Title: Addiction
Rating: M
Pairing: Sasuke/Naruto, minor Itachi/Naruto
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters.


This is a dark!fic. It contains homosexual relations, rape, and character death.

Don't like, don't read.

Your concrete heart isn't beating.

Pleading never seemed to work with Sasuke. So why would it work now?

Naruto pressed his eyes shut and struggled against his binds. Soft clinks of metal against metal echoed through the small basement as the cuffs around Naruto's wrist hit the pole behind him.

Sasuke was still smiling – well, smirking. He seemed pretty fond of himself when he ran both hands up Naruto's chest then bringing them back down his abdomen, slowly. They curved around ribs and fingered the small ridged bones there, before snaking there way under Naruto's arms, to his back. There, Sasuke drew small circles around the blond's shoulder blades and spine. It was like Sasuke was trying to soothe him.

Like hell he'd relax when that bastard was around; especially when that bastard just kidnapped you, cuffed you to a pull, and fucking broke your leg!

The soft circles that Sasuke was drawing on Naruto's back were taking his mind away from the pain in his leg; which, had turned into a dull ache by now. Not that Sasuke's touches felt nice or anything, because they definitely didn't. He hated them; he hated Sasuke.

"Stop touching me." Naruto growled, and in an attempt to move away from Sasuke's needing hands, he arched his back forward.

With a small chuckle, Sasuke hands followed Narutos body. They were back on his ribs again, but barely touching him. They moved down his sides to his hips, leaving butterfly touches.

Blue eyes snapped up to meet the other boys when Sasuke's finger ran teasingly across the hem of Naruto's boxers. Naruto gave him a warning glare.

"Don't you dare."

"Oh?" Sasuke said, amusement dancing in his dark orbs. "And what if I do?"

Just to make his point, Sasuke slid two fingers inside the fabric. He marveled in the feeling of warm skin underneath. He wanted to touch Naruto there too.

Naruto kept up his glare, but added a snarl as another warning.

Maybe I'm dreaming, but maybe it's real.

Maybe I'm crazy, but that's how I feel.

Sasuke liked the difference the blond was suddenly showing. First he was a sobbing mess, pleading for Sasuke to stop; then, he was sending Sasuke silent threats. Tears had dried upon tan cheeks and cerulean hues were now ablaze with hatred.

He took no time in hooking his fingers around the top of the garment, followed by a small tug. Not forceful enough to pull the garment down all the way, but enough to show Sasuke more skin.

Naruto gave a small gasp of surprise and moved his knees towards his body – as much as he could anyway.

He was trying to block Sasuke from what he wanted to see…

Sasuke definitely wouldn't let that happen.

He gave another tug at the garment, with a little more force then before, and the fabric slide down a bit more than an inch. He could now see the dip of Naruto's hip and from what he could tell; half of Naruto's ass was probably showing. He suddenly wished he had cuffed Naruto the other way around, so he could get a good look at those round globes.

Naruto wiggled about, trying to kick at Sasuke once more. The pants restricted a lot of his movements, however.

Eyes narrowing, Sasuke moved over Naruto until he was straddling his legs. When he sat down, he purposely put all his weight on one side of him – on Naruto's broken leg. He loved the way his obsessions pretty face contorted into pain.

"Ah- get off!" Naruto cried, his struggling halting as pain prickled through him. He clenched his teeth to keep himself from making any noise when Sasuke didn't remove himself; instead, he reached behind and pulled Naruto's jeans the rest of the way down.

"Can't have these getting in the way now, can we?" He smirked, tossing the denim across the room, absentmindedly. Then he turned his attention back to Naruto, his eyes eating up the show before him.

An uncomfortable weight settled on Sasuke's chest when Naruto whispered a quiet, "I hate you."

He didn't like those words for some reason. Sure, he didn't care that Naruto looked at him like he wished he would crawl in a hole and die, but oddly, hearing the blond say that out loud made Sasuke's chest clench painfully. It kind of made him want to gather Naruto in his arms and plead for him to take it back; plead for him to love him, care for him, do anything for him.

…Like that would ever happen though.

That's why Sasuke had to do this.

Sasuke ignored the sentence that brought him so much pain and gripped Naruto's boxers.

"I hate you!"

Getting a good hold on the fabric, Sasuke yanked it down. He moved to his knees to get the rest of the fabric free of Naruto's legs–

He regretted that decision immediately.

With one swift movement, Naruto wiggled his good leg out from between Sasuke's and brought it down onto Sasuke's pelvis, hard.

Sasuke groaned, pain wracking his body and the unwilling urge to puke coming over him. Sucking in a large amount of air, Sasuke leaned forward and muttered curses to himself. He glanced back up at his obsession, to give Naruto the meanest stare he could muster – only to have a sock covered foot come in contact with his cheek, knocking him back onto his ass.

A hand immediately rose to his injured cheek to inspect the damaged. It hurt like a bitch; Sasuke was sure there was going to be a bruise.

After a few moments of collecting himself, the raven pushed himself up from the ground and into a sitting position. A scowl matted his lips and his eyes were narrowed dangerously.

"You little bitch. I'm trying my hardest to be gentle with you but you just have to go and fuck everything up!"

Naruto gapped. Oh, hell no… "Gentle…? You broke my leg!"

Sasuke's scowl deepened.

"And how am I fucking everything up? You're the lunatic who kidnapped me and cuffed me to a pole in your basement!" Naruto continued, voice getting louder by every word. His not-broken leg was curled in towards his body now, protecting his privates from Sasuke's prying eyes. And every now and then, he would tug at his cuffs, as if they would magically get looser at some point.

Sasuke stood and pressed a finger against his swollen cheek, wincing. With a disappointed look, he gave Naruto one last look over. Then he walked to the wooden door at the other side of the basement and exited.

Naruto's sigh was thankful.

It was only ten minutes later when Sasuke returned, carrying a black duffle bag over one shoulder. He didn't look angry anymore – even though his right cheek was starting to turn an ugly color of blackish-purple. He looked calm, like when Naruto saw him at school; quiet and calculated.

He sauntered over to the bound man, stopping a mere two feet away and setting the duffle bag on the floor. Kneeling down, Sasuke unzipped the bag and started digging through the contents within it. When he finally found what he was looking for, he smirked and looked up at the blond with a look that sent shivers down Naruto's spine.

Blue eyes flickered from Sasuke's face to the black duffle bag on the floor, fear and curiosity sparking within them.

"What?" Naruto croaked, uneasily.

"Nothing," Was Sasuke's casual reply as he shoved whatever he took out of the bag into his back pocket, hiding it from Naruto's line of vision. He crawled toward Naruto, staying on the side with the broken leg to avoid getting kicked again.

Naruto was eyeing him suspiciously, yet he ignored it, kneeling next to Naruto's side and started digging whatever he stuck in his back pocket back out. It was kind of pointless to even put it in there in the first place, now wasn't it?

A soft clink was heard before Sasuke pulled something leathery around Naruto's head. A hand reached up and hooked around Naruto's jaw, lowering it until it was wide enough to shove the red rubber ball inside Naruto's mouth. Once that was successful, Sasuke's hands moved to the back of Naruto's head, buckling the straps to the gag.

Naruto tongued at the rubber ball, eyebrows furrowing when the object refused to budge. He glanced at Sasuke with questioning eyes.

"A gag," The raven stated simply with a smile, then crawled his way back over to the duffle bag. Momentarily, he glanced up at Naruto when he was beside it. "It's your punishment for that little stunt you pulled early."

He went back to rummaging, pulling out a gold condom and a small bottle of lube. He chucked the bottle at Naruto and stuffed the condom in his pocket, obvious that he was going to use it later.

The bottle hit Naruto in the chest and bounced, landing somewhere on the floor in front of him. He growled something incoherent to Sasuke as he glared down at the little bottle.

Again, ignoring the blond, Sasuke moved until he was in front of Naruto. He grabbed Naruto's ankle and wrenched his leg away from his body. And he lightly pushed on Naruto's injured one, spreading it so he could kneel comfortably between Naruto's legs.

Not removing his grip from Naruto's ankle, Sasuke leaned forward and nipped at Naruto's collar bone.

Naruto immediately leaned away from Sasuke's mouth. He shivered when his clothed back hit the cold metal behind him. Unfortunately, the raven followed, pushing his front up against Naruto and trapping him between the pole and himself. He ran his tongue up from Naruto's collarbone to his neck. He latched his lips onto Naruto's neck, sucking harshly at the sensitive skin there. When he pulled away, he gave a satisfied smirk at the reddish-purple spot in the middle of his obsessions neck.

All it screamed was: perfect!

Sasuke trailed his mouth lower, leaving chaste kisses along Naruto's chest. He stopped just above his nipple, flicking a tongue against in, curiously.

The blond arched his back forward, pressing against Sasuke.

Sasuke swirled his tongue around the nub. He swelled with pride when Naruto gave a little hum in response.

So he liked it…

"You like that?" Sasuke chuckled, continuing the swirl his tongue around Naruto's nipple; although, giving in light nibbles every now and then. His other hand moved upward to pinch and tease at the other.

Pressing his lips together, the blond gave a single shake to his head. The answer came out as a muffled, "Mmho."

Sasuke found himself getting slightly angry. It was obvious that Naruto enjoyed it, so why did he deny?

A pale hand snaked down, running up and down Naruto's thigh; while, the other went back to its firm grip on Naruto's other leg, to make sure he didn't trash out like before. "I think you do."

Fingers curved inward, running along Naruto's inner thigh until he reached Naruto's flaccid penis; where he teased two fingers over the head.

This fight has torn us worlds apart.

This earned a deep inhale from the blond, who wanted nothing more than to shut his legs.

It was uncomfortable; disgusting. The feeling of Sasuke touching him down there made him want to throw up.

He wished he wasn't gagged right now, so he could scream at Sasuke; tell him how much he hated him and how much he was going to regret this later.

He was trying; trying so hard not to fall under his body's normal reaction to Sasuke's touches. It was proving harder than he thought, especially when Sasuke's fingers wrapped around him, stroking slowly.

Naruto pressed his lips tightly against his gag, refusing to make anymore noise than he already had.

"Neh, so stubborn," Sasuke commented, but amusement was dripping off every word.

Naruto tried his best to throw him a glare; which, was short lived as Sasuke's hand suddenly picked up pace.

And, fuck, he was getting hard.

Sasuke obviously took notice of this because his smirk twisted upward evilly (if it was even possible to look more evil than he already did) and leaned forward until his mouth was near Naruto's ear. His tongue traced the shell before and whispered, huskily: "You like that, you little slut?"

No. He didn't like it; he didn't like it at all.

Naruto cracked an eye open when all movement on his cock suddenly stopped.

He didn't even remember when he had closed his eyes. When did he…?

Sasuke's hands made their way back up Naruto's body, running over his shoulders and pushing his cut shirt down his arms until it reached the ends of his wrists.

"It was getting annoying," Sasuke said quietly, so unlike the husky voice he had been using with Naruto moments ago.

All Naruto could think was: 'Seriously?'

He was tied to a freakin' pole, gagged, and being molested by the person he hated most in the world and Sasuke was annoyed over a shirt?

God dammed!

Sasuke moved both hands behind Naruto's knee's and pulled him forward until he was in a half sitting, half laying position.

The blond was so aggravated with the Uchiha; he wished he could kick him again. But as Sasuke moved Naruto's broken leg, Naruto winced at the sudden sting that seemed to run through his leg and then through the rest of his body.

You think you're not to blame for this?

I'm feeling just the same – hopeless.

Meanwhile, Sasuke started to busily undo his own pants. His hands were shaking and his breathing had sped up. He felt odd; like something at the back of his mind was telling him just to stop there. He shrugged it off as he pulled down his pants and his boxers; just enough to release his aching cock; that was already dripping with precum.

He gave himself a few strokes before he turned his attention back to his obsession; who was staring up at him wide-eyed now.

He was scared, as he should be.

He reached into his pocket and took out the gold condom from earlier. With a throaty groan, he rolled the elastic over his erection. He then reached over for the small bottle of lube from the floor. He squirted a generous amount onto his hand and smeared it over the condom.

Sasuke decided he didn't need to prepare the blond. That was for him; not for Naruto.

Sasuke's hands returned to the back of Naruto's knee's, lifting and spreading them. He could feel them trembling in his hands. And Naruto mumbled something close to a, 'Please.'

But he couldn't listen – he wouldn't. He started this and now he had to finish it.

Lifting Naruto's non-broken leg over his shoulder, he set the other leg off to his side gently. With a tight grip on one leg, Sasuke slowly pushed himself forward. His erection probed at Naruto's entrance for a moment, almost as if he were pondering whether or not to continue.

The blond was pulling at his cuffs once more, whimpering; pleading.

Sasuke loved Naruto. That's why he had to do this. He wanted Naruto, all of him, to be his and only his – no one else's. He was the only one who could touch Naruto like this, the only one who could treat him like this, and the only one who could fuck him like this.

With more force behind his push, Sasuke urged himself forward once more. He let out a content breath as the head of his cock slipped into Naruto's intense heat. Even when the blond tensed and clenched his muscles down on the offending object, almost painfully, Sasuke forced himself into Naruto.

Not that it wasn't fun going centimeter by centimeter into the blond; but to make things easier for himself, Sasuke removed his hands from Naruto's legs and replaced them on the blond's hips. He gripped them tightly before he suddenly thrust himself the rest of the away into Naruto's ass.

Naruto cried out in response, all muscles in his body tensing; his eyes were pinched shut and his nose wrinkled in pain.

Sasuke pulled out, until only the tip of his cock was left in Naruto, and snapped his hips back forward. He groaned as that tight heat enfolded around his cock, once more. He repeated the process. And sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the small dark room.

The blond made a horrid wheezing noise every time Sasuke trusted into him. The tears were back, falling from tightly closed eyes. And he had not given up at pulling at his cuffs; his arms tense as they wriggled about, uselessly.

To anyone else, the scene might look pitiful and disgusting; but to Sasuke, the scene playing out before was more arousing than anything he had ever seen before. Seeing Naruto so hurt and vulnerable – he loved it. The anxiety from before was swept away as he watched the blond beneath him convulse in pain.

Sasuke's thrusts became more frantic, driving himself into the blond mercilessly. He reached a hand behind Naruto's head as he continued his rhythm and unstrapped the gag, pulling it out of Naruto's mouth and tossing it aside.

A trail of spit had followed the object on the way out and was now dripping from Naruto's chin, almost reaching his jaw line. His lips parted and a sob escaped his throat. But other than that, Sasuke received no other reaction from the blond, other than the same wheezed breathing from before.

With gritted teeth and one last thrust, Sasuke moaned as he came into his condom. He rode out the lasts of his orgasm before collapsing onto, an equally tired and panting, blond.

It took a moment for Sasuke to gather himself and redo his pants. He tied the end of his condom and threw it in a trash bin nearby. Since Sasuke had removed himself from Naruto, the blond had not moved. He just lay there, staring soullessly up at the ceiling above him.

Sasuke glanced back at the black duffle bag on the floor, sadly. He wondered if he should really do it – what he had planned in the end for him and Naruto. He knew it would fix all his problems; all of his and Naruto's problems would be a thing of the past and they could finally rest peacefully, together.

Sighing, Sasuke crouched down next to the broken blond on the floor. After a moment of hesitation, he reached around and unlocked the cuffs around Naruto's wrists. There were red ringlets all around his wrists, slightly bleeding, from all the struggling he had been doing.

Naruto sat up, slowly, wincing as he did so. He rubbed at his wrists for a while before he turned towards Sasuke, with an empty stare.

When Naruto suddenly lunged at him, Sasuke didn't have time to react. His back hit the floor as Naruto straddle his chest and wrapped two hands around Sasuke's pale neck. His arms were trapped under Naruto's knees, making in impossible for Sasuke to push him off. He gasped when Naruto's grip tighten until he could no longer suck any breath into his lungs.

"I hate you!" Naruto screamed. And Sasuke felt that weight on his chest once more. Heavy and painful.

The edges of his eyes were starting to blur; his head felt heavy; his body felt numb – immobile. The only pain he could feel was the grip around his neck and the burning in his chest.

Maybe, just maybe… this is what would make everyone else happy.

I finally finished something! And I think I died while doing so...

Review, please?