I own nothing.

Please R&R

Hope you like it!

"Oi" Ron yelped as he walked through the dormitory door, tripped on something and fell on his arse. Ron groaned and tried to figure out what he had tripped on.

It was dark in the room except for a small lap that was resting beside Harry's bed, giving off a soft glow to the room.

"Sorry about that" Ron heard Harry say and he jerked his head up to see Harry coming towards him. Ron hadn't thought that Harry would be in the dorm. Harry offered his hand out to Ron and pulled the red head up. Then he went to pick up his Firebolt, which Ron realized was what he had tripped over. "It must have fallen over" Harry said propping it up against the wall.

Ron looked at the broom and then at Harry, he wondered why his friend even had the broom in their room.

Harry walked back over to his bed "You're back early" Harry said to him.

Ron shook his head "I was just about to say the same to you."

Harry didn't acknowledge Ron's words; instead he began throwing clothes into his trunk.

Ron watched Harry; he couldn't understand why his friend was acting so weird. Then he shrugged and walked over to his own bed "Some of the guys were planning to sneak down to Hogsmeade and get a drink at the Three Broomsticks," Ron explained "I just came back to get my jumper since it's pretty chilly outside."

"Oh," Harry said in answer, he continued throwing his things into his trunk.

"Yeah…" Ron said "So what are you doing?"

"I'm packing" Harry said without looking up.

"I can see that," Ron said taking a seat on his bed "but why are you packing? I mean I know Snape asked you to move in with him but don't you think you could have done this tomorrow or something? I thought you would have been down in the dungeons for the rest of the night."

Harry sighed, his hands stilled as he reached for one of his shirts and he looked up at Ron "I'm not moving in with…Snape."

Ron looked at him with a frown, he was confused, one because Harry hadn't called the Professor by his last name in private for like a year and two because Harry had been so looking forward to moving in with the older man just a few hours ago. "Why?" he asked.

Harry didn't answer at first; he stared down at the shirt in his hands and clenched his fists "He doesn't want me Ron."

"What?" Ron asked, his voice conveying his surprise "That doesn't make sense, why wouldn't he…"

"I don't know!" Harry snapped cutting Ron off. Then he took a deep breath, trying to rid his frustration; Ron wasn't the one he was mad at. "I don't know…" he said more softly "I went down to tell him…" Harry choked "tell him that I loved him and he pushed me away. He told me that I was too young and I couldn't possibly know what I want…" Harry growled as he trailed off.

Ron didn't know what to say.

Harry threw the shirt he had in his hand across the room in anger "He said he didn't want to wait around until I figured out that it wasn't him I truly wanted and then he told me to get lost!"

Harry felt tears well up in his eyes again and forced them away. He ran his hand over his face and his shoulders slumped before he began packing again.

It was quiet in the room for a moment before Ron stood up from his bed "I'm sorry" he said.

Harry sent a glare at him, he knew Ron was only trying to help but he didn't want to hear his pity.

Ron got the message pretty quick and stopped where he was.

Harry threw the last of his clothes into his trunk and then slammed the lid closed. Ron jumped slightly but pulled himself together quickly. He walked closer to Harry's bed and rested his hand on the trunk sitting there.

"Why are you packing now then?" Ron asked, he thought he knew why but he hoped he was wrong.

"I'm leaving" Harry said confirming his suspicion.

"Now?" Ron asked.

"Yes" Harry said firmly.

"But what about graduation, that isn't for another week?" Ron asked, looking at Harry searchingly.

"I can't stand to be here" Harry said seriously, looking Ron in the eye.

"But where will you go?" Ron pushed.

"I don't know yet," Harry said as he pulled on his cloak "I'll figure it out on my way."

"Maybe you should stay for tonight and sleep on it" Ron said getting frustrated "You're not thinking properly right now, you're hurt and that's understandable but don't go making rash decisions."

Harry shook his head "You don't understand Ron; I have to go now…" He didn't explain further.

"But…" Ron began "What about us? What about me and Hermione? You can't just leave." Ron walked around Harry's bed to stand in front of him.

Harry sighed and shook himself mentally "Ron," he said calmly "I understand your concern and I thank you for caring but this is just something I have to do. In the last three hours my finally happy life just crumbled before me. It was a hit that I wasn't expecting and now I have to deal with it…but I have to deal with it in my own way. I know you don't understand but I have to do this…I can't stay here while the memory of what I could have had sits just below us. I need to get away."

Ron was looking at him sadly.

Harry gripped both of Ron's shoulders "You, Ron, and Hermione have had my back since day one and I can't thank you enough. You two will always be my best friends and I know I'll see you again someday, hopefully soon. But for now I hope you'll understand that I have to leave, I know it's hard but it won't be forever."

Ron sighed and pulled Harry into a hug "You better mean that because you know I will track you down if I don't hear from you soon" he said when he pulled away.

"Oh I know you will" Harry said with a laugh. He took a step back and grabbed a letter he had written for his two friends, off his night stand and handed it to Ron. "This is for you and Hermione" Harry said "Please tell her that I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye but I'll be back."

Ron shook his head "Fine," he said "but you know she won't be happy."

"I know," Harry said sadly "but I hope she'll understand."

Harry shrunk his trunk and placed it in his pocket and then he grabbed his Firebolt and made his way to the door. Harry looked back at Ron, a half smile on his face "Take care of yourself and Hermione."

"I will," Ron said, trying to force himself to smile "You better take care of yourself too."

"You know I will" Harry said and then with one last sad look at Ron he disappeared out the door.

Remus sat in the kitchen of number 12 Grimmauld Place with a cup of tea in his hands as he stared at the wall in the eerily quiet, empty house.

Remus knew it was late but he couldn't get to sleep. Sirius had gone out earlier that day and he still hadn't returned and Remus was getting worried.

Sirius had been acting weird the last few days. Of course he hadn't been the same since Harry had told him that he was seeing Severus, Sirius had been out of his mind mad at that and had been in a constant bad mood the last few months but the way he had been acting for the last week was a whole different story.

He was moody and secretive, he seemed to be in a slightly better mood but he was still acting weird.

There wasn't much light in the kitchen and Remus squinted at the clock above the door as he watched the minute hand tick slowly by, it was just after twelve.

Remus was just thinking getting up and going up to his room when he heard the sound of the door opening upstairs and the creaking of floorboards. Then there was a loud crash, Remus could only think that whoever it was had knocked over the umbrella stand. Then the shouting of Mrs. Black's portrait began and Remus could hear Sirius' distinct voice yelling at the portrait of his mother to shut up.

Finally after what seemed like forever the portrait quieted down and Remus heard Sirius' loud footsteps creak across the floor and then Sirius was coming down the stairs.

"Sirius" Remus said in a displeased voice as the dark haired man stepped through the door.

"Remus!" Sirius said happily with a wide grin. Remus could tell that the other man was slightly drunk and shook his head.

"Where have you been?" Remus asked.

Sirius moved from the doorway to one of the cupboards and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. He unscrewed the top and took a sip before leaning against the counter and looking at Remus. "I was at Hogwarts."

Remus moaned, putting his head in his hands, that couldn't have gone well. Now he understood why Sirius was in the sate he was, though normally Sirius wasn't such a happy drunk.

"What?" Sirius asked his friend.

"Why did you bo…" Remus began and then shook his head, there was no use arguing with Sirius "What happened?"

Harry and Sirius had had a number of fights in the past few months and they both had explosive tempers. Remus wondered how Harry was fairing at the moment.

Sirius grinned to himself and Remus narrowed his gaze.

"Don't worry" Sirius said when he saw Remus' look "It's good news."

That didn't make Remus feel any better, there was a big difference of what Sirius considered good news and what most people did, especially when it involved Harry.

"What happened?" Remus asked again firmly.

"Let's just say, I don't think we'll have to worry about that Snape problem anymore," Sirius smirked.

Remus shook his head "First of all, I don't have a Snape problem and second what the hell do you mean by that?"

"Harry and Snivellus got in a fight" Sirius said with a grin and took another swig of the whiskey.

"What?" Remus asked in surprise.

Sirius looked at him gleefully "Yep a big fight, there will be no going back from that" Sirius said almost to himself.

Remus was shaking his head; he had talked to Harry and knew just how much the boy loved Severus. He couldn't imagine the two getting in to such a big fight that would make Sirius this happy, at least…not on their own.

Remus stood up quickly and marched over to Sirius "What did you do?" he asked.

Sirius tried to give him an offended look but failed in his drunken state "Me?" he said indignantly "I didn't do anything."

Remus was not convinced "Merlin Sirius I hope for your sake you didn't, if you did do something Harry will never forgive you."

Sirius snorted "Good thing I didn't then," he said "and I bet the boy will be here within a week, after graduation. Since he will no longer be living with the dungeon bat."

Remus was shaking his head again.

"Relax Moony, this is a good thing. It will be good for the boy to finally come to his senses" Sirius said leaning forward to press his lips to Remus'.

Remus pulled back in dismay, he couldn't believe Sirius was acting this way…well he could but still Sirius was reveling in his own godson's pain. Remus gave Sirius a disgusted look and made his way upstairs.

"Oh come on," he heard Sirius call after him "the boy's resilient, he'll get over it soon enough."

"What do you mean he left!" Hermione growled in outrage.

Almost everyone in the common room turned to look at her.

"Shh Hermione" Ron whispered quietly, glancing around.

Hermione glared at him and opened her mouth to protest but Ron quickly placed his hand over her mouth. "Come on," he said grabbing her arm and pulling her up from the couch "let's take this conversation somewhere else."

Hermione huffed but followed him.

They made their way outside towards the black lake.

Once Ron was sure that they were alone he sat down and leaned back against a large tree that overlooked the lake. Hermione sat down beside him and gave him an impatient look.

Ron reached into his robes and pulled out the letter Harry had given him, he passed it to Hermione. "Harry said he wrote this for us, I haven't read it yet."

Hermione took it from him. She unfolded it carefully and then began to read it aloud.

"Dear Ron and Hermione,

Let me just say I am very sorry in advance for any pain this letter may cause you. I hope you know that I never wanted to hurt you but sadly it cannot be helped.

Please let me explain myself. I won't go into the excruciating details since I just don't have it in me right now but tonight Severus broke up with me, and in doing so broke my heart."

Hermione stopped reading and looked at Ron, her eyes were wide and tearful "He did?" she asked.

Ron nodded his head.

Hermione shook her head "I can't believe that, they were so…so right for each other."

"I know," Ron said pulling Hermione closer "It doesn't make much sense."

Hermione rested her head against Ron's shoulder as she continued to read.

"So I'm leaving. I thought I had found where I truly belonged with Severus but now I'm not sure what I belong anymore. I need to get away and clear my head.

I know it's hard to accept and it will be hard for me to not have you both by my side but this is something I need to do on my own, and it won't be forever. I will come back."

"He better" Hermione muttered, staring hard at the page.

Ron smiled sadly, knowing exactly how she was feeling; he placed a kiss to the top of her head as she continued to read.

"I hope you two have the best summer. I know for you Hermione it will be spent reading a lot of books and studying up for that position you got at the Ministry but make sure to save some time to have fun.

And Ron good luck getting into the Auror Academy, I know you will be great.

I'm sure I'll be seeing you guys soon.

Take care of each other!



Hermione folded the paper in her hands and turned in Ron's arms so that her head rested against his chest "I can't believe he's gone" she mumbled sadly.

Ron rubbed her back "I know" Ron stated again.

Hermione pulled away slightly and looked up at Ron "What exactly happened between him and Professor Snape?"

"I don't know all the details," Ron admitted "but apparently he told Harry that Harry wasn't old enough to know what he wanted yet and he didn't want to wait around while Harry figured out that it wasn't him Harry truly wanted."

Hermione frowned "I can't believe him! How could he have done that?"

"I don't know Mione" Ron said with a sigh.

"Well I'd like to give him a piece of my mind!" Hermione growled as she got to her feet.

Ron jumped up after her and grabbed her arm, pulling her back "I don't think that's such a great idea Hermione."

Hermione turned to him with her hands on her hips "And why not?"

"You know how Snape is," Ron said "He'd never listen to us; he probably wouldn't even let us through the door. I think for once in our lives we shouldn't get involved. I'm pretty sure Harry didn't want us to."

Hermione pouted "I can't just do nothing."

"We're not doing nothing," Ron said "we are supporting Harry's decision from afar."

Hermione sighed and Ron pulled her into his arms. "Everything will be alright" he whispered to her.

"I hope you're right" Hermione said sadly.


I know you probably hate me right now for not adding a confrontation between Ron and Hermione, and Snape…but don't worry I promise that scene will arise in a later chapter.