Star Wars is owned by George Lucas. I make no money through writing this story.

This came to me while I was doing my Geography work, and it just seemed to work so I thought I'd post it here.

Obi Wan sighed as he sat in his meditate position, only half aware of 3-PO bustling around behind him, trying frantically to keep Padme stabilised.

Cheer up old man. Obi Wan's head jerked up. Standing before him glowing with an eerie blue light was his former padawan. Tears filled Obi Wan's eyes. So he had killed Anakin on Mustafar. And now his ghost was here to haunt him. I'm not dead Master, at least not yet.

Making sure 3-PO was still preoccupied Obi Wan crept out the small room and down the corridor before entering the cockpit. Anakin's ghost followed behind, his footsteps making no noise on the metal grating.

'What do you mean?' Obi Wan asked once he was seated. A part of him pointed out that he was talking to a figment of his imagination, but that part had died on Mustafar with Anakin.

In this time I'm alive. I survived Mustafar, though barely. I'm dead in the future you see and I decided to come back to comfort you. Your older self tried to talk me out of it but I decided I couldn't pass up on a chance to see you alive again. Or at least on civil terms.

'I don't understand, how can you be here?' Anakin chuckled.

I asked you the same thing. Master Yoda will explain it to you when he returns to Corusant, though I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him about me just yet. That would rather mess up the time lines. Qui-Gon Jinn is all I'll say on the matter.

'But, you're Vader now.'

Yes, sorry about that.

'Did I just hear the Great Hero With No Fear apologise?' Obi Wan mocked, deciding that if he was hallucinating he might as well enjoy it while it lasted.

Stop gloating old man.

'If you're from the future, doesn't that technically make you older than me?' Anakin frowned.

True, but I'll always be the younger, better looking one. Obi Wan snorted in disbelief at that. But I mean it, I'm sorry. But at least it won't last forever, only a couple of decades.

'Decades!' Obi Wan couldn't bear the thought of Anakin being a Sith for decades. It occurred to him he'd now started thinking of his hallucination as really Anakin.

Sadly so. But I'm brought back by my son Luke, with Leia's help of course.

'Padme's child.' Obi Wan breathed, awareness blossoming. Maybe this was Anakin.

Children actually, Leia's my daughter as well. I haven't got much time left so I'll make the last part quick. Padme dies Master, but the twins live. Leia is adopted by Bail Organa and grows up a right Princess. But you must take Luke to Tatooine to be brought up by Owen and Beru, with you as his silent guardian.

'Why would I do that? Why separate them?'

They are strong in the force. Together they would be like a beacon. Master Yoda will agree with me on this I assure you.

'But why Tatooine?'

Because it is the one place I swore to never go. Vader won't either. And I have it on good authority that Tatooine is never fully controlled by the Empire. Owen and Beru will care for him like their own; he will be brought up well.

Suddenly Anakin's ghostly form flickered.

Time's up, old man.

'Anakin I—' Anakin cut him off.

No time Master. Please tell the twins that their father loves them. The tears that had been threatening to fall the entire time leaked from Obi Wan's eyes. May the force be with you Obi Wan Kenobi.

Anakin vanished leaving Obi Wan alone. His silence was interrupted once again less than a minute later as 3-PO hurried in.

'Master Kenobi sir, we've just arrived at Corusant.' Obi Wan nodded and took up the helm. He'd made up his mind. He would follow Anakin's advice with his twins and he'd keep Anakin's existence a secret. It was the least he could do for his old friend.