A/N: I have not forgotten about this story! I am so sorry for not updating for the longest time. After finishing AC III I've found new aspiration to continue this story and also new ideas...so heres a quick chap to get things back on track!

"Thank you!" She smiled at the assassin as she passes by him.

"Whoa it's dark in here." Rachel said stopping in her tracks she tried scanning the darkness for a light switch.

"Ezio, would you be so kin to light the candles and lanterns?" Ezio lets out a sounded grunt along with some shuffling noises.

The moment the room was lit Rachel placed Leonardo on the nearest seat which was an armchair.

"Where do you keep your washcloths Leonardo and salve for that matter?" Rachel asked studying the man's workshop room. It was just like what you saw in the game only you could smell the dead carcasses he had hidden in another room.

"Washclots?" he repeated the word puzzled.

"Yeah well any cloth will do I guess." She shrugged still scanning the area until something soft was shoved into her hands.

"'ere's a towel and salve you asked for, do you need anyting else?" Ezio questioned holding out a jar before her. Rachel looks at the item in her hands then at Leonardo before her. She never had an injury or wound where she actually needed to attend to herself. She had no idea where or how to start cleaning the man's wound which made her frustrated.

"Do I look like a nurse or a doctor to you? You fix him I can't." Rachel said shoving the towel back into Ezio's arms. Ezio glared at her while she took a seat on a stool close by. He muttered some Italian under his breath as he goes to address Leonardo's wounds. The two Italian's spoke in hush tones in their native tongue all the while casting Rachel a few glances. Rachel sits on the stool with her arms crossed watching the two conversant. 'I could be bathing in money right now if I had just made that wish first but no Rachel you had to wish to be stuck in a shitty time with no proper toilets.'

Rachel stood up and slowly walked to the closed window letting her fingers trail against anything that she past. She opens the window to see that it was down pouring rain. 'Great it looks like I won't be making any wishes tonight and Leonardo had only offered me a one night stand. Good gawd that didn't sound right.' Rachel closes the window then sullenly looks down at the ground.

"Rochelle." Leonardo had called out to her.

"Rachel." She grumbled out correcting him still looking at the ground.

"My apologies Rachel if you don mind me asking where are you from? Your accent differs from any English man I ever came across." Leonardo inquired curiously.

"Well for one that's because I'm not a man." Rachel replied looking up and smiling only for it to disappear when she caught the glare of a certain assassin. "And another I'm from a totally different country, continent." She whispered the last word out. She looked to Leonardo to see his blue eyes widen while also taking notice of a bruise forming under his right eye.

"What country is dis?" he inquired more not hearing her last word.

"A country you never heard of." Rachel replied walking around the room now surveying the paintings.

"That is not an answer donna, tell us where you are from." Ezio growled out now bandaging Leonardo's leg.

"Look Ezio, Leonardo, its best be unsaid and besides you guys still wouldn't have a clue if I told you (plus you probably think me insane)." Rachel shrugged sitting on the stool again.

"Stop dodging the question and give a forward answer." Ezio demanded while standing up hovering over Rachel.

"Dammit Ezio I told you it's better for it to be unknown. The less you know about me the better. All you need to know is that I am not your enemy." Rachel said standing back up also poking her finger into his chest. There was a glare-down between the two before her tummy let out a low growl. "Ah got anything good to eat." Rachel asked her face turning red.

"Yes there's some bread in the cucina help yourself." Leonardo answered giving her a soft smile.

"Do you have any cookies by chance I'm craving those." She asked stepping away from the assassin.

"What'sa cookie?" Leonardo asked puzzled.

"You're joking right? You don't know what a cookie is?" Rachel asked perplexed. Leonardo shook his head.

"Never mind then. Crisis just when I thought things couldn't get worse." She grumbled out as she head into the room in which she thought was the cucina/kitchen.

Ezio and Leonardo speak in Italian while she's in the kitchen.

"Please tell me she is not here to stay Leo"

"Don't worry my friend she is only staying for the night. She is a very interesting woman might I say."

"I don't think she's right in the head." Ezio said shaking his head. There was a short silence between the two before they heard a scream followed by thuds and squeaks. Ezio rushes into the kitchen.

"What in the world is going on in here" he asked worried seeing Rachel holding a broom upside down while standing on a chair.

"I think, I think I killed it but just to be on the safe side stab it with your blade." She huffed out pointing with the broom handle. Ezio looks down to see what looks to be a dead giant rat. He slightly kicked it with his boot the body rolls over limp sure enough it was dead.

"What did the poor thing ever do to you?" Ezio asked feeling a bit bad for the little rodent.

"It scared the shit out of me that's what! Can you like dispose of it please?" Rachel pokes it with the broom closer to Ezio. He bends over to pick up the rat but Rachel bashed his hand away with the broom.

"Not with your hands that's disgusting! It could have rabies or other grimy diseases."


10 minutes later with Rachel no longer hungry…

"So…Leonardo how ya feeling?" Rachel asked sitting on the stool across from Leo looking him over. Ezio did a good job fixing him up.

"A bit weary however I'll be fine, thank you." He replied with a tired smile.

"Do you need any assistants getting to your room Leonardo?" Ezio inquired offering a hand.

"No worries Ezio I can handle myself you should be getting some rest yourself." Leonardo assured getting up slowly from the chair.

"Alright Leonardo but I'll be back by morning to check on you, ciao my friend." He gave a nod to Leo and quick glance of mistrust to Rachel in which she gave him a quick wave in return before he turned to leave out the door.

"Oh that reminds me um where would I be sleeping tonight?" Rachel asked quietly while looking down.

"Follow me Rachel I'll show you to your room." Leonardo motion her to follow him up some stairs.

"Thanks." She smiled