Author's Note: I've decided to re-write some of my earlier chapters, being as there are many issues revolving around them. Throughout the course of this Fic thus far I have learned a lot, and so I'm going to re-write this.

Thanks so much for reading(:

The new girl couldn't help but her eyes as Steven Hyde flipped through the channels on the TV and stopped on Happy Days. She stared at the screen incredulously for a few moments before she couldn't help but ask of him, "Do you really watch this shit?"

"No," he admitted, a sheepish tone in his voice. She should've guessed that from his wincing at every word that came out of the kids' mouths, but she hadn't known Hyde long enough to actually decipher his reactions. "I thought you did?"

She paused momentarily, trying to find a nicer way to put her feelings towards the show into words. When she could think of none, she simply responded: "Um… Hell no." She reached over the arm of the couch to where he was sitting in his chair and took the remote off of his leg. She flipped through channels for a bit before she landed on an all-girl car wash and grinned, deciding against flipping through any further. She tried to wipe the smile from her lips unsuccessfully as she guessed, "I betcha this is more your speed, huh, Hyde?"

"You're funny, kid, y'know that?" He held out his hand expectantly, waiting for her to hand over the remote to avoid possibly awkward situations that might ruin her opinion of him. "Change it to something else."

"Mmm… no," she decided, her amusement reflected in her voice. He let out a small groan and reached for the remote, but she scooted over to the left so that she was out of his reach. He climbed over the arm of the couch so that he was next to her. She slid away against the other side and extended her arm past the end of the couch. He put his hand on the back of the couch for leverage as he leaned over her. One knee rested on either side of her body and his left hand was planted directly next to her face. He easily reached over and grabbed the remote from her hand before looking down at her. "Ha-ha."

The joking mood was gone for her, however. She couldn't help but be mesmerized by his body, so close to hers… "You win," she agreed softly, gazing into his eyes. He returned the stare for a few seconds and was just about to lean in to kiss her when his friends all walked in. They stopped in their tracks immediately when they saw Hyde and the new girl practically on top of each other. Hyde pulled away from the almost-kiss and moved back to his seat. He flipped off the TV and looked over at his friends casually. "'Sup?"

"Steven," a dark-haired girl said with a tone as tight as her pants were, "Why is the new girl here?"

"I invited her," he responded before crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't even bother to look up.

That made Jackie very, very mad. She was a princess, and princesses hated being ignored. "Why?" she demanded.

"Why not?" A guy with long brown hair and movie-star good looks jumped over the back of the couch to sit next to the new girl. "I'm Kelso."

"I'm Chris," the new girl said. Recognition dawned on her and she added, "You're in my history class."

"I'm Eric," a tall, lanky guy said. "From gym."

"Oh, yeah! You're the one that couldn't do a pull-up, right?"

"That's my man," a redhead joked with a warm smile. Chris could tell just by looking at her that she would be a great person to have as a friend. "Hi, I'm Donna."

After a few moments of silence, Donna elbowed the short brunette in the ribs. "I'm Jackie," she grumbled with reluctant compliance.

A foreign guy was standing in the back of the room, simply observing the scene. When he didn't approach Chris, she got up and made her way over to him. She held out her hand and introduced herself, "I'm Chris. And you are..?"

"Fez," he said slowly, as if he couldn't believe she was talking to him. He took her hand and eagerly shook it.

"Nice to meetcha," she told him with a smile, then went back to sit next to Kelso. Eric turned the TV back on and put on The Price Is Right. They all watched absentmindedly for a little while before Chris felt a pair of eyes glued to her back. She warily turned her head and saw Jackie glaring at her. Chris glanced around to see if anybody else noticed.

Kelso had noticed the dirty looks instantly and comforted Chris, "She's just pissed because she isn't prettier than you."

"Michael!" Jackie exclaimed, a look of pure shock on her face. It was enough to make Hyde smile one of his genuine that-was-funny smiles.

"…Well, this isn't awkward at all," Chris looked around the room at each of her new friends before she decided slowly, "I'm gonna split."

"Want me to walk you?" Hyde offered her in a very un-Hyde-like manner.

"Nah, I'm good." Chris smiled at him to show her appreciation as she went on, "Thanks, though. I'll call you?"

"Cool," he said dismissively, as if getting a phone call from the hottest girl in Point Place was no big deal. Then again, he was Zen. Nothing ever seemed to matter to him.

The moment the door had shut behind Chris, everyone in the gang pounced on Hyde. "Details!" Kelso demanded.

"It's nothing," Hyde said, only half-lying.

"You offered to walk her home," Donna pointed out, as if that solved everything. "Since when are you nice?"

"Who the hell was that whore," Jackie growled. She hated for anybody to get attention but her, and if this little bitch thought she could just show up and take Jackie's place… she had another thing coming.

"She isn't a whore. And she's just a chick in some of my classes," Hyde responded. He couldn't help but wonder why it mattered to Jackie if Chris had come over.

"A totally hot chick in some of your classes!" Eric corrected Hyde, and received a smack from Donna.

"And she's huge," Kelso said, placing his hands in front of his chest to imitate boobs.

"Her hands are as soft as a baby's bottom," Fez sighed lovingly.

"And she's huge," Kelso repeated, his gleeful smile never faltering.

"Yeah, well… I'm still the richest," Jackie said. "So ha."

"Jackie, you can't be poor and pretty," Kelso corrected her. He looked at Hyde worriedly before checking, "Can you?"

"Her dad owns a brewery and deals pot," Hyde answered, as if that was the answer to everything. Which, in a way, it was.

"I think I really like this girl," Eric said with a grin as he considered that. Free beer and free weed? He was so in!

"And her mom's a hooker," Hyde added solely for Fez and Kelso's benefit. Their faces brightened even further than they had at the mention of free beer and drugs.

"No wonder you offered to walk her home!" Donna exclaimed. Leave it to Hyde to find the perfect girl and just use her…

"I would like to meet her mother," Fez said wistfully. He was so sick of being a virgin!

"I'm gonna go catch up to her!" Kelso decided after he had soaked in all of that information. He took that opportunity to sprint through the basement to the outside, and smiled when he saw her track of footprints in the November slush.

Chris heard pounding footfalls behind her and looked back fearfully, ready to bolt if she saw—

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw who it wasn't and then laughed when she saw who it was. Chris waited for Kelso to catch up to her before she began to talk to anything. When her teeth stopped chattering enough she inquired, "What're you doing out in the cold?"

"I couldn't let you walk home by yourself," he explained as he began to trudge down the street next to her.

"Thanks," she said, then shivered. "It's freaking cold out here…"

He put his arm around her shoulders and drew her slightly nearer. "Better?"

"You're really warm," Chris commented appreciatively, and snuggled up against him inside of his coat. They walked for a little bit before they approached her house. She unlocked the door and said, "Wait a sec…" She ducked her head inside for a moment before opening the door wide. "C'mon in, Kelso."

He followed her inside and gazed around the kitchen. "You've got a nice place."

"Want something to drink?" she asked him as she walked over to a refrigerator.


"You eighteen yet?" she inquired, acting as if it would matter to her whether or not he was of legal age.

Kelso stared at her with an incredulous look on his face, wondering if she legitimately cared what his age was. He paused before deciding to answer with an honest, "Sixteen."

"Seventeen here. Close enough." She reached into the fridge and tossed him a beer.


"You know it." She held up her can. "To new beginnings," she decided.

"To new beginnings," he agreed.

"WE DID IT! CHRIS AND I DID IT!" Kelso screamed as he rushed into the Basement. He jumped on the couch and proclaimed, "I AM THE KING!"

A/N: So? Like the re-write?(: