Thank you to everyone for reading! You're amazing! Kudos to my best friend, Alex for some inspiration for this chapter.
I don't own Star Wars, but I AM a jedi.
I don't own Glee, but I like to pretend I do.
I present to you the final chapter of Not Everyone Is Here…
Kurt Hummel: Came back to McKinley to a choir room full of toilet paper. Congratulations to us! *not amused*
Tina Cohen-Chang: Wrath of Sue Sylvester. Doesn't she ever get bored?
Quinn Fabray: Nope. Never. It's how she passes the time, and she always thrives to outdo herself.
Rachel Berry: Well, we're still national champions! And it's just toilet paper. Nothing petty like that can ruin my mood.
Finn Hudson: Plus, we'll make a party out of cleaning it up. We always have the most fun after we've been sabotaged.
Sam Evans: And Mr. Schue still owes us sparkling cider!
Blaine Anderson: I've got pizza.
Finn Hudson: YES. SCORE.
Noah 'MrStealYoGirl' Puckerman: I'll bring the vodka.
(Santana Lopez and Brittany S. Pierce like this.)
Rachel Berry: NO, Noah.
(Finn Hudson, Blaine Anderson, and Sam Evans like this.)
Noah 'MrStealYoGirl' Puckerman: Can't blame a guy for tryin…
Rachel Berry: I still can't believe Brittany S. Pierce brought her pet worm to school…
Brittany S. Pierce: Bartholomew was feeling lonely.
Rachel Berry: It was on a tiny leash… in a jar of dirt.
Sam Evans: It has a name?
Brittany S. Pierce: The leash is so he won't fly away when he turns into a butterfly.
Santana Lopez: Caterpillars do that, Britt. Not worms.
Brittany S. Pierce: Cats turn into butterflies? That must be where my cat went!
Santana Lopez: No, not kitties! Fuzzy worms. They're called caterpillars, and THEY turn into butterflies.
Brittany S. Pierce: Ohhh. Bartholomew is a liar.
Sam Evans: Star Wars marathon on Saturday! All day. All 6 episodes. Can't wait!
Blaine Anderson: I'm waking up early for it too! Greatest way to start off the last week of school.
Sam Evans: I know, right? I'll be doing nothing but watching TV for 15 hours. Nothing. And it's gonna be awesome.
Blaine Anderson: You should just come over to my place, dude.
Sam Evans: Game. But I'm staying in my PJ's all day.
Blaine Anderson: So am I, so it doesn't even matter.
Finn Hudson: GASP! Can I come too?
Blaine Anderson: Of course. Anyone else?
Mike Chang: I'll be there. What time?
Blaine Anderson: 8 AM. Tell momma Chang that she should make something tasty for us!
Mike Chang: Dumplings. Check!
(Finn Hudson likes this.)
Artie Abrams: You KNOW I'll be there, playa.
Noah 'MrStealYoGirl' Puckerman: Count Puckzilla in too.
Blaine Anderson: Sweet. This will be epic. Now I have to tell mom she should buy more food…
Kurt Hummel: Since all of our boyfriends are wasting the Saturday away on Star Wars, all the New Directions girls are welcome to a sleepover at my place.
(Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, and 8 others like this.)
Mercedes Jones: I'll be there early.
Rachel Berry: Can we watch Yentil?
Kurt Hummel: Only if we watch Victor Victoria too!
Mercedes Jones: And Dreamgirls…
Tina Cohen-Chang: And Rent! Count me in!
Quinn Fabray: I'll be there! I'm not picky about the movies, just as long as I have ice cream.
Santana Lopez: Count me and Britt in too!
Lauren Zizes: I'll bring ice cream & toppings. Holla.
(Quinn Fabray likes this.)
Kurt Hummel: Mom is making cupcakes, too.
Finn Hudson: NO FAIR! I want cupcakes too!
Kurt Hummel: Then ask her to make some for your own party!
Finn Hudson: I wonder if she'd do brownies too?
Kurt Hummel: Both? That's a lot.
Finn Hudson: House full of teenage boys watching Star Wars all day. You do the math.
Kurt Hummel: Point taken.
Quinn Fabray: I'm excited. I have no desire to eat anything healthy. This will be my cheat day for the month. We won nationals. That's my excuse.
(Kurt Hummel and Santana Lopez like this.)
Kurt Hummel: Trust me. There's nothing healthy about Mom's cupcakes.
(Quinn Fabray and Finn Hudson like this.)
Finn Hudson: It's Fridayyy! Last basketball game of the season!
(Mike Chang, Noah 'MrStealYoGirl' Puckerman, Artie Abrams, and 8 others like this.)
Rachel Berry: Good luck!
Santana Lopez: We'll all be there cheerin' for ya, Frankenteen!
Brittany S. Pierce: Duh. We're cheerleaders.
Kurt Hummel: Getting stuff ready for this weekend, then headed to the big game with Blaine Anderson. Can't wait to relax with my girls. =]
(Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, and Mercedes Jones like this.)
Rachel Berry: Should I bring my karaoke machine tomorrow?
Kurt Hummel: Let's just have a sing-free weekend full of musicals and junk food? We deserve a break.
Blaine Anderson: Kurt, after the game tonight we should have a dinner and movie night back at my place since we won't see each other all weekend.
(Kurt Hummel likes this.)
Kurt Hummel: Sounds great. =]
Santana Lopez: Freakyyyy. ;]
Blaine Anderson: As much as we love being your freaky boys, Santana, not everything about our relationship is based on sex, you know.
Kurt Hummel: BLAINE! Shhh!
Blaine Anderson: Come on, baby. They all know… plus, it's true. Our relationship means a lot more to us.
Kurt Hummel: I just wasn't planning on discussing it on Facebook!
Santana Lopez: It's fine, Kurt! Stop worrying. Besides, it's HOT. You're both hot. I bet you go at it like rabbits… you just won't admit it!
Blaine Anderson: There's nothing wrong with cuddling up together and just BEING together every once in a while. Just like tonight's agenda.
Santana Lopez: I know you two are all lovey-dovey and shit, but I bet that's not ALL on tonight's agenda. There's nothing wrong with gettin' a little freaky. ;]
Blaine Anderson: Santana. Really.
Kurt Hummel: Um… I'm pretty sure she's right, though.
(Blaine Anderson and Santana Lopez like this.)
Blaine Anderson: The game was freakin' awesome!
Rachel Berry: I'm so proud of you!
Kurt Hummel: This year has been amazing.
(Rachel Berry likes this.)
Blaine Anderson: That it has.
Kurt Hummel: Seriously. We win regionals, the football AND basketball teams won. We get to go to New York City. That would of done it for me, but then we win nationals, and we did it with everyone we love the most.
Blaine Anderson: And now we have our senior year to look forward to, and we get to do it all over again.
Kurt Hummel: And I'm actually excited to spend one more year here before we all go our separate ways to college.
Blaine Anderson: Oh really? Why the change of heart?
Kurt Hummel: Because everyone is here.
(Blaine Anderson, Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones, and 15 others like this.)
The End
Thanks to everyone who read, reviewed, alerted, and all that jazz. It means a lot!
Keep a look out for the sequel. I'll be starting it in a week or so.
It focuses on senior year and the summer after when everyone leaves for college.
Check out my other stories, and my Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr during my brief hiatus.
Thanks again, everyone.