Disclaimer: I do not own the movie

Chapter 5: Zeniba's help

On their way home, they stopped and stared at a forest…

Chihiro gasped and quickly said, "Let's try to ask Zeniba what to do"

"Yeah, you are right" Lin and Boh replied.

As they went closer to the forest, a lantern came closer and showed them the way.

When they finally arrived at Zeniba's house, they went inside and then Zeniba saw Chihiro, She yelled her name and gave Chihiro a very tight hug, Chihiro ask for air. Chihiro wondered that in 5 years, the house did not change yet and neither did Zeniba.

Zeniba looked at the face of Chihiro.

"Is something wrong, my dear?" Zeniba asked curiously.

"Well" Chihiro gasped, "Haku is trapped in Lord Fajuro's forest"

"Do not worry, he is not hurt, but you just have to stop the wedding of Princess Sanumi and Haku" Zeniba told Chihiro…

"What?" Chihiro sighed while her tears fell down.

"My child, this is your chance to stop it" Zeniba said while she opened a small box and got a beautiful magic necklace. "My mother gave it to me when I was just a young spirit, and she told me that it is a magical necklace because you can wish in something, it only happens once, but in more than a thousand years, it never happened because I dint wish for anything (giggles). But I think that you could make a wish on it (Zeniba winks at chihiro)",

"Now, go to sleep young lady. You have a busy day ahead," Zeniba told Chihiro.

When Chihiro was all alone, she stared at the necklace and whispered, "If she can't make it work, how more I? I am just an ordinary girl". Sighted Chihiro

At 12 midnight .Everyone was already sleeping, Chihiro cannot help but worry too much about Haku… She did not sleep at that night...

I'm sorry that this chapter is so short but dont worry there are still more chapters to go..

Hope you like it :)