A/N: Sorry this is chapter's so short! But I wanted to post something since I feel bad I haven't updated in a little while.

Disclaimer: Fullmetal Alchemist belongs to the genius that is Hiromu Arawkawa.

"Can you believe Maria and Denny are dating now?"

Riza glanced over at Rebecca. She had a wad of lettuce stuffed in her mouth, crumbs splattering over her plastic container. Her hand twitched a little as she looked down at her napkin.

"I mean, Denny's such a wuss! Maria could do so much better!"

Riza's hand inched towards the napkin, slowly pinching it between two fingers. She eyed Rebecca's mouth.

"And it's not like Maria has trouble getting guys, either. I mean that kid from that gang always stares at her funny – oh, what was his dumb gang name? Envy? Well, either way – mhmph!"

Rebecca's eyes widened. Riza had stuffed the napkin in her mouth in one swift motion. Rebecca quickly turned her head to Riza, her eyes full of confusion and anger. Riza merely sat still, sipping her water as if nothing had happened. Rebecca growled in her throat and swallowed hard, wincing, and then spit out the napkin.

"Riza! What the hell! I was gossiping!"

Riza shrugged and glanced at her. "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's impolite to talk with food in your mouth?"

Rebecca scowled. "My mother didn't teach me shit."

"I always like hearing Rebecca's stories," Ling said, smiling. "They're fun to listen to."

"They're not stories," Lan Fan said matter-of-factly. "It's gossip."

"… Oh…" Ling said, as if he understood. Lan Fan shook her head. He didn't understand.

Rebecca sighed dramatically. "There's no good gossip at this school, anyways. Everyone here is totally boring."

"I think it's a good thing our school has a good reputation," Winry said, satisfied.

"Says the class president," Rebecca muttered, sipping her iced coffee. Riza had to wonder where she obtained all of these.

"Well, what about that gang?" Riza pointed out.

Rebecca scoffed. "Those seven deadly losers are just that – losers. The fact that they're pathetic is no gossip to me."

"Is that so? Well," Riza glanced at Rebecca casually, "I heard that Jean started dating one of them. The one called Lust."

Everyone's eyes fell on Rebecca. Her iced coffee had fallen from her hand and had crashed onto the floor, spilling everywhere. Riza counted in her head.

One… two… three…

Rebecca stood up, making a lot of noise as she pushed away her chair aggressively. She slammed each one of her heels into the cement ground as she stormed over to Havoc, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. The remaining four watched in slight amusement, but only for a moment. This was a sight they were more than used to.

"You know, Riza," Winry started, ignoring Rebecca's shrieks from across the room, "I was thinking about getting my ears pierced."

Riza blinked, taken back. "Really? What made you decide this?"

Winry smiled shyly. "Actually, I just liked the way they looked on you, so…"

Riza's mouth opened a little in awe before twisting into a smile, laughing under her breath. "It's actually funny that you say that."

Winry blinked. "Why's that?"

"Because I was actually thinking about growing my hair out," Riza admitted, smiling, "because of how much I liked the way your hair looked."

Winry's face lit up, but before she could respond, a voice broke in.

"Whoa, whoa, wait. My best friend is growing out her hair?"

Riza sighed. She didn't need to look back. "I thought you were talking with Jean."

"Don't say his name," Rebecca hissed.

"You mean you didn't patch things up?" Ling asked, tilting his head.

"No!" Rebecca growled. "He said he wanted to move on. Can you believe him?"

"Well, you did break up with him," Riza said, unfazed.

Rebecca whined. "Riza! Feel bad for me! I was planning on going to homecoming with him!"

Riza paused. She had completely forgotten about homecoming.

"Oh! A dance!" Ling beamed, looking at Lan Fan. "We should go together."

Lan Fan smiled. "Sure."

Rebecca groaned in disgust at them and pointed. "Riza, look! Even the Xingese kids have dates! I'm going to be such a loser!"

Riza shrugged. "I wasn't even planning on going, in all honesty."

Rebecca stared at her if she was crazy. "Not going? Riza! You can't be serious!"

"I don't have a date, anyways," Riza muttered, picking at her food.

Rebecca crossed her arms. "I'll find dates. For both of us." She glanced at Winry. "And who are you going with, Miss President?"

Winry blinked. "Well, I wasn't really planning on going with anybody. I'm more going to overlook the events." She smiled. "But if a boy were to ask me, I wouldn't mind going with a date."

Rebecca sighed sadly. "My life is so hard."

"It's tragic," Riza said, rolling her eyes.

"Well," Rebecca huffed, scanning the cafeteria. Riza thought she looked a bit like a lion stalking its prey. "Which one of these lucky loser guys is going to make Jean totally jealous at homecoming?"

"So I asked Gracia to homecoming," Hughes announced, grinning. "I was pretty nervous. But I did it!"

Roy looked at him, unfazed. "Nervous? What are you talking about? You're dating her!"

"I know! That's why I wanted to ask her!"

Roy's eye twitched. He resisted the urge to slam his fist into Hughes's face.

"So, any idea on who you might wanna take?" Hughes asked, glancing at him.

"I haven't given it much thought," Roy muttered, staring at his food. "I wonder who Riza's going with."

"Riza's never gone to homecoming before," Hughes said, shrugging. "So I don't see why she would this year."

"Yeah, because she's too much of a loser to get a date," Roy sighed, leaning back in his chair.

Hughes gave him a small smile. "You should ask her."

Roy closed his eyes. "Very funny, Hughes."

"I'm being serious."

Roy sighed, annoyed, and sat up straight. "Riza Hawkeye hates me. I'm the last person she'd want to go to homecoming with." He looked over to see Hughes smiling slyly at him, and then he cleared his throat, adding quickly, "And she'd be the last person I'd want to go with too, of course."

Hughes chuckled. "Just a thought. I mean, maybe you two aren't close now, but… you used to be. Going with each other might be nicer than going with just anybody."

Roy blew some of his bangs out of his face, glancing away. "… Maybe I'll ask Vanessa."

Hughes sighed and shook his head. "I think you'd have a good time with Riza."

"I told you, Hughes. She hates me."

Hughes glanced at him. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah," Roy muttered. "I did something pretty terrible to her, after all."

Hughes stayed quiet for a while. "… Do you really hate Riza, Roy?"

Roy was staring down at his untouched food. He sighed and pushed away his tray. "I should probably go and find Vanessa."

"Find her later," Hughes said, waving it off. He glanced over at Roy, who was staring at Riza across the cafeteria.

"I wonder what Riza does while everyone else is at homecoming…" Roy said absentmindedly after a few moments, leaning his cheek against the palm of his hand.

"Probably nothing," Hughes said. "She probably just sits around and reads… or something."

Roy scoffed quietly. "… That sounds pretty sucky."

Hughes closed his eyes. "I bet she gets pretty lonely."

Roy leaned forward, glancing down at his food again, unfazed. His eyes were full of confliction. Hughes watched, interested.

"… I should throw away all of this," Roy finally said, standing up. "Lunch is almost over."

Hughes watched him, crossing his arms. "… Yeah, alright… Can you get my things, too?"

Roy sighed and scraped up his food. "You're such a pain."

Hughes offered a smile. "As friends should be."

Roy rolled his eyes and headed off towards the trash can. Hughes leaned back in his chair and watched in amusement, a smile slowly growing on his face as he watched Roy walk past the nearest barrel and towards the one on the other side of the cafeteria, slowing down as he tossed everything away, looking casually towards Riza as he did so.

Hughes laughed to himself. Roy was so obvious.

A/N: Hopefully I won't take so long to make another update, considering I'm in vacation right now! Anyways, I hope you're enjoying :)