"And now we're back…from outer space! Just walked in here to find you with that look upon your face!"

Sorry, I just really love song LOL

Anyways, I'm here giving you the next installment of Cassidy Reeves' story! I've been really brainstorming Vertigo since the day I finished TFD and I've decided there's going to be 3 parts to this story. TFD, Vertigo and the 3rd which I have absolutely no name for at the moment :D

Well, I was looking back at TFD and seriously, my thoughts were, "Mother fucking shit! Did I seriously write that?"

My writing style has changed dramatically (in a good way I hope) and I promise this story will be better :DDDDDDD

Some seriously drastic things will happen in this story, so you've been warned.


Disclaimer: although I don't own The Lost Boys, I do own Cassidy and Holly and more original characters to come. Any references, characters, and plot sequences that come from The Lost Boys major motion picture all belong to Warner Brothers Pictures.


The waves were particularly calm as the blazing sun beat down on the waters of Santa Carla. The ocean tide slowly broke over the bottom of Hudson's Bluff, leaving crustaceans and seaweed to stick to the rocky lining. Seagulls cried above the blue abyss, lingering in the breeze above the puffy, white clouds; enjoying the warm summer's day. The bluff was deserted, as it was every day. People were usually lined up at the beach, tanning on soft beach towels or playing volleyball in the sand. Children would scream and splash in the cool waters as parents quickly applied thick, creamy sun block to their reddening skin. The smells of grease and cotton candy would linger around the edges of the beach, coaxing the hungry tourists to the increasingly overpopulated boardwalk. The rides were a cool way to get an artificial breeze in your face and the concession stands were a refreshing method to lower your body temperature if only just for a second.

The salty ocean air smothered the stray dogs that lingered around the alley ways, scavenging for scraps of food to satisfy their hunger. Fleas jumped back and forth between the matted pelts of the pack dogs and rotted, worn down fangs flashed at the sight of danger. Santa Carla was a harbor for all kinds of seemingly benevolent creatures whether it be dogs, birds, or humans. They all lived within a protective bubble, always under the impression that their little world would never be punctured. Despite the crime rate in Santa Carla, the naïve ones always thought themselves to be protected, safe, but the intelligent beings knew, they saw. They were quite aware of what shadows dwelled among the streets of their town and they were weary of it. These were the people that were never touched.

They knew how to avoid the vampires of Santa Carla.

The pack of vampires was a tightly knit family, if that's what you wanted to call them. They cared for each other, protected one another and never let any threat come close to touching a brother, sister or mate.

However, with the subject of mates, there had been some mistakes. David, the vampire underneath the head, had lost his. He met her while she was only a child and, being blinded by a strange overcoming, he was fooled into believing he loved that little girl.

But we all know vampires can never feel love. They lost their humanity and with that went human emotions.

David merely possessed a sick, foolish obsession with the girl. She represented something he could never have; mortality.

As she grew older, he stayed in the shadows, waiting for her to become the right age. When that day came, things didn't go as he expected.

They took a turn for the worse.

The girl, Cassidy, turned out to be more difficult that he had estimated and she resisted against him. Of course, what vampire likes rebellion? He was forced to abandon his obsession and weeks later, Cassidy left town.

Now, three years later, a few things had changed.

Holly had become a full vampire, much to her chagrin. Marko made sure she fed every night to ensure that she would become used to their way of life. Much like David, Marko was somewhat of a selfish creature; he would never let Holly leave. Not that she wanted to of course.

Paul had found a little bit of fun in a girl that worked down by the beach at a surf shop. She wasn't all that important to him, just a quick fling. Sometimes Paul liked to have a short relationship, sometimes he didn't. It all depended on what kind of mood he was in.

Dwayne had started distancing himself from the rest of the group. It was actually quite a recent thing, but the boys hadn't really minded. Dwayne did this every once in a while. He wasn't going to leave; that was completely out of the question. He always became more sullen than usual when June rolled around. No one ever really knew why. Once the month was over, he would be his old self again.

David, he was bitterer than he ever had been before. It seemed to get worse by the month. He was snappier, always irritated, and constantly questioning Max's lead. Three years ago, this would have never happened and everyone knew it. It's not that David missed having Cassidy around, David didn't miss anyone. It was the fact that he had simply let her slip through his fingers that honestly angered him. David was in control of everything, and Cassidy was the first thing that had ever gotten away.

When it came to her, he would never have control and he knew it.

Not that it mattered anyways; Cassidy was gone forever. She moved back to Georgia, leaving her father and brother behind.

She moved in with her grandparents, desperate to make a new life for herself away from Santa Carla. Cassidy put herself through college, taking the basic courses at first and then moving on to major in photography. Cassidy had found a new love for the art; it helped take her mind off things. When her father and brother came to visit the week she graduated they brought along an old friend; Sam Baker. If you happen to have trouble remembering the boy, then let's jog your memory a bit.

"A word of advice: look out for that Sam boy; he seems to like you a lot."

Remember that? Yes, I thought so.

Well, to cut things a little short, Cassidy and Sam formed a tighter, long distance relationship. That turned into best friends which, after a few months, turned into an intimate connection.

Cassidy had fallen back in love, but this time with a different man.

This wasn't to say that she never thought of David because she did. But she knew, like any other smart young woman that she would have to move on with her life.

David moved on as well. Although forgetting an obsession is quite a difficult task, he pulled it off and went back to his former lifestyle before he met Cassidy.

No one was to talk about Cassidy in David's presence, ever, but who would even need to? She was part of the past and vampires are masters at forgetting it.

The five vampires, on that steamy summer's day, were tucked safety away in a hidden cavern far below the cliff walls. They hung upside down by their feet, their hair dangling below their heads. Their arms were crossed over their chest and their sleeping forms actually seemed quite peaceful.

Dwayne and Paul were located towards the right side of the cavern, David was in the front (naturally protecting his family) and Marko and Holly were towards the back. Holly, like an infant, was embraced tightly in Marko's arms, her head buried beneath his jacket. She slept soundly, never stirring from her deep, death-like slumber. Holly had a special gift-she could read vibes. This supernatural ability also led her to have other strange tendencies, such as dreams.

And it just so happens, Holly was in the middle of one.


Her feet glided across the ground, collecting dirt and creating black soles. The rocks and glass shards littering the ground clung to her fiery orange skirt as it danced around her ankles, sometimes catching on the thin anklets dangling around her foot. She moved with a lithe, cat-like motion, her gestures fluid like a trickling stream. Her hair was thick, straight and wild; blowing in all sorts of directions as the wind gently caressed it. Her dark green and brown spotted eyes sparkled with mischief and animation as she watched the people flow past her, giving her strange looks. The shrill carnival music rang loudly in her ears, but she didn't mind.

This was her boardwalk and she loved it.

She ended up at the railings leading down to the beach. She supported her weight against the metal poles, gazing down at the waters longingly. Little crabs danced with the ocean, their claws catching on stray pieces of seaweed. Bonfires were lit in the sand, spotting the beach with light. She smiled, her teeth glinting off the pale moon.

She stood up straight when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She grew uneasy and shifted her weight from foot to foot. Someone was watching her.

Slowly turning back around, she lifted her gaze to the crowd. It was thick that night and she could see nothing of great importance.

Suddenly, the throng of people parted for a split second and there, hidden among them, was the source of her unease.

Blonde curls flowed to her shoulder, hanging in front of her right eye which burned ocean blue. High cheeks bones and a deep blush stained her face; pink lips were slightly parted, revealing hints of milky white teeth. A strange look swam in her eyes, a deep agitation. She had grown older from the last time Holly had seen her, much older.

They locked eyes and the blonde now looked triumphant.

Holly stepped forward, moving quickly towards the girl, but was stopped. The crowd massed together and the blonde was lost.

"Wait!" she cried, pushing her way through the people who grunted angrily in response.

When she reached the spot the girl had been only moments before, it was abandoned.

"What?" she whispered to herself.

She stood there a moment longer, shaking her head before backing away slowly, contemplating the thought that she had gone insane. Had she really seen who she thought it was?

She looked around warily before melting back into the crowds, blending in with the mortals. Here, surrounded by strangers, she was safe.

She walked quickly, silently, searching for Marko to take her home. She wanted to be alone with him tonight as she was entirely spooked.

She avoided eye contact, instead went as fast as she could through the masses. The breeze began to pick up, howling in her ears. She took a deep breath, walking quietly along when she noticed something horrifyingly familiar.

Dirty work boots.

She stopped walking and looked up with a wide eyed expression.

The blonde stood merely twenty feet away from her, stuck like glue in one position. Holly started forward again, trying to reach the girl when she gasped, stopping in her tracks.

Only ten feet away stood an exact replica of the blonde. In fact, they were even wearing the same clothing. They both stared at her with that agitated look, cocking their heads in confusion before turning around and disappearing into the crowds like a distant memroy.

"Stop!" Holly cried, running after them.

She pushed through people, knocking them over in the process. She screamed at the top of her lungs for the blonde to stop, but no one answered back.


She skidded to a halt, her feet scraping against the dusty ground as she heard her name being called. Her eyes widened and she spun around several times, trying to locate the voice.

"Where are you?" she yelled.

People kept giving her strange looks, and knocking shoulders with her.

Then, out of nowhere, four more of the blonde appeared. All of them were standing side by side, shaking their heads at her. Their blues eyes were disapproving and sad, their faces puckered with silent tears. One stepped forward, glaring at her angrily. Then, another stepped forward and another until eight more blondes had arrived out of nowhere, it seemed.

Holly looked around frantically as they multiplied by the second.

They became the crowd.

"Why are you here?" she whispered, eyes glistening with fear.

One blonde, only one, raised her hand to point at Holly, her face troubled with a mix of emotions.


Holly stepped forward, her feet moving nimbly on the ground.

"What is it?" she whispered, trying to touch the blonde's hand. Her eyes seemed like hollow graves, void of any previous emotion.

"You. You. You." They all started chanting.

Holly's face scrunched up in confusion.


"You." The single blonde whispered.

"You will tell them…"

"Tell them what?" she whispered, trying to take hold of the blonde's hand.

Suddenly, as if by some dark force, they all disappeared.

All expect one.

She stood looking at Holly, her eyes glazed over with a horrified look. She gazed around fearfully, on the lookout for something.

"What are you looking for?" Holly whispered.

"Tell them…" the blonde chanted again, this time her voice rising higher. She began backing away, her eyes clouded with grief and panic.

There was something wrong.

"What's going on? What are you afraid of?" Holly asked her.

The blonde shook her head, her movements becoming faster as she practically ran away. She pointed again, this time behind Holly.

"Tell them!"

Holly whipped around, desperate to find what was frightening the blonde so much.

She was wished hadn't'.

A cloaked figure towered over her, a distinct strawberry perfume radiating off it. Yellow eyes gleamed from behind the hood and Holly could hear low hisses and sharp teeth gnashing together. Thick pieces of long brown locks peaked out from behind the cloak and a ghastly, pale hand with old timey rings rose up and pointed at the blonde. Holly felt cold and empty inside as she gazed upon the figure. This thing, this creature instilled hollowness in everything it came in contact with.

It spoke with a scratchy snarl.

"Kill or be killed! Kill or be killed!"

The blonde ran at full speed away from the creature and Holly, crying out,


The scream echoed around the boardwalk, chilling Holly to the bone. The sound of fear, true fear, still made Holly sick, even if she was a vampire.

The figure started after the girl, gliding over the ground like a dragon. The cloth scraped against the ground, blowing dust clouds behind it that blocked Holly's vision.

"Wait!" she screamed, trying to run after them.

She heard the voice again, although quite faint this time.

"Tell them…."

"What? Tell them what?' she cried, racing around the dust blindly.

"Tell them…."

Holly's eyes watered from the dust and she coughed frantically. Looking around after the cloud had cleared, there was nothing to be seen. The crowd was gone, the sounds were silent and the moon was her only friend.

She stood alone, listening to the faint whisper that followed on the breeze.

"Tell them….I'm back."


Her eyes shot open, and she thought (if she had a beating heart) she would have died from the rapidly pumping adrenaline. Although she didn't need to breathe, she gasped, nearly to the point of hyperventilation. All she could see was Marko's white top and the linings of his jacket, but the dream still played behind her eyes.

She started to shake then and tightly grasped Marko's jacket as quiet whimpers began escaping her throat. She felt numb and started panicking as she began to lose her grip on the pole that she was hanging upside down on.

"Tell them!"

Those words screamed in her ears and she shook her head, trying to clear away the dream.

"Marko," she whispered, terrified.

His eyes remained closed. She shook his shoulders, crying out as she started slipping. She couldn't feel her legs, couldn't feel her waist; she couldn't feel anything.

"Marko!" she screamed, tears gliding down her face.

His eyes shot open, revealing bloodshot blue/green irises. Holly grasped his shirt as she finally fell off the pole, crying out loudly, waking the other boys. She fell heavily to the ground, a loud thump echoing across the small cavern. Dust kicked up around her and she pulled her knees to her chin, cradling herself. She could smell the annoyance radiating off the other boys from being woken up in the middle of the day.

"Holly!" she heard Marko call. The sound of boots hitting the ground followed after and Marko came into view.

His eyes were concerned as he knelt down beside her, taking her face in his hands.

"Holly. Holly, look at me," he coaxed.

Her eyes traveled up his face, her body shaking as she locked eyes with him. He looked tired, frustrated and concerned.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently, quickly inspected her arms, torso, and legs.

She nodded her head, her body still numb as she watched her brothers land on the ground after Marko.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

Paul rubbed his eyes, yawing, Dwayne scowled, an exhausted look painted on his face, yet David was as calm as ever. He watched her carefully, waiting for her to speak.

David knew that Holly had dreams, in fact, David knew everything about Holly. There was no chance in the world David would let someone come into his family without knowing their background first.

He watched her with cold, blue irises and a hard, difficult expression. She shivered under his gaze and buried her face in Marko's shoulder.

She could still see the dream just as clear as if she were asleep. Those haunting blue eyes, that terrified expression, the horror filled voice, all of it was screaming at her, urging her to tell them.

"What did you dream of, Holly?" David asked coolly, knowing very well that was the source of the young vampire's fear.

She looked up slowly, tears staining her cheeks. Her expression was confused. Even after three years of living with David, he still surprised her with his uncanny ability to know what was she was always thinking. She never felt her thoughts were entirely safe when she was around him.

"How did you-?

"It's not hard to guess," he replied, his eyes narrowing.

She shivered again, and stood up slowly on shaky legs. Marko's hand supported her waist, pulling her closer to him. Clearing her throat, she looked only at David who stared expectantly back.

"There was a creature in my dream. It was wearing a black cloak, so I...couldn't see its face. It was a vampire though, that much I could tell."

"Are you sure it wasn't just a nightmare?" Dwayne asked, raising an eyebrow.

Holly shook her head frantically. "No."

David waited impatiently, making an irritated noise in the back of his throat.

"It kept repeating 'Kill or be killed' and I just felt…cold. Then it left."

She lowered her head, avoiding any further eye contact with David while Marko gently rubbed her back with one hand.

She could feel David's gaze burning into her, but she refused to look his way. She didn't have any desire to explain the rest of her dream. After all, the rules were clear: there was no talking about her.

"What are you not telling me, Holly?" he questioned sternly.

All the boys stirred, irritation slowly building up in their eyes as they realized she wasn't telling them the whole dream. There were no secrets in the family, none. That was another rule Holly had to learn.

She looked up shyly, taking a deep breath before speaking.

David wasn't going to like what she had to say.

"I dreamt of her. She looked older this time, much older. She kept appearing in front of me and then disappearing. She…she was afraid of that thing, that figure. She was running from it, and I think she called your name," she said, nodding her head at David, "she kept screaming at me though."

The boys all looked back and forth between themselves, wondering what the hell Holly was talking about. David just stared.

"She kept screaming, 'Tell them. Tell them.'"

"Tell who?" Marko asked.

David continued to watch her, a frigid look in his blue irises.

Holy swallowed her fear and stood up straight. She wasn't going to back down this time. This was her time to control things, not David's, and she had everybody by strings.

"She wanted me to tell you," she replied, looking around at her brothers, her gaze lingering on David.

They waited silently, anxiously.

"Cassidy's back."


So what do you think? Holly is going to be an important character in this story, as will a new character (the cloaked figure) so keep those two in mind.

Leave a review please! I've missed my Cassidy Reeves readers!
