Me- A little Poemy Fic :)

Drew- Did you write the poem?

Me- Yeah but in the fic your the one who wrote it!

May- Who are you talking about?

Me, Drew- * Sweatdroppes*

Misty- LLG doesnt own.

Me- I hope you get it soon May...


Drew sat down on his bed in the hotel and opened a note book. He sighed and bit his pencil. Then without once stopping he wrote a Poem. It was a long day. I'm just glad she believed me and not Harley..

I take look at you,

So innocent and cute,

I smile to see,

Your happiness and glee.

Then I see him grin,

I feel like ripping off his shin,

He's planning something,

No wonder he's jumping!

I observe him unfold,

His plans untold,

I feel a huge surge,

A great big urge.

To punch his cacturny costume,

But I can only watch and fume,

As you fall into his trap,

Wish I could hold you safe in my lap.

Should I warn you?

Should I tell him not to,

Try to even give you a scratch,

I know what he's trying to hatch.

I told you my suspicion,

You took it to heart,

You asked him about it,

He told you some shit.

You believed me, I'm glad.

Ignore me if you had,

Right now I would be quite sad,

And that would be very bad.

For my feeling I have realized,

They were right there before my eyes,

I love you, I know I do,

As much as I know I'm Drew.

Drew shut his poem book and smiled, This is one talent I can't brag to her about... May..

Somewhere else

"AA-T-CHU!" May sneezed, Hmm, Guess someone is thinking about me... Wish it was Drew... Naah! Why would he think about me?

'Glace?' Glaceon looked at her trainer.

May shook her head, "Its nothing, lets continue our training. Use Ice-Shard!"

Glaceon shrugged and complied.


Me- So..?

Drew- "..."

May- Cute XD

Me- Thanks, Oh and incase you dint understand the villan was Harley as he tried to trick May again.

Harley- * Appearing out of thin air* Why am I always the villan hun?

Me- Please dont call me hun... And that question is one you should ask yourself!

Misty- Review!

Ash- Bye!