Author's Note: Hey, this is my first fanfiction, hope you enjoy :) I made a lot of references from the TV show, so I think the story will make more sense if you have already watched every episode of the series. But most importantly, the beginning scene is copied from the episode "Match it Up", so it's highly recommended that you had watched this particular scene before reading on, so here's the youtube link: .com/watch?v=P6oq8-ssUNc Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, settings, etc, all belongs to Disney.

"Okay," Ty said in a teaching voice, "if you wanna grab the most money possible, you have to be focused, calm and relaxed."

Deuce nodded. "I'm ready coach."

CeCe and Rocky began hurling play money at Deuce, with Ty using a hairdryer, colourful strips of paper flying everywhere. Ty began hurling insults at him: "Amateur! Stuff some money in your shirt, little girl, you make me sick." Deuce desperately snatched up the play money, but with little success began crumpling and shoving it into his mouth. Ty turned off the hairdryer, and CeCe and Rocky stopped throwing.

Ty beamed, no longer in harsh coach mode. "So what'd you get?"

Deuce leaned on the table, panting. "About seventeen dollars and some really hurt feelings!"

"Feelings?" Ty seethed. "I'm trying to turn you into a ruthless money grabber and your talking to me, about feelings? I cannot coach a crybaby."

With that, he put down the hairdryer loudly and left the room.

"Deuce, Ty's right. You need to focus. Get rid of all distractions. Maybe you could break-up with Savannah", suggested Rocky.

"Why would I do that?" exclaimed Deuce, taken aback.

"Because, you've never broken-up with anyone, and now could be your one and only chance," continued Rocky, persuasively.

"And, I can help you through it with my new service. CeCe's Couples No More!" shouted Cece extravagantly, Rocky and her spreading their arms wide out in jazz hands.

Deuce looked unconvinced. "But Savanna and I are happy together."

CeCe's voice became more earnest now. "Trust me Deuce, she's not the right girl for you. But I know someone who would be perfect for you. Someone you already know. Someone who you have a lot of things in common with."

"Oh, I get it now." Deuce got very quiet.

"Oh good," CeCe said, relieved. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to spell it out for you."

"I can't believe it, CeCe." His eyes widened in realization, and he gazed up at her. "You totally dig me."

"I what?" She felt her voice rising.

"She what?" Rocky gaped at her guy friend. What is he thinking? she thought in her head.

"I WHAT!" CeCe exploded, shaken by the idea of ever liking Deuce romantically.

"Look, there's no easy way to say this but", Deuce replied, his voice soft and careful. He got out of his chair, facing the redhead. "It's just, I'm not into you that way. I mean we're friends but just friends."

"Oh no, no, Deuce, that's not what I -" CeCe desperately tried to make him understand, but she couldn't finish before he interupted.

"I'm sorry," he said, letting it down lightly. "That's the way it has to be. I'll see you later, amiga." He lightly punched her on the shoulder, flashing her a playful smile. "And FYI, that means 'friend.'"

Rocky awkardly scratched her neck. Oh man...what have we gotten ourselves into?

Dina walked in, looking fed up. "Wow, if you wanted him for yourself, you should've just said so."

CeCe sat at the entrance of the apartment, the stairs cold and hard. People milled around, kids speeding by on their skateboards and dog owners walking their pooches, and inconveniently, leaving the dog poop for someone to just step on. She saw the blonde, foreign twins - Gunther and Tinka - basking in the sunlight at a table by the bakery, the smell of freshly baked cookies filling the air.

She rested her head on her knees, thinking hard, which was unusual for her, but she couldn't leave it alone.

Why on earth would Deuce ever believe that she was into him? What's worse, CeCe didn't know why it bothered her so much. She recalled the memory of him confronting her.

" totally dig me," he had said.

"Oh no, no, Deuce, Deuce, that's not what I -" she flushed, fumbling with her words, but regained control of her blushing before anyone could notice.

Mostly, the situation just made her frustrated. This was just like Deuce, convincing himself that he was a ladies man, when really compared to Ty...well, he couldn't even compare. It was just like that time when Rocky went wild and rebellious after being accused of being a goody two shoes. They had had a conversation about the Complicator, one of the most misbehaving guys at school.

"That guy is such a loser," Rocky huffed, her eye twitching.

"I dunno," said CeCe. "I think he's kinda cute, in a bad boy sort of way."

Deuce had strolled in, overhearing the conversation. "Yeah, I get that a lot," he said smugly.

Dude, CeCe had thought to herself. I wasn't talking about you.

CeCe laughed to herself about the memory.

She had meant Dina when she said there was a girl out there who was perfect for Deuce. Yet now she pondered whether her and Deuce could ever be a compatible couple. She thought about the awesome headphones always clinging to his neck, the way he could carry out a sick beat with drumsticks. The image of Deuce smiling, his thick brows hovering over his kind eyes, flooded into her mind.

CeCe jerked her head up, yanking at her hair. What the hell was she getting at? That Deuce and her could be a couple? No. Never. Absolutely not...

She remembered again about how she had been confronted. She had been left feeling shocked, as if a terrible secret of hers had just been unleashed for the whole school to laugh at. But it wasn't true.

Deuce was just a friend. Just an amigo.

Something was nagging at CeCe, and it wouldn't go away.

Oh man...

Author's Note: Hope you likeyy :D Plzz review.