Blood hearts Chapter 7
Corona woke to a dull burn in her throat. There was a slight glow from the corner, like the fire place in her room. She sat up to see Venus in the corner, weaving.
"You're awake." She said, noticing the blond. "How do you feel?"
"Thirsty." She said. Suddenly the events of the previous night came back.
"Where's Hunter?" she demanded.
"..." Corona's heart sunk at the silence. Had it been too late to save him?
"He's not..."
"He's not dead." Said Venus. "He's not really alive either. You're blood was enough to put him in a suspended sleep, what you humans would call a coma. He needs more human blood to be alright."
"But his wound?"
"Healed." She said. "He'll just remain asleep until he gets more blood. It may be a few decades until a human could be found." Corona thought for a moment, until a noise sounded from downstairs. She slipped down, amazed at the speed she now possessed. Shadow was busy disposing of Hunter's blood soaked clothes. Shadow gave her a small look, and threw the ripped, bloody fabric into the fire.
"He'll have your head, you know." Said Shadow. "When the master gets in a rage, hell hath no fury like his."
"He can't really damage me." She said.
"Oh, he wouldn't lay a finger on you." He said. "He'd go on an hour long rant on how foolish you were and all that and then go hide in his room for a few days. It always happens when we have a row with him."
"Where is he?" asked Corona, wanting a serious answer.
"Safely hidden upstairs." He said. "We had to place him in a casket so if anyone came back, they would not suspect that your Father failed."
"How am I going to find someone willing to give him blood?" sighed the blond.
"There is another way." Said Shadow. "But we'll never find her."
"Who?" asked Corona, feeling a spike of jealousy.
"Esmera." Said Venus. "She's the one who bit him centuries ago. She could easily bring him back, but then there's another problem."
"What problem?" Venus and Shadow exclaimed a look.
"Hunter hates her with every fibre of his being." Said Shadow nervously. "The last time he saw her, he destroyed half the castle, trying to kill her, and got his arm ripped off." Corona looked sick.
"Vampires can re-grow appendages." Said Venus. "But it took about twenty years, and Hunter spent most of his down time plotting her painful demise. If it came to a fight, she could and would tear you to shreds. Still, it's the only way to bring him back without killing someone."
"Where is she?" asked the blond. Both Spiders gave the equivalent of a shrug.
"Judging by how horrible the snow storms have been, she'll be dropping by soon." Said Shadow. "It's a taunt she uses to mock Master." Almost on cue, an ear splitting crash echoed through the castle, making the floor quiver.
"Impeccable timing." Huffed Venus.
"Who the hell are you?" hissed a woman's voice. Corona turned to see a slim woman in an Victorian dress and heels, her wavy brunette hair reaching her hips. Her eyes were red and slit like a cat, her pearly fangs clearly visible.
"I take it you're Esmera." Said the blond. She felt her new fangs descend, her eyes burn as they reddened. She did not like this woman, and didn't want her anywhere NEAR her Hunter. She froze.
Did I just call him MY Hunter?
"A newborn?" she scoffed. "I didn't think he had it in him. Besides, I thought I made it perfectly clear he's MINE."
"I wasn't going to let him bleed out and die." Said the blond. "I forced him to drink my blood, and I drank his. And where the HELL do you get off acting like Hunter is property." Esmera did NOT look impressed. Suddenly Corona's head connected with a wall, Esmera's hand on her forehead.
"It took too long to find and capture my little lamb, and I don't intend to lose out to a pathetic baby Vampire." She grinned evilly. "You want to see?" Corona, apparently had little say in the matter. There was blinding light, and then the blast of wind. It was in the middle of a snowstorm. She heard the whinny of a horse just past the trees. She trudged through the snow and found a small forest road. Somebody was riding through the forest, a freshly killed boar strapped to the back of a horse. Suddenly a brunette woman burst onto the path, right in the path of the horse. The horse reared up on it's hind legs, throwing the rider's hood back, revealing vibrant red hair tied back into a pony tail, as per the style of the era, green eyes wide as he tried to control the horse. When he managed to move the hourse to the side, he slipped off, helping the woman up. Corona recognized the woman as Esmera, and desperately wanted to yell, to stop what she knew would be coming soon.
"Are you alright?" he asked, looking concerned.
"I was going for a walk and I guess I got lost." She said, wrapping her arms around Hunter's neck. "My Hero." Before Hunter had the chance to react, Esmera's fangs shot out and she bit at his throat. Hunter looked pale as blood drained out, some dripping into the snow. Still holding Hunter, who was struggling to get out of her grip, she slit her wrist and forced the blood into his mouth, making him swallow. Hunter stopped moving and she let him fall into the snow.
"Hunter!" Corona heard the male voice. Esmera disappeared. Corona saw the ruddy looking man from the portrait, holding a lantern. It was pitch black out. He had the horse, who must have escaped in the commotion. She felt a spike of fear as the man worriedly examined his son and carried him home. Next she was in the palace, though it was still new and light. Blood dripped off of everything in the room. She recognized it as the room behind the curtain. The body of the man and the woman were on the floor, throats ripped out, blood soaking their clothes. The blond girl was still breathing, but quickly dying. Hunter was covered in blood, sitting on the armchair, trying not to cry, saying the same thing over and over.
"Why?" it sounded broken, like he was sobbing without tears.
"Messy." Said Esmera. "You're technique needs work. Still, who needs something as pathetic as family when you're immortal?" She saw Hunter's eyes go red, like when he had attacked her Father. He picked up the gun on the floor near his Father and loaded it.
"You can't kill me." She huffed. Hunter put the barrel in his mouth, and shot.
Blood splattered everywhere, a bit of skull and brain with it. Hunter merely choked as the damage repaired itself.
"You can't die." She chuckled. "You're mine forever." Hunter slashed her throat when she tried to come close. She frowned as her throat healed, but leaving a scar.
"Go away." He hissed, ready to fight her off. She growled as she noticed the scar.
"One scar for another." She hissed, Forcing him on the ground, ripping off his arm. Hunter looked like he was in agony.
"I'll be back." She said, glaring. "And by then, I hope you learn not to reject your mistress."
"I hate you." Hissed Hunter.