Author's Note: As per usual, this chapter is dedicated to Anthony and Whisperinginthewind. I loveyouloveyouloveyou. You have no idea.
Review response time!
—Mega Awesome Marx: Good, I'm glad! :D And we need to start talking again, things are so much boring without you in my life hahaha(:
—Shippolove844: it's not the wedding or kids, but hopefully this chapter suffices?(:
—Whisperinginthewind: KATIE. LET IT GO. I WAS YOUNG AND FOOLISH WHEN THAT HAPPENED, OKAY? I feel guilty enough as it is… And oh my gosh, your reaction video made my life. Morgan Freeman MV
—The Nowhere Girl: I know! My poor baby. I felt sooo bad hurting her, like you have no idea.
Chris looked down at her feet as she sat alone in the hospital room. She's been stuck in this place for three weeks, and she was extremely relieved to finally be getting out. In fact, she should've been out last week, but Mrs. Forman had convinced the rest of the staff to make her stay longer 'for safety reasons'. Chris almost laughed just thinking about it.
She heard the door creak open and looked up; she had expected to be alone for the next few hours. The doctors rarely checked in on her anymore unless she sent for them, and everyone else had left. They claimed that they were 'tired', but she knew almost for a fact that they were setting up a 'surprise' party for her return.
Hyde paused in the doorway, hesitating as he once again reconsidered his decision. Are you sure, man? He rolled his eyes at the notion; of course he was sure. This was Chris.
Hyde strode in the room and quickly reached into his back pocket and pulled out the little black box for the last time. Before he could talk himself out of proposing yet again, he tossed it over to Chris.
She reached up and caught it with both hands before pulling it down to her lap and staring at it. Her brow furrowed in confusion; what the hell was the box for? She opened it and stared down at the diamond ring, her mind even more muddled than ever. What the hell?
Her jaw fell slack as she realized that she held in her hand an engagement ring. She slammed her mouth shut so that she didn't look like a complete and utter moron, and when she was finally able to form a coherent sentence she let out a strangled, "Oh my God, Hyde. It's beautiful."
Hyde leaned against the wall of the hospital room and stared at her face intently, waiting for a definitive answer. When she didn't say anything further than her comment on the ring, he prompted, "Well?"
Chris looked from the ring to his face, and couldn't help but notice how his eyes were boring holes into hers. She cocked an eyebrow in a fashion much like his and informed him, "You didn't say anything, jackass."
He rolled his eyes at her antics; he should've known that she'd try and push him to go all-out. He mimicked her facial expression and decided against letting her have the satisfaction of hearing him pour his heart out to her. "Are we getting hitched, or what?"
Chris couldn't help but let out a laugh at his untraditional ways. She let out a sigh and looked back down at her ring before placing at on her finger and examining it. She shook her head sadly and looked up at him before announcing, "I cannot believe that I'm marrying such a complete and utter asshole."
A grin burst its way out onto Hyde's face as he made her way over to her side. He rested one hand against the hospital bed for leverage as he pressed his lips against Chris's. She smiled into him and leaned back, and he slowly lifted one knee onto the bed before pulling up the other one so that he was hovering over her. He pulled his face away from Chris's to ask softly, "Are you sure?"
She let out yet another laugh and questioned, "Do you really want me to take the time to come to my senses?" He rolled his eyes and pressed his lips against hers again, but she pushed his chest and forced him away before adding with a mock tone of sincerity, "I mean… after all, we are in the hospital… and I mean, sex before marriage is so morally corrupt—"
He rolled his eyes at her and moved back in to kiss her again, but she repeated her action to prevent him from doing so. "No, no, Hyde, you're right. I mean, this is all just so wrong, and I wouldn't want to—"
"Okay, Chris? I get it. You can shut up now," he informed her. She let out a laugh before grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulling his face down to meet hers.
A/N: I figured that having Hyde finally get some would be a great place to end this :D
Oh my gosh, I had no idea how upsetting the writing of this chapter would be. Like legit, I put off writing this for so long because… Well, quite frankly, I'm going to miss Chris. ): This was my first-ever FanFiction story, and the fact that it's over is SO DEPRESSING.
I want to thank sooo many people here. All of my reviewers, followers, and favorite-ers (whisperinginthewind, Marla's Lost, TL22, shippolove844, outsiders83, and Mega Awesome Marx, especially!)… you're all so amazing. If I could do something to show you guys how much I love you, believe me, I would. And if you think of anything that I can do, let me know!
Oh goshh. I also want to thank Jamie, for keeping up with my story and always reading the chapters as soon as I publish… BAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. I couldn't get through that one with a straight face. :D But I love you anyways MV
And Katie. Katiekatiekatiekatiekatie. Oh my gosh, Katie. You have no idea how much I love you, like you are legit my life. From your helpful comments to your amazing ideas to our incredible conversations to our phail hearts… it's all just so great. Seriously, let's get hitched. If it weren't for you, either Chris would be dead or Hyde would be lying in bed with a bullet on his shoulder and… GOSHHH I'm a horrible person. But you fix all of that. MV
But anyways, guys, this is the end of the road for Give Me Wings… but keep a look out, because pretty soon Katie and I will be working on a story together. It'll be freaking fantastic.
But, in the meantime, you guys should all go over and read her story. It's pretty amazing, not gonna lie.
Okay, so, I love you all SOOOO MUCH, and I apologize for the long-ass author's note, and I guess this is goodbye…
But say farewell in a review for me! Please?(: