(So my general impression is that M'gann is an empath, since she could sense the Sphere's pain and flipped out both times she felt Superboy cry out without even being connected to him. Anyhoo, SB/R/M!cuddlepile.)

1. Robin's screams are guttural in nature. His face stretches grotesquely as he squirms in Superboy's arms. He's wiry and Superboy's scared that if he squeezes too hard he'll snap the Boy Wonder in half.


It's just M'gann, Superboy, and Robin. The others have chased after Scarecrow, seeking retribution for the fear toxin.

The only reason M'gann's here is because she can't escape the pain.

She's rooted to the spot, overcome with emotion being pushed onto her. The memories (those are memories, aren't they? So strong so bright) are never ending and sometimes she'll see a horror fantasy of Robin's darkest fears (please don't leave me, please don't leave me – Bruce !).

Superboy yells something at her. She doesn't realize she's crying.

She grabs Robin's face, pulling him into her arms, and she pushes into his mind.

It hurts more in his head and she swims until she reaches the edge of terror and jumps off (take a leap of - ) Here it's darker. But it's quiet, a sanctuary where the screams are whispers. She feels around in the dark until she finds happiness.

They're memories of colorful cloth, flying the air above smiles, sawdust covered knees, laughter echoing in a trailer. There are hugs and kisses and there's love enough to make a heart burst; and she takes as much as she can into her arms and flies back up into the cacophonic void.

She covers up lifeless bodies with sunflower fields passed by in the early summer, empty silence is replaced with a mother's soothing words to a feverish child.

The memories she finds are short and faded (but glowingglowing) but they repeat on never ending loops. There isn't much, but she manages to covers up the corners and sews up the seams until she creates a ball of love and home –

She opens her eyes and Robin's sitting demurely in her lap, face planted in the crook of her neck with her arms wrapped around him. Superboy has his arms around her, around them.

Everything's going to be fine.