Disclaimer: If I owned young Justice Robin would be with Superboy, Artemis wouldn't be such a bitch, and M'gann would be a lesbian. J Sadly I don't…
Dreams and thoughts: 'hello'
Speech: "Hello"
Possessed talk: "Hello"
Signs, Notes, Email & Texts, and other writing:~Hello~
WARNING: Contains SLASH and MPREG, so if that squicks you...don't read. You have been WARNED.
"Robin! Watch out!"
The Batman protégé turned sharply, eyes widening as a blast of magic came flying at him head on, Klarion smiling wickedly. Before the blast could hit him a familiar figure jumped in front of it, absorbing it easily. Robin grinned. Superboy.
"You okay?", the clone asked, looking over his shoulder at the smaller teen, body blocking him from the errant blasts.
He nodded. "Yeah. Thanks."
Aqualad darted by them, water maces slamming into errant blasts of magic. "Now is not the time for talking. We need to get to stop them!"
Turning their eyes to the center of the room both teens nodded, following the Atlantian's lead and jumping back into the fray, eyes on Klarion in the center of the room, using his magic ("No such thing!" "Shut up wally!") to keep them from interrupting Abra Kadabra and the impregnation ritual.
Robin remembered what Batman had told them earlier in the mission briefing.
"We have intel that says Abra Kadabra and Klarion are attempting to acquire another object of power. According to our sources they're attempting to bring a demonic entity known as the Sidhe.", Batman stated, clicking a button on the control panel and pulling up a holographic image of a monstrously beautiful creature with inky black eyes and skin like ivory.
"More 'magic'?", Kid Flash said with a groan. "Just great."
Gotham's dark night ignored him, choosing instead to continue briefing the team. "In order to bring it through to our world from it's own they'll need to impregnate a human host with the creature, the host carrying it to term and giving birth to the creature when it's essence has completely crossed over. Your mission is to stop them at all costs."
Drawn back to the present by the sound of explosions, he quickly dodged in and out of Klarion's blasts, checking on the other members of the team, tomes exploding left and right.
Miss Martian was telekinetically tossing Klarion's demon cat away from her, Kid Flash was zipping around the witch boy and drawing his fire, Aqualad was moving to help the speedster, Artemis was aiming for the villain, and Superboy was dodging the errant blasts of magic from the witch boy and his cat, getting closer each second.
The witch boy smirked, sending blast after blast at the teens. "You'll never stop us! We will bring Sidhe into this world! Destruction will rain!"
Flipping elegantly over a stack of large tomes Robin moved to join them, slamming into the witch boy from the back when he was distracted with Superboy. With a wild whoop he landed agilely to his feet, trademark grin on his face.
He smirked. "What were you saying?"
The villian growled up at him. "You may have stopped me, but you won't stop the ritual. Sidhe will rise, and you'll be begging for my mercy!"
"As I-"
"Robin." Aqualad put a hand on his shoulder, gesturing to the door where the others were already headed. "We need to finish the mission."
The boy wonder nodded, running after his team. "Oh. yeah. Right. Coming." He glared back at Klarion before following them into the other room.
Once they entered the room they found a scene out of an old horror movie: Abra Kadabra stood poised over a young woman on a stone dais in the center of the room, dagger held high in both hands, muttering strange fluid words that seemed to distort the very air around them. The woman was tied down, eyes closed in a semblance of sleep, but they highly doubted that was the case.
Kadabra looked up at their entrance, a smug grin on his face as the dagger in his hands began to glow a pulsing red, a small crystal at the top the source of the glow.
"You cannot stop it now! It's already too late!"
As he raised the dagger higher in preparation to strike the heroes jumped into action. Miss Martian telekinetically flinging him away from the dais while Kid Flash rushed to grab the dagger from him. Artemis rushed towards the dais only to be hit from behind with a blast of red energy.
Kid Flash turned to glance back at her, worry in his voice. (though he'd deny it later.) "Artemis!"
"You should have made sure I was down.", Klarion said smugly, waltzing in, his demon cat following him.
The distraction provided enough time for Kadabra to get back up, blasting Kid Flash backward and turning back to the dais. The speedster hit the wall behind Miss Martian who rushed toward Kadabra eyes narrowing.
"Robin, get the girl to safety! Superboy and I will cover you." Aqualad said quickly, drawing the hacker's attention from M'gann to the team leader and then the dais.
He nodded. "On it!"
Pulling out a batarang he rushed for the dais, Superboy and Aqualad following behind him, blocking the blasts of magic Klarion was sending his way. When he reached it he immediately began working on cutting the ropes of the woman's wrists, careful not to cut her in his haste.
The sound of the battle raging on behind him became louder and more violent, the sounds of his friends efforts making him work faster and faster, nicking the woman's wrists lightly once or twice.
"Rob, could you maybe hurry up?", Kid Flash-having jumped back into the fray at some point-asked, dodging a well aimed blast from Kadabra and slamming into the man.
Robin growled, glancing back at the speedster. "Dude! Don't rush me!"
Artemis moved beside him, jumping out of the way of another blast and shooting in the direction it had come from. "He has a point though. Could you hurry up?"
Robin gave an exasperated nod and finished her first wrist moving onto the second. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying."
He struggled with her wrist, blocking out the outside world as he focused on cutting her loose as fast as he could. As soon as she was cut loose she began to wake, groaning. Looking down at the ropes Robin noticed several small symbols painted on the inside.
'Those must have kept her unconscious.', he thought, turning back to her as she awoke, blinking wearily.
"W-Where am I? What's going on?"
He quickly helped her stand, motioning to the door. "No time. Run!"
Nodding she took of to the door, almost being stopped by Klarion only to be saved by Miss Martian, who telekinetically pushed him back and pushed the woman out, closing the door. Unfortunately for Robin, with his attention on the escaping woman he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and a sudden blow to the back had him falling to the ground.
"You little brat!"
Flipping onto his back he grimaced, eyes going wide. There stood Kadabra, dagger poised to strike, eyes burning with rage-until Kid Flash slammed into him, knocking him down on top of the lying Robin.
A spike of pain in the teens abdomen and the sound of something shattering and a blast of red energy ripped through the room throwing everyone but Robin and Kadabra against the walls. Bright red light filled the room and they were held firmly to the walls, bodies straining against an incredible force. It was what being buried in a collapsing building probably felt like. It seemed to go on forever, pushing harder and harder against them, an intense heat filling the air. Then it was gone and they fell gracelessly to the floor.
Almost immediately Robin's teammates were at his side, Superboy roughly shoving Kadabra of him. The dagger lay at an angle the tip pressed into his stomach, fragments of the crystal on top scattered over his stomach and chest. A small trail of blood was already beginning to drip from the wound, but all in all it wasn't the worst the boy wonder had endured.
"NO! NO NO NO!", they all turned to look at Klarion, who had gotten up and was staring enraged at Robins chest. "You broke the crystal! You ruined everything!"
Kadabra growled, standing up and turning to glare at the teen. "I ruined everything? You were supposed to keep them out! You ruined everything!"
Growling the witch boy stood, his cat moving to his side. "It doesn't matter anyway! I'm out of here!", and with that said he faded away, Kadabra giving one last glance at the teens.
"We will be back.", he said darkly, before doing the same.
"Sure you will.", Kid Flash snorted, attention back on his best friend. "Jesus rob, you okay man?"
The younger nodded, removing the knife. "Y-Yeah…it's just a nick. I've had worse."
"Still," Aqualad said quickly. "We should get you back to the mountain and get it checked out."
Nodding his agreement(Cause arguing wouldn't work. Even if he really was fine. It was only a little nick, for crying out loud!) he grudgingly allowed Superboy to carry him back to Miss M's ship, Artemis and Kid Flash snickering behind his back.
"He'll be fine.", Batman later informed them at the mountain, Robin following him out from the med-room, a smirk on his face. "He's had worse."
Robin smirked wider. "Told you so."
This earned him a glare from Kid Flash, a concerned frown from Superboy, and a soft sigh from Aqualad, who put a strong hand on his shoulder.
"Better safe than sorry.", the Atlantian said.
Batman gave a nod. "You made the right choice. Had the injury been serious and you'd chosen not to get it checked out it could have gotten much worse."
Robin gave a sigh and a nod. "I know, I know. But seriously. I'm fine."
Is Robin really fine? Well? Is he? Review and tell me what you think. Also, any votes on Demon-Robin powers? I require help.