Rainbow Dash knew that Cupcakes was nothing more than a session at Trixie's Warped Thoughts Factory.
She knew that Pinkie Pie wasn't actually a serial killer who horribly tortured, murdered, then baked her victims into cupcakes, helping Pinkie Pie make cupcakes did not involve becoming the Secret Ingredient, and her "death" at Psycho Pie's hands was just Trixie using her magic to give her the experience she had specifically asked for: a Warped Thought that was "Grimdark as Fuck".
She knew that the Taste Testing session right now didn't involve drugs, torture, Psycho Pie, and (thank the Cakes!) knives anywhere within the immediate vicinity—it was just Pinkie Pie, a plate of cupcakes, and her eating one to give an opinion.
"Rainbow Dash, is something wrong? You've been shaking and sweating for a REALLY long time now!"
Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh? Oh! Sorry about that, Pinkie Pie. So, I better get to taste testing this cupcake now, right?"
Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yup!"
Rainbow Dash picked up the pink-frosted confection. "Yep, all I gotta do is eat this thing and give you my opinion on it! Simple as that. I'm gonna do that right now!"
She gulped. No going back. Pinkie Pie was waiting expectantly. It was time to taste this cupcake.
She put her mouth near the cupcake. She took a bite. She chewed. She swallowed.
It was an... interesting flavor. "What'd you put in it?"
Pinkie Pie grinned. "Rainbow, Dash."
Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wide.
Mr. Cake examined the new Pegasus shaped hole in his wall. "So, how exactly did you cause this again?"
Pinkie pie shuffled around sheepishly. "I laced some cupcakes with liquid Rainbow. I knew they'd be spicy, but I didn't know they'd be THAT spicy!"