an escaped. And indeed he was cornered and looking for escape.

I drew my sword, his eyes widened and his fists clenched. I tossed the sword into the lake, "please…can I just talk to you?" I begged.

"This…you're just trying to distract me until the mob comes!" he cried, then he quickly dodged around me, ducking and as I turned I saw him standing in the lake, glaring at me.

"Please…" I begged.

"No!" he yelped, "get out!"

Suddenly a shot rang out and he jerked, his eyes were humongous.

"No!" I cried, running to him, I scooped his slender body into my arms and ran to the mirror, I ran through it and into Christine's room, thankful it was empty I quickly ran from the room and out of the Opera Populaire. I then saw my carriage and jumped in, the Phantom still cradled in my arms.

"To my estate!" I yelled, "and hurry!"

My driver nodded and we were off, the Phantom stirred and I looked at him, "hush…you'll be fine."

He groaned and opened his eyes feebly, "why…"

I cut him off, "what is your name?"

"My name…?" he mumbled.


"Madame Giry…calls me…Er…ik…" he then shuddered and fainted in my arms.

"Erik…" I whispered, stroking his soft blonde hair, "Erik…I will keep you safe and you will live!" and without thinking I bent and kisses his slightly parted lips, their softness shocked me and I deepened the kiss before pulling up and feeling quite glad he was unconscious.

A/N: end chapter 1! Hmm…I will prolly continue this…2 reviews and I will! :D