Hi, people just wanted you to know that this is my first chapter


I do not own Spirited Away or any of the characters

Chapter 1: The Lonesome memories

5 years in the human world and not a sign of the Haku in Kohaku River, not even a sign from the Spirit world in her in the past years

"I wonder if Haku and the others still remember me"

"Doesn't he even plan on seeing me again?" Chihiro thought...

She fell in love with him the first time he saw him but then she did not understand what feelings she had. Sometimes she wonders if he had the same feelings for her

"Chihiro! Are you awake now, come downstairs we have a lot of things to do" cried

Chihiro's Mom

"Why?" Chihiro asked curiously

Her mother sighed, "Don't tell me you forgot?"

"Uhh…?" Chihiro said

Her mother snorted and said "Chihiro come on didn't I tell you that were moving".

WHAT! Chihiro exclaimed

"Yeah, so come on buckle up and start fixing" but before her mother could finish, the thoughts of Chihiro interrupted her "What's wrong sweetheart? Is there something in this town that you don't want to let go? Something like the Kohaku River?" Her mother asked furiously…

"NO… WHAT….how did you know about that?" She blushed

Which why her mother was concerned, if there were some things Chihiro didn't want to tell her .

Chihiro's mom went near her and stayed beside her to comfort and to let the problems out

"Chihiro, if there is something you need you can always tell me I am here for you" Her mother sighed. Bringing the child back the lonesome memories.

Chihiro thoughts were filled with so many memories when she collapsed.

Her mother was shocked by whatever happened to her and what has got in her


At that night Chihiro dreamt as if she was in the spirit world. Words started speaking which startled her. "Haku" she knew it was he, so she followed the voice until it led her into a dark room filled with many nasty things. At the edge of the room lied Haku half dead but still calling her name asking for help. Just as she walked towards him, she had not notice it was an illusion but it suddenly turned dark pitch black. Chihiro started yelling Haku's name.

When she woke up she found herself lying in her room and at the door her friend, Leah stood. As soon as Leah saw her, she snapped and asked Chihiro if she was all right. She said that she was fine but Leah still did not think if she was really telling the truth as if she was hiding something. However, she could not tell her for she might tell others and they might think that she is crazy. Since Leah is the popular gossip girl in the whole school she infact did not understand, why she made friends to a normal unpopular girl like Chihiro.

When Chihiro wondered around the house, she noticed her parents were not there. Chihiro faced to Leah and asked that where her parents are. "They went ahead already since their flight was still 3 days ago and they said that if you want to go you can just call them but they didn't think you'd come" Leah replied.

Oh No! Chihiro cried

Why? Leah asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"If their flight was 3 days ago then today must be Tuesday right?" Chihiro answered.

"Umm…yeah…I guess so," Leah said thought

Rushing out of the bed, she prepared and screamed, "I didn't get to go to Kohaku River last Saturday and Sunday"

However, when she was about to go out leaving her friend behind, a hand suddenly grabbed her back into the room. What is wrong with you girl? All you say from the years we have met, you are always leaving your family and me just because

Of the river, "Kahoka River" Leah complained.

Nevertheless, Chihiro corrected her "Umm... Kohaku River!"

".Right Kohaku always Kohaku …soon your love life will be with that river and its spirit if ever it has one But who cares SPIRITS ARE"NT REAL" She murmured as she went outside and left .Meanwhile Chihiro blushed…

At that night, she went to the river and stayed there. She was always talking as if she was talking to herself. If someone has seen her, they might think what crazy girl she was.

When she reached home, she slept the whole day not bothering to answer the calls of her parents. At 3:00 pm, the next day she was wide-awake and so full of energy but what was the use of her energy if she had nothing to do. She began to remember about the tunnel leading to the spirit world. She thought of going there this evening but why not now. There is nothing to do except sit.

When she arrived there, she had not notice since before that to go there takes 2 or more hours since her car gasoline wasn't enough for going back and forth so she had to walk back home she saw the tunnel again and she knew no matter what happens she cant go back to the spirit world. Still, she had to try. As she walked through the tunnel, she could find nothing but a big beautiful garden. Therefore, she knew she had no chance of going back to her real home. Since it was late at night and she was quite getting tired she wanted to go back home

As she was walking, she accidentally fell and slept in the middle of the streets

A couple of hours later, a truck was heading towards her, it was keep on honking,

"HONK, HONK, HONK", not knowing that she was asleep. Suddenly a big dragon came flying towards Chihiro and got her. The dragon was infact Haku in his dragon form.

Haku landed in Chihiro's home he went inside and placed Chihiro down in her bed. He recalled the first time he saw her, and how he fell in love with her but he did not know that she loved him too. Haku wrote a letter to his love one before leaving her. He always dreamed of being with her but it would not be fair for a human and a spirit to be together. In Chihiro's mind, she heard Haku's voice, so it forced her to wake up yelling "HAKU".

This is my first story and first chapter I wrote please give reviews :)